TI Announces TI-83+ Silver Edition
Posted by Nick on 5 January 2001, 22:12 GMT
TI has announced that a new silver TI-83+ will be produced. It looks a lot like the gray iMacs, Handspring Visors, my old GBP, and so forth. It has around 1.5 megs of available Flash ROM and 24K of RAM (quite the insane amount of storage space, if you ask any TI type person). It's estimated to be available in April or May, 2001. Mmmmmm... eye candy in calculator form. I wish they did this sort of thing with the 89. Wait, I use Mathematica now. Never mind. :) Update (Eric): One more interesting thing to note is that the new TI-83+'s will have a CPU of 15 Mhz, which is more than twice as fast as the current model's 6 Mhz and 50% faster than the TI-92. Additionally, Detached Solutions has announced that a brand-spanking new silver TI-83+ will be the grand prize to their Application Programming Contest, previously mentioned on ticalc.org here. Update (Eric): Yeah, okay, I suck. I forgot that the new TI-83+ will be a Z80 running at 15 Mhz, which is still slower than the TI-89/92 running a 68K processor. So don't go trashing your TI-89 yet :).
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI Announces TI-83 Plus Silver Edition
(Web Page)
Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Sounds like it's high time I learned ASM. A silver edition TI-83 might be worth the purchase just to look at it and brag about its infinite storage space. Even our *delicious* 89s will be beaten. :-(
-Fil's 2% of $1.00
5 January 2001, 22:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: PDA Time!!
Mike Ptyza
(Web Page)
1) HP's do _not_ beat TI calculators at all, ana have we forgotten the name (and URL) of this site? ticalc.org, not hpcalc.org, so nobody cares about HP's here.
2) Palms are not just for business men, they are for whoever the hell wants one. I personally find it quite handy for quick notes and such, when even the TI-89, with the built in text editor, is a pain to write a note. Besides, I rarely use my graphing calculator anymore, and I felt that if I should need to graph something, EasyCalc would be sufficient. Do I sense a little jealousy?
3) I myself personally doubt that whole laptop thing. If I owned such a laptop, I would sell off all my older calcs, and buy graphing software for the laptop.
25 January 2001, 22:09 GMT

Re: Re: TI Announces TI-83 Plus Silver Edition
Remember that the 89 will NEVER be beaten by the 83 any edition totally. Despite it's ram and it's faster processing rate, the 89 still has a MUCH larger screen, a very complex and useful AMS that can do anything the 83 can do and over 1000x more. The 83's claim to be 15 mhz, but consider this. The 89 uses a 32 bit motorola 68000 processor, which has been proven to be very efficent and useful over time. The Z80 that the 83 uses isd 8 bit, and is based on the intel 8086, one of the MOST PRIMITIVE processors that i have ever seen!
BTW, the 83's mathamatical system is only about 512k, the 89's AMS is 2-3 times more. The 89 has also about 2 megs of flash rom, but the AMS takes up most of it, leaving only about 800k avaliable to the user.
6 January 2001, 17:36 GMT
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