International Karate, Vector Space
Posted by Michael on 6 February 2004, 23:20 GMT
David Randall has released his high-kicking game, International Karate. It is a 89 replica of IK+ for the Commodore 64. There are sixteen different karate moves and a variety of options. In the future, there are plans for 92+/V200 ports and link play. Check this game out; it looks quite well done.
Also, Paul Houser's Vector Space is a vector-based spacewars-like game for the 89/92+/V200. There is either AI mode or link play (which is reported to still have some bugs).
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Re: International Karate, Vector Space
Man, do I hate my math teacher for recommending a TI-83 plus :(
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6 February 2004, 23:24 GMT
Re: International Karate
(Web Page)
I thought there was already an international karate out?! Is this a new version? Because the old one was pretty cool.
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6 February 2004, 23:27 GMT
Re: International Karate, Vector Space
I tried Vector Space, and I think it needs to use look-up tables. Overall, a really good game (and challenging).
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6 February 2004, 23:42 GMT
Re: International Karate, Vector Space
(Web Page)
w00t! Publicity!! Any suggestions people have on Vector Space would be awesome. (BTW, Link play works fine, I just tested it with my friend and I's calc, the problem was with VTI)
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6 February 2004, 23:52 GMT

Re: Re: International Karate, Vector Space
(Web Page)
When you win, the calc occasionally turns off right before the "You Win!" screen.
When you win, the calc occasionally gives the errors 'Line 1111 Emulator', 'Address Error', or 'Internal Error'. All are fatal (crashes the calc).
(To say what lord_nightrose would say) Have the calculator say "You win!" or "YOU WIN!" instead of "You Win!"
Allow you to quit to main menu using ESC from anywhere in the game.
Go to main menu instead of quitting when you win/lose.
Use _keytest(RR_ENTER_DPAD) as well as _keytest(RR_ENTER), so it'll work on 92+/v200. Also _keytest RR_2ND and RR_HAND, too.
Use arrow keys/enter instead of pressing number buttons in Main Menu. I (and most people) find it easier.
Allow customized keys, like the real Continuum. And make the playing field bigger, it practically defeats the purpose of having radar on such a small field.
Add 'Options', 'About', and 'Quit' to Main Menu; to make it look fancy. :)
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9 February 2004, 00:41 GMT
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