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Re: TI-89 Titanium Now Available
Hmmm...maybe I'll wait until the school year starts, since I will be doing AP Calc...
Or until I get a job, whichever comes first/easiest.
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17 June 2004, 02:14 GMT
Re: TI-89 Titanium Now Available
Did we decide if we need a new archive folder for the 89Ti or not? I don't remember and am too lazy to check.
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17 June 2004, 02:18 GMT
Re: TI-89 Titanium Now Available
I do not want to look like an anti-TI activist, but there is no real difference between this and the Voyage 200 or the Ti-92+ (same memory, etc.), except that it looks like a TI-89, and that it is allowed on tests.
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17 June 2004, 02:53 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-89 Titanium Now Available
Well, that isn't exactly stealthy, but that would work too. My idea is to keep the teacher from suspecting anything by just faking the mem clear. Though, I would have loved to see your teacher's face when their calc crashed and erased instead. Maybe you should upload your countermeasure here for others to use.
Also, I believe that versions of this program was made for calculators other than the 83 series, but I'm not sure. (I think the 89 and 92 have versions, but the 85 and 86 might be save). Or maybe this was a program designed to be run from the 83 that could clear the memory on any calc above, but not including, the regular 83. I can't seem to remember, but the link in the previous post should take you to some instruction manuals (if you coul call them more than a mere few pages).
Well, one thing to keep in mind: this program couldn't be too complicated because our teachers have to be able to use it even if they can't seem to do much else with a TI-83+.
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27 June 2004, 16:25 GMT
Re: TI-89 Titanium Now Available
(Web Page)
How low do you think the price for a new standard TI-89 will drop? If I could get one for signifigantly less, I would chose it over a titanium.
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17 June 2004, 03:37 GMT
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