AMS v2.04 for TI-89 and TI-92+ Released
Posted by Eric on 7 June 2000, 23:51 GMT
Reno notified us that TI has recently released the new version of the TI-89/92+ internal software. The new version includes an increased RAM limit for ASM programs (8K to 24K), language improvements, and other enhancements. Download AMS v2.04 for the TI-89 and TI-92+. Update (Nick): I will say this once and once only: IF YOU PUT AMS V2.04 ON YOUR CALCULATOR, WE HOLD ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY TO ANY FUNCTIONALITY OF THE PROGRAMS YOU DOWNLOAD FROM THIS SITE. VERY FEW, IF ANY, ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS, WILL PROBABLY WORK. TI HAS BEEN KNOWN TO DECREASE COMPATIBILITY WITH EVERY SINGLE ROM VERSION AND THEIR "ENHANCEMENTS" USUALLY MEAN THAT ASSEMBLY PROGRAM LIMITATIONS HAVE BEEN PUT IN. DO NOT ASK US WHEN AUTHORS WILL PUT IN SUPPORT FOR V2.04: THAT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE AUTHORS ALONE. Thank you. :) Update (Nathan): Okay, I know everyone's too lazy to do it themselves, so I'll just say that I upgraded to AMS 2.04, and DoorsOS II v0.96 installs, but doesn't work (Address error when trying to run Doors). Patrick Davidson informed us that Universal OS works perfectly under this crazy new AMS version, but only under hardware v1.00. So now you've been warned, and as usual, we don't want to hear about it if your programs don't work. Ask the authors, not us. Thank you. :) Update Purple Monkey Dishwasher (Nick): I've gotten about six or seven emails that this ROM version in fact does transfer over successfully with a black link. Some people were, however, complaining about speed issues. Double Update Action (Nick): Matt Baum gave me an email showing a brief list of programs and their functionality under this new AMS. It might be of help to some of you.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: AMS v2.04 for TI-89 and TI-92+ Released
Eugene Reyes
(Web Page)
Well, after becoming fed up with AMS 2.03 lately, I tried 2.04 hoping that it'd be better since it seemed like an incremental upgrade for my TI-89. DON'T UPGRADE TO 2.04 NOW!!! Almost all assembly programs don't work. The only work to execute properly seems to be TI-Chess...
Anyway, I'm not going back to AMS 2.x until TI releases more free FLASH software. I'm currently flashing back to AMS 1.00. If anyone wants the FLASH ROM for any TI-89 ROM version (1.00, 1.05, 2.03, 2.04), e-mail me.
8 June 2000, 01:45 GMT
Re: AMS v2.04 for TI-89 and TI-92+ Released
Dmitry Epstein
It workd great! download all. I have a TI-92plus and fater putting it on everything worked just fine
8 June 2000, 01:46 GMT
dang nick...
Andrew Magness
(Web Page)
dang... broke out the red for this one?? wow... I dont think i've EVER seen red in a ticalc news article before...
i thought i was at the wrong site for a sec ;)
8 June 2000, 02:13 GMT
Re: AMS v2.04 for TI-89 and TI-92+ Released
I don't think I'll be updating any time soon; I think this was to get rid of the abilities maxmem and hw2patch gave....
BTW, if you have a hw1 2.04, can you archive past the 380k mark? (for those of you who still have no clue, and believe you get the full 702k just because it says so on the mem menu, you can only archive to 380k on 2.03 hw1)
8 June 2000, 02:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: AMS v2.04 for TI-89 and TI-92+ Released
Well.....That's because Tetris IS good. Loved it until I couldn't get to work any longer. BTW Phoenix is good, I just quit it after beating it too many times and having too many upgrades.....Besides, look at Galaxian for the 82, GREAT GAME. Phoenix needs the enemies that peel off too.....
Oh and:
<<TANKS?! No offense to anyone, but you SHOULD try games like bigdyna, tichess, and phoenix before saying which one is best.
Well, if it makes you feel better, I have. I agree that chess is good, and possibly bigdyna, but phoenix gets boring....
I had a HW V. 1.00 once upon a time...I turned it in for a HW V. 2.00....Much better, especially with AMS 2.04!
10 June 2000, 02:46 GMT
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