TI Responds to Requests for TI-89 ASM Information
Posted by Nathan on 21 March 1999, 01:42 GMT
A letter was sent to Texas Instruments asking why the promised assembly information had not been released, and when it would be released, if at all. The response received follows. *****, Thank you for your e-mail. Texas Instruments will be releasing the information on their web site. This information should be available Spring of 1999. I have listed the TI web site address below. http://www.ti.com If you have any further questions or comments please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Please copy this message in your response and send directly to ti-cares@ti.com for faster service on replies. Kind regards, John Onufreiczuk
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
It''s about time =)
(Web Page)
21 March 1999, 01:46 GMT
Re: Re: delay tactics
TI-89 User
Yes, the TI-89 ASM information IS highly technical, but it is NOT information that they don't already have. To my knowledge, it is not possible to design a calculator with "built-in" ASM programming capabilities without designing how those capabilities will work at the same time, thus providing them with the information they need to release. If they are just now coming up with that information, the manager in charge of that department needs to be fired immediately and a check for at least $50 needs to be sent to everyone who has purchased a TI-89 to compensate for the extra amount of money we paid to get the 89 rather than something like the 85 or 86 expecting to get clear 89 assembly information. Plus, even if all of their assembly documentation was written in highly technical terms that would be hard for people to understand, the process of making it easier to understand should have been done during the development stage prior to the release of the calculator. I truly think that the ASM information should have been placed in the 89 manual along with the basic programming information. TI has no excuse to have delayed the release of the information for this long and have even less of an excuse to delay the release any further. TI is capable of releasing this information tomorrow. Unfortunately, as we all know very well, they will wait as long as possible. I recommend that the ticalc.org community organizes a boycott of all purchasing of new TI products and a huge bombardment of e-mails to their technical support address until they release the information that they already have.
26 March 1999, 03:42 GMT

Re: Re: delay tactics
TI-89 User
Yes, the TI-89 ASM information IS highly technical, but it is NOT information that they don't already have. To my knowledge, it is not possible to design a calculator with "built-in" ASM programming capabilities without designing how those capabilities will work at the same time, thus providing them with the information they need to release. If they are just now coming up with that information, the manager in charge of that department needs to be fired immediately and a check for at least $50 needs to be sent to everyone who has purchased a TI-89 to compensate for the extra amount of money we paid to get the 89 rather than something like the 85 or 86 expecting to get clear 89 assembly information. Plus, even if all of their assembly documentation was written in highly technical terms that would be hard for people to understand, the process of making it easier to understand should have been done during the development stage prior to the release of the calculator. I truly think that the ASM information should have been placed in the 89 manual along with the basic programming information. TI has no excuse to have delayed the release of the information for this long and have even less of an excuse to delay the release any further. TI is capable of releasing this information tomorrow. Unfortunately, as we all know very well, they will wait as long as possible. I recommend that the ticalc.org community organizes a boycott of all purchasing of new TI products and a huge bombardment of e-mails to their technical support address until they release the information that they already have ready.
26 March 1999, 03:42 GMT
Thats it?
21 March 1999, 02:09 GMT
Re: TI Responds to Petition for TI-89 ASM Information
Naram Qashat
(Web Page)
That's great! Now programmers can create better programs! Excellent!
21 March 1999, 02:09 GMT
Don''t get your hopes up!
I wouldn't get my hopes up too high. When I sent an email to TI regarding assembly programming, they responded by saying that the information should be out within the next three weeks. That was 2 months ago :(
21 March 1999, 02:22 GMT
Re: TI Responds to Petition for TI-89 ASM Information
(Web Page)
What address was that sent to? Seems like the guy doesn't even have a clue what informatation we're asking for. . .
21 March 1999, 02:23 GMT
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