TI-83 Plus SDK Released
Posted by Nathan on 30 October 1999, 07:17 GMT
Texas Instruments released the TI-83 Plus Software Development Kit. According to the FAQ, this allows software developers to program in Zilog Z80 assembly code. Listing technical specifications and user interface guidelines--as well as offering a "software simulator/debugger"--the SDK will allow programmers to create tight programs that are optimized and integrated with the TI-OS (presently, programmers have used incomplete, hacked TI-83 and TI-83 Plus information for programming). Available only in English, this free SDK will soon be followed by both educational and professional versions, which will allow programmers to write Flash applications which execute directly from the Flash ROM.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-83 Plus SDK Released
Erich Oelschlegel
(Web Page)
First comment! I've always wanted to do that. :)
30 October 1999, 07:24 GMT
Re: TI-83 Plus SDK Released
Andrew Magness
(Web Page)
This is great!! Now they can do the 68k calcs!!!
30 October 1999, 07:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83 Plus SDK Released
(Web Page)
Yea, your stupid if you put your computer in your refrigerator, even if it can fit. Yea it might be that fast but how about other fetures like
hard drive speed
Other drives
System (linux, windows, etc.)
Modem speed
Fire Wire (Apples term)
Graphics Addapter,Graphics Accellerator,AGP
Monitor type and size
Type of internet connection
Mouse (PS2 or Serial).
3d sound, sterio, mono, Dolby digital, JBL 3d virtual theater
Type of printer port,
System bus
The list can go on for about 10 more pages if I open my computer up.
I would like to say can you beat that.
I would also like to say I love braging about my computers features.
Oh yea one last thing Automaticly updates it's self.
30 October 1999, 22:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Uh, no...
Erich Oelschlegel
(Web Page)
Ok, but my point still holds up. As for the extra comment that couldn't be mentioned in the post I am replying to about your typing accuracy, most of the comments I've seen from you don't have typos, they are simple words just plain spelled wrong, words like "upsessed," which is actually harder to type than the correct spelling of "obsessed." I know the Internet isn't a spelling contest, but as somebody mentioned recently (probably on the Newsboard Anarchy page), on the Internet, what you type is your only form of identification. If nobody knows you, everybody's image of you (from what you post) would be the dumb kid who knows JACK (must I mention that you also think Macs and Pokemon rule and StarWars sucks) and can't spell. Spelling errors don't make you look any smarter, they do the opposite.
4 November 1999, 01:01 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83 Plus SDK Released
(Web Page)
1GB sync ram
I have no Idea what that was
8x DVD-RAM thats right not ROM
Windows 95, 98, linux-mandrake 6.0, Windows 2000 beta.
56k modem v.90, cable modem ready, dsl modem.
4 USB ports
IEEE 1394, but Apple invented it so I like it best >>>of all ports.
COMPAQ PRESARIO MV700 17" that looses but I just want >>>to tell you
Sound all of the following
>>>Aureal 3d interactive
>>>Dolby Digital
>>>JBL 3d Virtual Theature, oops thats video too.
IEEE 1284 Complient as well as a USB Printer
512kb L2 Pipeline birst cache
Yea like you can upgrade it to a 22 centry computer.
Mine can have up to 5 extra cards, Surround Sound speakers, Ram already upgraded, As may hard drives as I want, Processer upgradable, 1 extra internal drive.
Beat that somebody. Ha Ha
My mac you know it's the best G3 you can get with 1GB of ram too.
oh yea I don't care about AMD Chips, I think they suck no matter how bad they beat the Pentium.
31 October 1999, 22:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83 Plus SDK Released
(Web Page)
1GB sync ram
8x DVD-RAM thats right not ROM
Windows 95 Plus, 98 upgraded to 2nd edition, linux-mandrake 6.0, Windows 2000 beta. Don't ask me why I need windows 95 when I have 98, I just got it from someone as a present.
56k modem v.90, cable modem ready, dsl modem.
4 USB ports
IEEE 1394, but Apple invented it so I like it best >>>of all ports.
COMPAQ PRESARIO MV700 17" that looses but I just want >>>to tell you
AOL everyone knows what this is
Freei a copy off aol for free
Netzero another free internet service only not like aol
Sound all of the following
>>>Aureal 3d interactive
>>>Dolby Digital
>>>JBL 3d Virtual Theature, oops thats video too.
IEEE 1284 Complient as well as a USB Printer
HP Deskjet 722C kodak enhancements
512kb L2 Pipeline birst cache
I know my computer basicly looses for the numbers and modems to yours but you have an abnormally loaded computer. Congradulatons. Also I think most people here know what a T1 connection is, but can't you only get that in offices.
P.S. Hey, I'm only 13
P.S.S. Automatic upgrade anytime, Compaqs upgrade service. as well as microsoft critical update even though it is just a notifier.
P.S.S.S. How many serial ports do you have, if you only have one you must have a hell of a time swaping and navigating your computer without a mouse. I know someone who has to do this.
