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Re: TI-89 Titanium Now Available
The TI-89 Titanium seems extremely incompatible with ASM programs. It may just be my bad skills, but every time I load an ASM program requiring an application variable to run (e.g. tetris, chess, assorted math programs), it freezes up. The programs that stand alone work fine, but its starting to get a little annoying. Every program i download for my titanium has to be checked.
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1 July 2004, 00:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-89 Titanium Now Available
Yeah, I got my Titanium three days seems very few programs that require a .ppg file will work...I was able to get slimeball, excitebike, and some other miscellaneous games to work. All of patrick davidson's 89 programs are compatible with the titanuium (go pat d.!), so i have mercury, phoenix, etc. on my calc. It seems like most nostub programs will work; however, some will still give you an "Illegal Instruction", "Wrong Data Type", or some other error message.
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2 July 2004, 20:26 GMT
Re: TI-89 Titanium Now Available
jon hamm
Voyage 200s are probably cool,but they're basically no better than the ti89 titanium except for the wider screen and the QWERTY. The Voyage 200 also costs a lot more money than the ti89 titanium, and is biggger. I got a ti89 titanium, and it's extremely nice. I'll probably just by a keyboard for it, and it will basically be a Voyage 200 except for the wide screen.
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22 April 2006, 18:50 GMT
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