Yes, but it was a mistake.
No, I don't touch things that aren't mine.
No, I don't know anything about calculators.
Yes, I love breaking things, especially if they aren't mine.
Re: Have you ever messed up someone elses calculator?
Hey Anybody who knows anything about programming.
help me learn how to make viruses and fake viruses.
u see i am a begginer and know hardly anything about the commands.
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7 April 2006, 18:27 GMT
Re: Have you ever messed up someone elses calculator?
(Web Page)
I've broken my friends calculator, my calculators, school calculators, etc. on purpose, but most times they were fixable (except for a couple school calcs...)
I enjoy hacking and I've made a few viruses for different calcs.
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12 June 2002, 19:44 GMT
Fun with a calc (mwahahahahaha)
(Web Page)
Here are some 'mucking up' stuff for a TI-83+
(They do nothing harmful at all).
Not quite a virus, still, this is great fun:
:Lbl A
:Input "",Str0
:Goto A
If you send this to their calc (telling them that it is a 'cool' game) then run it, they (could) be befuddled: nothing does anything! (No Y= editor, sums don't work...). To get out of it, press 'ON' or 2nd+QUIT.
This one is slightly cooler:
Run this with Asm(prgmREALCOOL
It shifts the screen up about half-way (turn calc off then on again to clear).
Or, quite simply, snatch their calc, turn on to home screen, turn contrast to zero, and ask them why their calc doesn't turn on. This will scare them!
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13 June 2002, 13:10 GMT
For stupid people...
(Web Page)
This is a very useful program to annoy those 'give me a game' people:
(Note: write it on your calculator with lowercase text, then send it to their calc...)
:Menu("Garbage Collect?","No",X,"Yes",X)
:Lbl X
:Lbl LP
:Goto LP
Send it to their calculator and say that it is a really good version of Doom/Super Mario/Any other game for the calculator.
Get them to run it...
Up comes the GarbageCollect message- tell them that the program uses the archive quite extensively, and that it is a good idea to Garbage Collect first. They will nod their heads, say 'Oh yes' or something similar and start 'Garbage Collecting'.
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16 June 2002, 16:50 GMT
Re: Re: Fun with OmniCalc
you are probably on an 83+ rather than SE, and one ram version had a bug where some programs, run in an infinite loop calling themselves, prgmV and prgmU worked well, would not display memory error after 400 or so loops, but instead garble up the screen, load an app, or do any number of weird things. I think I will code a program like:
ld h,r ;random
HALT ;random delay time, untill next interrupt
ld l,r ;random again
jp hl ;random jump
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15 June 2002, 02:11 GMT
Re: "Viruses"
You could make a program in TIGCC that would trap the link interrupt, send itself, and then send the file. The hard part would be having the virus invisibly run itself on the remote calc. You could send keystrokes, but the user would then know something was wrong. They could reset the calculator, but they would lose their data. In any case, the virus (more accurately a worm) would hopefully be intelligent enough to allocate memory, copy itself into the allocated memory, jump to its dymanic code (i.e. the code in allocated memory), and then delete the VAT symbol of the executable.
The dynamic code would likely have an event loop (see the TIGCC help for events.h for more detailS) that would give the outward appearances of the TIOS, and indeed be essentially the same, but with a twist so that certain events would be trapped and possibly modified. Examples of such events would be:
Sending a variable in VAR-LINK
Resetting the calculator (modify the interrupt vector at 0x0 to point to the virus instead of TIOS)
Unlinking memory blocks (the virus would prevent it's own demise)
Other miscellaneous events and processor interrupts that the virus might want to affect.
All this could easily amount to breaking the 8k limit, but that could be easily curcumvented.
Anyone up for a good round of coding?
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13 July 2002, 06:25 GMT
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