Upcoming TI-86 Games
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Cheat in Lotus
I'm almost finished with a small program that will allow you to reach any level in Lotus Turbo Challenge. This will also be useful for people who don't use a shell with writeback (unless you like playing the Forest Course every single time....). The cheat code was simple-now I'm just creating the tiny GUI.
18 August 2003, 14:49 GMT
Re: Upcoming Operation Neptune Clone
I'm writing a clone of Operation Neptune in assembly. For those of you who don't know, Operation Neptune is a PC game where you guide a submarine through underwater caverns picking up pieces of a spacecraft that crashed in the ocean. It's a great game, except for the fact that it's supposed to be educational *sticks finger down throat*. I'm leaving out the math in the calculator version. Anyways, I've finished the title screen and ripped all the graphics for the first level, so it will probably be ready in a few months-slower than usual, but school started, so I can't spend all day in front of a computer writing code *sigh* :-/.
26 August 2003, 02:53 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Brady R. Mayes
I'm working on a modern-style battle RPG called "Robot War". Here, the player travels across the U.S. battling robots for EXP, GOLD and ALLOY. Between battles, the gamer can use a "Robot Builder" to allocate HP, EP, ATK, DFN, TYPE, CLASS, etc for new robots. The more ALLOY you've got, the more stats you can allocate each time.
The basic aim is for the gamer to use his imagination and experience to build an unbeatable team of battle bots; learning the best stat combinations, while dismantling and re-thinking designs that underperform.
The game is for TI-82, but I'm told that some TI-86 shells have emulators built-in, so I'm marketing it for both systems.
1 November 2003, 01:17 GMT
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