Re: Do you think calculators with computer algebra systems should be allowed on standardized tests?
Grant Elliott
(Web Page)
It depends on what test it is. On something like the SAT or (laugh) FCAT, you don't need any fancy calculator, because the test isn't too hard. Besides, these tests (supposedly) test exactly what the calc would be doing for you.
However, on a difficult math exam, where even a TI-89 wouldn't give you the answers easily, the calculator simply saves you time. In short, if you're taking a really hard test, you obviously know how to do the easy stuff, so why waste your time?
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28 February 2000, 01:10 GMT
tests suck :)
what about the equation solver? with that and other programs on some graphing calculators, you can pass the standartized test without even thinking.......
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28 February 2000, 01:36 GMT
Re: Do you think calculators with computer algebra systems should be allowed on standardized tests?
Justin Krebs
First off, please stop using the 89 as a target. My math teacher already thinks I'm the devil because I have one. Second, most SAT's have a calculator AND a non-calculator section. Third, doing math by hand is fine, and a calc is a great way to check your work. Sometimes its use is unavoidable (try to solve 261,042x^3-412x+22x^21=3, that was one of my test problems)
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28 February 2000, 01:46 GMT
Re: Re: Do you think calculators with computer algebra systems should be allowed on standardized tests?
Andy Selle
(Web Page)
I think calculators have a lot of beneficial uses, but I do believe you should have an understanding of how the calculators work before making use of them as your exclusive computational tool. Many cases, people use their calculators when they don't realize what is going on. My favorite examples are these: I've heard many people ask, "How do I find the log of something not base 10 or e on my calculator?" The answer is simple, you use the base conversion formula (something your calculator doesn't tell you). Or, "How do I find the nth root on my 89/92?" Once again, knowing a little math helps x^(1/n).
Second of all. You say it is necessary to use the computer for some things. I would agree, but I wouldn't agree that it is necessary for much of the math the average (or above average) student takes. For example, your problem could be solved a number of ways without calculators. You could use linear algebra or newton's method. In any case, the subject was calculators with a CAS... You certainly don't need an 89 or 92 to solve this.
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28 February 2000, 02:18 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you think calculators with computer algebra systems should be allowed on standardized tests?
(Web Page)
Yes I am getting an A+ in Algebra II, but I am not sure of the exact number.
I am also getting at least a 100 in Geometry (or possibly a 101 - extra credit).
And in Algebra II I am not allowed to use my 89 on tests or quizes - it is actually a department policy that 89s can only be used in AP Calc, because the head of the math department got an 89 for christmas and knows about its features, but in Geometry I can use it anyway - even now that we are doing things like rationalizing denominators and simplifying radicals as part of some problems (pygathoran [sp] Therom), but I don't use it (only while we are doing algebra stuff) because I don't want to feel like I cheated (I would if I was allowed to in Algebra II though)
And yes, I really am taking two math courses, and those are accurate grades.
One more unbeliveable fact (for most people that I have met) is that there is not a single TV set in my house, and I don't have any TV tuner cards in my computer. And, there are two new-ish (past year/2years) computers in my house and an old 386 that doesn't work (not unbelievable, just that compared to no TV)
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29 February 2000, 00:44 GMT
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