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Last updated Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Total downloads 365,142
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adgold.zip2k97-11-22File is not ratedAd*Gold v2.2
An address book program in French.
aichatirc.zip4k03-04-03File is not ratedAI chat IRC
adba: AI/KI-CHAT like IRC. Dieses Programm Generiert selbständig Sätze und 2 "küstlich inteligente" virtuelle Personen sprechen mit einander. Die Sprach entspricht natürlich keiner echten. Es wird aber versucht eine relativ Normale zu generieren. Viel Spass!
ai.zip1k04-04-18File is not ratedSimple Ai
well not really ai but i call her cortana version 1.0 though she isn't finished upcoming updates are a little nifty organizer to run some progams and stuff If there are any good basic programmers out there could yall email me at abrkich@austin.rr.com cause i need help making a basic organizer part to her i will put in there that you made that part just email me a little tutorial or send me a code All you need to do is put all the files onto the ti-92 + and run ai() it should cause you to create a name and password when you start to protect the rest off her from beeing accesed with out permession
analisis.92g8k01-12-16File is not ratedAnalisis
Este programa permite calcular secciones transversales en elementos de madera sometidos a tensión, compresión o flexión
aolsim.zip1k97-08-04File is not ratedAmerica Online Simulator
Simulates AOL.
ashell.zip3k97-07-24File is not ratedAShell v1.0
A GUI/OS for the TI-92.
avgfindr.zip1k98-07-23File is not ratedAverage Finder
Computes your letter grade average when you enter in your grades.
bank.zip1k97-11-06File is not ratedBanking
A program that simulates a bank.
brun.zip4k03-12-31File is not ratedBRUN Latin Translator v1.0
This program will translate to and from BRUN Latin, a language developed right here on the message boards of ticalc.org. I'm not quite sure how this could be useful, but it sure is fun to play with! All yuor bsae aer bleong to us.
calcchat.zip17k05-08-10File is not ratedCalcChat 1.55 for 89/92/92+/v200
CalcChat is, so far, the best chatting program ever. Why, you ask? Well, look at the screenshots and see for yourself. **NEW IN selv1.55** Can automatically set self to Diamond+9 | Can skip log-in screen | TI-92 version | And more
calcshell.zip1k97-05-06File is not ratedCalcShell v1.0
An easy to use shell which can execute programs.
calendar2.zip1k99-05-21File is not ratedCalendar92
A calendar for TI-92.
calendar.zip1k98-07-23File is not ratedCalendar
Generates a calendar for a particular month and year.
calgen.zip1k97-07-29File is not ratedCalendar Generator v1.1
Generates a calendar for a particular month and year.
cards.zip34k01-01-06File is not ratedCard Game Maker
This is a package of utilities that will help you make just about any game out there! Why reinvent the wheel? Download this and it will include all the pictures you need, and programs including programs that help you shuffle and deal your cards. This gives you a good way to organize your cards. VERY helpful for programmers.
castle.zip6k03-04-03File is not ratedCastle v1.0
Castel ist ein Programm das ähnlich ist wie Worms. Es geht darum den Gegner mit der Kugel zu treffen. Das Spiel ist in deutsch, brauch aber wenig Text und kann somit von allen gespielt werden. English: In this game you will have 2 castles and you have to destroy the other castle (Lock at the Screenshot). You can play with the original names in the game or you can change it wenn you know a little bit the Basic programming language. Entjoy it!
cdiv.zip1k04-07-24File is not ratedCell Division
Shows the cell division of the alga Anabaena Catenula based on a simplified formula using Lindenmayer Systems. See also chapter 6.1 of: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0225885/Fba/
chat2.zip1k00-02-27File is not ratedTi-Chat v2.0
Ti-Chat was created specifically to allow A TI-92+, A Ti-92, or a TI-89 (mix and match 'em if you want) to chat with eachother. Its pretty much full duplex (lags when your recieving a message) - You can do math AND chat at the same time, but its not as pretty as the homescreen. To send somebody a message you just type in "say " , and "QUIT" leaves the program.
chat92.zip8k01-02-08File is not ratedChat92 v1.92
C'est le programme de chat qui puisse exister sur TI9X, dialoque possible entre TI92 TI92II et TI92+, support des Nick, une aide détaillé, un historique des dialogues, et il fonctionne à merveille
chatdupl.zip1k98-07-19File is not ratedFull Duplex Chat v1.0
Allows chatting between two TI-92s.
chat.zip1k98-04-08File is not ratedChat v1.0
Chat program where both users can type at the same time.
chism.zip1k97-07-29File is not ratedChism Program Manager v3.0
A program manager that can execute programs.
coding.zip2k98-03-18File is not ratedCoding v1.0
A program involving matrices that encodes and decodes messages.
compress.zip1k97-08-04File is not ratedCompress
Compresses, decompresses, archives, and unarchives strings.
constnts.zip1k97-07-29File is not ratedConstants v1.4.16
Installs and uninstalls many constants on the TI-92.
