Back on Telia
Posted by Magnus on 30 May 2002, 10:47 GMT
In preparations for the possible (probable?) death of KPNQwest, has been temporarily moved back to the old Telia connection. This will once again cauase short downtimes as DNS servers refresh, and it will cause the speed to go back to what it was before. This is a temporary solution. Final solution will be made sometime after we know for sure what will happen to KPNQwest. Update (Magnus): KPNQwest has now died. The future of their network and customer contracts are still unknown.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Back on Telia
(Web Page)
Anybody want some updohg?
30 May 2002, 21:27 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Back on Telia
(Web Page)
Have you ever looked at a box of Arm & Hammer kitty litter closely? There's a statement on the lid that says the product is safe to use around pets. Gee, I would hope so.
OK, I was on an airplane. The stewardess thought it would be nice to bring me a pack of peanuts. On the label it said "WARNING: Contains peanuts"
Safety warning on a microwave meal: "WARNING: Product will be hot after heating"
I received a shipment of MOOG Auto Parts. Inside the box was an ad that read: MOOG, Quality People Doing Quilty Work. And what exactly is "quilty work"?
I bought a new toilet seat and a warning on the box actually said "DO NOT USE SEAT AS A FRISBEE." You know someone had to try that or the warning would never have been there. I can hear the conversation now. "Hey honey, I can't find the Frisbee." "Well, we'll just use the toilet seat." I mean who on earth would do something that dumb?
In a urinal in a men's bathroom, there is a piece of plastic with holes in it that prevent the urinal cake (cake? I ain't eating none of that, Happy Birthday or not!) from going down the drain. On it, it says in big red letters: "SAY NO TO DRUGS!!!!!" I guess that because I saw this, I am supposed to stop taking my Prozac?
I was looking at the supply room in a fast food restaurant On the top of one box was a warning that read "FRAGILE". On the side of the box was listed the contents. It read "Indestructible plastic forks." My guess is that the man that designed this box is in Washington running for re-election.
31 May 2002, 06:32 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Back on Telia
(Web Page)
I got out a bottle of bathroom cleaner. I was reading the usual warnings when I came across something very odd. It said, "If you cannot read these warnings, please have someone read them to you." Umm, by the way, if you can't read what I just wrote, please get someone to read it to you and then get a life...
The directions for the "Little Tikes Go Anywhere Human Powered Thingie" read "Not to be used on stairs, pools, or highways."
I tried to use one of those little handi-wet-napkins. They have "Instructions for use" on the back of them. 1. Tear open the package. 2. Unfold napkin. 3. USE. Gee, that was helpful.
I was driving along and I decided to read the small print on the fold up car window shade -- "Do not drive with shade in place."
Conair's hair dryers carry the following warning: "Warn children of death by electrocution!" Wow, those must really be some bad kids.
I decided to fix the air conditioner. In the instruction booklet it said, "Do Not Drop Out Of Window!".
My girlfriend once bought a package of eye-makup remover pads. The instructions called upon one to "use one pad for each eye" to remove makeup. On the front of the package was the following information: contents 65 pads. I know that if she has 2 eyes and 65 pads, that one day, she is gonna go around looking awful silly with makeup on only one eye.
31 May 2002, 06:32 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Back on Telia
(Web Page)
I read the warning label on a cigarette lighter: 1) Do not light near face 2) Do not use near heat or flame 3) Be sure to extinguish flame before putting away.
On 'Hot Pockets' Microwaveable thingies: Warning: filling will be hot.
Panty hose (the ones that used to come in the little egg) used to have a label that said, in English, Japanese, and Korean, "Do not eat panty hose."
On a jelly jar scents home fragrance purchased at Bath and Body Works, the label reads "DO NOT EAT! For home fragrance only." You know some stupid person tried to spread it on some toast or the label would not be there.
My friend bought a birthday badge for his 2 year old nephew. Upon paying for it, he examined it only to find the words "Not suitable for children under 36 months". The badge said "I am 2" ...
On a can of clog remover (e.g., Drano) it said, "Do not use as drinking bottle when empty."
One time my same friend bought his nephews a hockey goal. These kids love to run around chasing the ball, but then they kick it and have to chase it again. This makes no sense. But, I digress. While friend was assembling the goal I found a sticker that read "Warning: Please tell and remind participants not to run into the goal!" I mean duh! Who would run into a hockey goal just to be doing it?
31 May 2002, 06:33 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Back on Telia
(Web Page)
I sent off for a Magician Set. On the side of the box was a boy dressed up as a magician, and it said, "Little boy not included". Come on!! What a rip...
The label on the cape for the "Superman" costume said - WARNING: THIS CAPE WILL NOT MAKE YOU FLY.
I finally figured out this computer stuff when I downloaded a file that said: You need to download WinZip to extract this file. So I did, and guess what it said when I opened WinZip. You need WinZip to extract this file.
OK, so how about the Windex bottles that say "Do not spray in eyes"? I can just see some poor soul in a hurry to clean out their contact lenses ...
On a bottle of booze it actually said, Caution: May Cause Intoxication. And then there is the government warning labels on alcoholic beverages. It says, "Government Warning - Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages impairs your ability to drive a motor vehicle." I guess I should start reading before I drink.
I read the label on the firecrackers that said, "Caution, Flammable Materials. Do Not Use Around Open Flames, contents explosive in nature."
Or how about the label on packages of dye that says "Caution, May Stain Clothes".
How bout this, The Extendo telescoping roasting stick ad reads, "Keeps children safer while roasting". Thank goodness, I hate when something happens to my kids while I'm roasting them!!!
31 May 2002, 06:33 GMT
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