Re: Do you think calculators with computer algebra systems should be allowed on standardized tests?
(Web Page)
The Evolution of Math Teaching
A peasant sells a bag of potatoes for $10. His costs amount to 4/5 of his selling price. What is his profit?
A farmer sells a bag of potatoes for $10. His costs amount to 4/5 of his selling price, that is, $8. What is his profit?
1970s (new math):
A farmer exchanges a set P of potatoes with set M of money. The cardinality of the set M is equal to 10, and each element
of M is worth $1. Draw ten big dots representing the elements of M. The set C of production costs is composed of two big
dots less than the set M. Represent C as a subset of M and give the answer to the question: What is the cardinality of the
set of profits?
A farmer sells a bag of potatoes for $10. His production costs are $8, and his profit is $2. Underline the word "potatoes"
and discuss with your classmates.
A farmer sells a bag of potatoes for $10. His or her production costs are 0.80 of his or her revenue. On your calculator,
graph revenue vs. costs. Run the POTATO program to determine the profit. Discuss the result with students in your group.
Write a brief essay that analyzes this example in the real world of economics.
(Anon: adapted from The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 101, No. 5, May 1994 (Reprinted by STan Kelly-Bootle in Unix Review, Oct 94)
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27 February 2000, 23:36 GMT
Re: Do you think calculators with computer algebra systems should be allowed on standardized tests?
Adam Berlinsky-Schine
(Web Page)
This is an awfully broad and awkward question - if the standardized test was a completion of Algebra 1 exam or something, then such a calculator shouldn't be allowed. But for a Calculus exam or the like, it's implied that the test taker has algebra skills, so such a calculator would be okay.
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27 February 2000, 23:47 GMT
Re: Do you think calculators with computer algebra systems should be allowed on standardized tests?
It's not good to rely so much on CAS calculators. If for some reason you are unable
to use it due do external reasons, you are pretty much screwed. It's better to be
completely familiar with the subject rather than blindly trusting the calculator.
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27 February 2000, 23:59 GMT
Re: Do you think calculators with computer algebra systems should be allowed on standardized tests?
Kaleb Ruof
(Web Page)
Calculators with CAS capabilities should be allowed and used in class, because it enables the students to get through more material in a one semester math course, without haveing to tediously do the basics over and over. But as for standardized testing, they are used to make sure you know the basics before going on to higher education, and if you use a calculator that does that for you, it kinda defeats the purpose.
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28 February 2000, 00:27 GMT
Re: Do you think calculators with computer algebra systems should be allowed on standardized tests?
Well, in the first place, standardized tests should give you real-world problems (like the lovely word problems we all love :^). Assuming that, you have to know how math "works" to be able to know what function of math to utilize, thereby assuaging the question of utilizing CAS on standardized tests.
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28 February 2000, 00:41 GMT
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