Back on Telia
Posted by Magnus on 30 May 2002, 10:47 GMT
In preparations for the possible (probable?) death of KPNQwest, has been temporarily moved back to the old Telia connection. This will once again cauase short downtimes as DNS servers refresh, and it will cause the speed to go back to what it was before. This is a temporary solution. Final solution will be made sometime after we know for sure what will happen to KPNQwest. Update (Magnus): KPNQwest has now died. The future of their network and customer contracts are still unknown.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Back on Telia
(Web Page)
1st post of the day!!! (i think)
135th post!!!
3 June 2002, 02:41 GMT
Re: Back on Telia
(Web Page)
Two things to say:
1. SolidWorks is fooking awesome.
2. It throws an Illegal Instruction exception when I quit it.
3 June 2002, 09:19 GMT
Re: Back on Telia
Barrett Anderson
(Web Page)
i have this urge to try and make a difference in the community... as many of you have noticed, there has been an explosion of, MOSTLY crap programs and games... i'm not saying the people who submit these are evil or anything, it's just that they submit files that are either useless or already in the archives (maybe with a different title or something)... so what am i suggesting? BRING BACK PROGRAM OF THE MONTH (click link for article on suspending it... i don't know why on earth they took it off) i don't think i was part of the community when they had it, but it seems like a great thing... people will try and make quality programs instead of 200 programs to maybe get their program/game nominated... there are a lot of fantastic programs out there that just don't get recognition for their work... it either gets overlooked or people don't have time to tell everyone else about it. is there anything i can do to get potm back? petition maybe? 250 signatures good enough?
4 June 2002, 02:42 GMT
Stupid Little Annoyances
(Web Page)
Another person has been added to my 'annoyances' list: files/authors/54/5424.html
4 June 2002, 14:48 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Stupid Little Annoyances
(Web Page)
There is any easy enough solution to the ebook thing, I've learned a little C, and with the TIGCC compiler, I can just make programs that are like ebooks, but with special features, i.e. transition effects, backgrounds, etc. I was 2nd in busiest, and ebooks are hard enough to make as it is, and should count. Now I'm 7th and totally p***ed off, but will deal with it. Kudos to all programmers who can make something without using f***ing RIGview or other pic converters, unless you use them wisely, like in Super Saiya-jin Rage (totally sweeet game, but lacking in gameplay), which uses Levi Lansing's Animation Studio 86. Enough of my ranting, I have work to do ;)
6 June 2002, 00:37 GMT
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