2 November 1999, 01:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83 Plus SDK Released
Erich Oelschlegel
(Web Page)
It doesn't mean International Business Company, you idiot. Read the acronym. It's IBM not IBC. And if you don't know what lol means then you're stupid as hell, not to mention that you think Macs are the best thing since sliced bread. Wake up, Etec. I'm sorry that nobody supports the Mac anymore (like they used to), but that doesn't give you any reason to come in and bash anything other than a Mac. Yeah, I'm sure you have a PC as well, especially with 2 Pentium processors (yeah, you don't know what a hack is either) and 1 GB of Sync RAM. Guess what? There's no such thing as DVD-RAM. It will never be, dumbass. There's no sense in using a DVD disc as RAM, as the access speeds on anything mechanical SUCK. Think to yourself. Have you ever seen a CD-RAM drive? Doesn't it sound odd that you are the only one in here boasting about your suck-ass computer, then contradicting yourself a couple posts down?
One other thing, more to the other readers than to you: reread his posts above and below and tell me if it doesn't remind you of a certain little "piggy" fatass named Eric Cartman. Here, I'll quote:
"For one thing why don't you try a voice print password for your windows crap, you can't aww thats too bad."
I wonder if he has a high-pitched voice too, just like Cartman. How about it, Etec? What's your name stand for? Eric T. E. Cartman? What are the two middle initials for, "Tubby Elephant?" I'll stop for now. It's been so much fun making fun of you as you protect your sweet Mac and your 83+. Keep it up.
1 November 1999, 01:28 GMT
Re: Re: Macs are trash!
Erich Oelschlegel
(Web Page)
Ummmm...you also "spelt" most of your English words wrong, too, by the way. :) And get it right. PC owners don't hate Mac fans, we just think they didn't get on the right train when it came by.
Nobody in their right mind would say an Intel processor even comes close to the G4. It's factual evidence, not somebody's opinion. However, don't look at your hardware and say that constitutes a Mac. What sucks about your systems are the OS itself. It's not supported by really anything, and what's sad is the fact that since you don't have any programs to run (other than that retarded puzzle program), you go and emulate Windows in order to run our programs that you want so bad. Another thing: how come your superior minds are still sticking with ONE-BUTTON mice? What use is that? Just take away features, why don't you? Menus don't stay open, you have to hold the button down the whole time, and the mice are "ergonomically" designed to fit in the palm of a newborn (your hockey-puck iMac mouse isn't comfortable, either).
As for your Windows bashing, I can't say that Windows is perfect. If I had my choice (it's my roommate's computer), I'd run Linux. It's got a way better interface than your gay MacOS (customizable with GUIs), and is more supported than the Mac, even though it hasn't been out for a third as long as the Mac! And the benefit of it is that it's entirely free.
As for your immaturity, what kind of response is that? We're not threatening your life or telling you to "go to hell," are we? If you know your system is "superior," why do you always defend it? It makes YOU and IT look inferior. Everybody has a right to choose what kind of computer they want when they buy it. I'm not bashing you for choosing the Mac. I'm bashing the Mac itself.
31 October 1999, 01:25 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Macs are trash!
(Web Page)
Exactly, when you bash the mac you are bashing me. I feel a certin connection to all of my electonic devices. For one thing why don't you try a voice print password for your windows crap, you can't aww thats too bad. Hey there are billions of programs I can run on a mac, the only reason for the PC emulator would be so we can see your programs with better resolution. For another thing the "Hockey puck mouse" is comfortable if you know how to use it right. Why don't you try my favorite computer game EV Override, oh I forgot you only have a PC which only has one sucky mac emulator. The GUI for mac just looks diffrent, but it is better. For all you lazy people who have to just use a start menu make an atlas or in pc terms a shortcut to link to it and put it in the thing that some people use called the Launcher. Oh I'm sorry the only thing you have ever used on a mac for a gui is At Ease, if you ever used finder you'd see how much better it is. As for the menus not staying open, if you need to get the menu to stay open goto the mac control panels and select the assistance panel (that's not really the name) with the HANDYCAP SYMBOL to show you are retarded and make it keep the menus open. Windows is just a rip off of Mac OS. When a mac starts up it loads everything before letting you do anything, the windows computer can crash from people who don't know how to wait before starting a program. Want more reasons the mac is better? email me at B12386@juno.com and flame me. I hope this string stops now. I'm getting tired of defending my self.
P.S. My mac has gotten me through the worst of times with school work because of it's MAC FEATURES. This is why I feel so close to it. What does my PC do, crash while saving an MS-DOS game. Now what do you have to say about that. Hey some of the games for some of you babies were developed on the mac quake, Myst, riven, etc.
31 October 1999, 02:15 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Macs are trash!
Erich Oelschlegel
(Web Page)
Actually, MS-DOS is probably the best operating system there is. It's so good, I consider it invincible. It has never crashed, and is the base system for most x86 shells. That's why Windows sucks, because it's not a true operating system, it's just a program running other programs.
BTW, isn't it great knowing that any big name software company (other than Adobe) considers the Mac a last option in terms of sales? I would hate getting new programs months, even years after it's off the shelves.
I would hate reassuring myself every day when I wake up, saying, "Macs rule. Macs rule. Macs rule."
31 October 1999, 03:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83 Plus SDK Released
(Web Page)
If you use your PC "sometimes" and "when you have to" is there a reason you have 1 GB RAM? Also, your data inconsistencies lead me to believe that you have none of that. If your system was actually that new and powerful, why do you have a RagePro? That is a 2 1/2 year old chip. I have a RagePro on my other computer and it barely does 10 fps in 800x600 in about any 3D game. Even with DirectX 7 and AGP enabled it doesn't do any better. If you like ATI so much you should at least have a Rage 128 Pro instead of a RagePro. Your inconsistencies cause me to believe that you have NO idea what you are talking about. My Athlon could be whatever Mac you have because of the lousy and non-automatic memory management. It is not intuitive to have to open the get info dialog to alter the amount of RAM each program consumes. Haven't things improved since 1984, when it was the same way? Windows, Linux, and BeOS, although far from perfect in different ways, at least can figure out how to allocate memory by themsleves. Any other false statements that I can rebut with actual facts? This is getting fun. I should set up a forum just to continue this when this news item is demoted to the archives.
Oh, by the way, look at my other complaints about Macs and mac users on my web site above.
2 November 1999, 01:29 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83 Plus SDK Released
(Web Page)
My computer is less than a year old, does the word upgrade mean anything to you. Well thats why I have all that. and my graphics accellerator is actually a 3d rage lt pro. The speed of your graphics accellerator is not just limited by its self it is limited by your mother board too. True I need to get an ATI Rage Furry but don't ask me why I did not customize my Compaq with a better graphics accelerator. Anyway it does 3d well and at a smooth speed for me so thats all I really care about. I don't care if it is not top of the line. I'll get a new one or a new computer by the time this one is worthless to me.
P.S. Ewww a starwars site thumbwars would make a better movie than starwars. "Loak I am your mother!!!" funniest line in the 30 minutes or how about "Black helmet man, you are bad, you are bad and we are good, your badness will be the end of you and our goodness will be our (some word), bad is bad, good is good, bad bad good bad, good good bad good good bad." or how about "I am a pupet, from benith the floor a man does control me.... train you will will i train you I will, yes, first step touch your tonge to mine." or "I owe guva the butt a lot of money and hes right over their" All of those were from thumb wars.
2 November 1999, 01:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83 Plus SDK Released
(Web Page)
Let me tell you the story of why having COMPAQ setup your computer hardware. My graphics accellerator is A 3d Rage Pro compaq installed the wrong driver, does that make you happy. The driver is for a laptop but I have the desktop verson of the card. Since compaq does not give you the drivers on a disk you can't really fix it. So there I do have such a computer, don't tell me to give it up when you have never seen it. Hey, how do I know whats his name has a 1GHZ chip in his computer, I don't, I only have two pentium II's at 400 mhz on my computer. See everything I said is true, you just don't belive me because you are jellous that you have something less. Don't blame me that computers get out of date so fast, my PC is not even a year old and the being able to walk into a store and buy a game has almost ended. My one of my macs are a macintosh performa 631CD, with 8mb, 500mb of hard drive space, a 14.4k modem a 13 inch monitor a Color Style Writer 2400 a jaz 1GB a 2x CD rom inferred, and a few other old features. My other one is the best G3 you can get of course I don't have a G4, I lied about that one because I was tired of people bragging. Okay happy now you talked it out of me. Fine now what do you want me to do next, stop insulting people for making fun of my computers which is making fun of me, I won't do that.
2 November 1999, 03:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83 Plus SDK Released
(Web Page)
The G4 Processor is indeed faster than a Pentium III at the same MHz rating. However, the Mac OS's horrible memory management and stupid cooperative multitasking suck up any adavntage of the PowerPC processor and make it slower than a PIII with the same MHz. Also, the Mac OS is not easier to use, with no right mouse button there is a lot more moving to the menu bar or using inane keyboard commands that doesn't happen in Windows. The Mac OS does crash less than Windows, but when it does, it DOES. In Windows, system crashes rarely bring the entire computer down and even if a part of Windows crashes such as Explorer or Systray they will automatically restart and you can save your work. I have used G4s without FoolProof and At Ease and they freeze up solid constantly even with OS 9. There is less software for Macs, especially games, and the only 3D video card company that makes Mac 3D cards is ATI, the worst 3D chip maker on the planet. And I personally would like some serial and parallel ports and a floppy drive, please.
AMD Athlon and Linux are even better that the PIII and Windows, and much better than the Mac OS. Does the Mac have a 200 MHz frontside bus? Sorry for busting your bubble.
Wow, that was long. I guess it was about $5.00 worth.
30 October 1999, 21:42 GMT
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