conv.zip3k99-10-31File is not ratedConvertomatic v1.0
Unit converter (length, speed, temperature, etc.) divided into categories, includes options such as show work, scientific notation, and significant figures.
cop-dr.zip46k98-01-23File is not ratedCopland Pro Developer's Release
Fully commented code and diagrams. For people that want to know how to modify Copland or use it in other ways.
copland.zip22k98-01-23File is not ratedCopland Pro v5.5.2
Mac OS clone for the TI-92.
data9221.zip9k99-03-09File is not ratedData92 v2.1
Stores all your phone #, addresses, birthdays, ... with VERY fast data access.
data92.zip10k01-01-04File is not ratedData92 Personal Database v3.0
the only real database for your addresses, phone numbers, ... Many new features (link capabilities for data export, for example), easier-to-handle data storing format...
database.zip203k99-03-20File is not ratedTI-92 Database
Database for the TI-92 and TI-92+
dates.zip1k98-07-23File is not ratedDates v1.3
Calculates how many days are between two dates.
dattim92.zip6k08-11-30File is not ratedDate and time functions
Time functions: convert floating point decimal values to hour, minute, sec. or hour, minute format and display it from the command line or from programs. Date functions: Leap year test, Valid date test, Number of days a month.
days92.zip1k99-03-08File is not ratedDays92
de8a10.zip2k97-07-31File is not ratedDe VIII a X v1.0
French phone number conversion program.
default.zip1k97-07-31File is not ratedDefault v1.5
A program that resets a wide variety of variables to their default values.
dicev0.40beta.zip1k01-12-16File is not ratedDiceRoller V.401 Beta
Don't be fooled by small size! This program is the ONLY automatic dice roller I know of, Supports different sided die AND any number of die. Feel free to port it to other calculator types, just keep the same readme and note who ported it! Hope you enjoy!!!
director.zip1k98-07-23File is not ratedPersonal Directory v2.0
Personal address directory.
divxcalc92.zip1k02-07-22File is not ratedDivxCalc
Program to calculate video bitrate to encode DVD into Divx
dloadsim.zip1k01-08-06File is not ratedDownload Simulator
Simulates actual downloads when given proper information.
doors.zip2k98-07-21File is not ratedDoors v1.0
Program manager.
dos.zip1k97-07-31File is not ratedTI-DOS v0.66 Beta
DOS clone for the TI-92.
dsnmkr.zip3k99-09-25File is not ratedDesign Maker
Nifty program that makes fractal-like designs.
encrypt.zip1k98-07-23File is not ratedEncryption v0.1
Encodes and decodes strings.
fileext.zip1k04-08-10File is not ratedFileExt
Attaches a file extension to the end of any file name
fillpic.zip1k98-02-21File is not ratedFill Pic v1.00
Uses PutPic in order to fill in gaps made by Filter's Scale feature.
filter.zip1k98-02-21File is not ratedFilter v1.00
A simple drawing tool that selects and applies a transformation to an image that is already drawn on the screen.
fiscode.zip80k06-11-18File is not ratedItalian Fiscal Code
Calculates Italian fiscal codes. English and Italian version.
flashing.zip3k98-03-22File is not ratedFlash Card System
A flashcard program for studying.
flash.zip1k98-03-01File is not ratedFlash v1.0
A study aid for the TI-92. Allows the user to run through flashcards using a DAT file.
flip.zip1k98-07-26File is not ratedFlip
Demonstrates flipping screen orientation without major code modification.
flspaint.zip7k99-03-03File is not ratedFlash Paint Pro v0.1 Alpha
Flash paint pro Picture editor
formel.zip18k99-07-02File is not ratedFormelrechner
A powerful explorer like interface for pupils.
fortxp.zip590k02-02-10File is not ratedFortres XP
Fortres XP is a security program that protects basic programs for execution without a password or the security is disabled.
funbook.zip2k98-03-26File is not ratedFunbook b1.0
Stores phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
getkey.zip1k98-07-26File is not ratedgetKey() Key Codes v1.0
Gives the value returned by the getKey() function when a key is pressed.
getvalue.zip1k98-07-26File is not ratedGet Value
Gives the value returned by the getKey() function when a key is pressed.
gifts.zip1k98-08-07File is not ratedGift-U-Lator v1.92
Calculates the amount you can spend on each gift given the money you have and how many cards you want to buy.
golf2.zip4k00-08-07File is not ratedGolf ScoreKeeper v2.0
Keeps score of golf games
gtky.zip1k98-07-26File is not ratedGetkey
Gives the value returned by the getKey() function when a key is pressed.
hours.zip1k98-08-28File is not ratedHours v1.2
Calculates your paycheck for the number of hours you have worked.
iconmake.zip7k98-05-05File is not ratedIcon Maker v2.2
A simple program to make any size picture or icon.
icons.zip14k99-08-30File is not ratedIcons Program Management System v6.3
A fully graphical icon driven shell for the TI-92. Supports screensavers, backrounds, auto addition of icons to the interface, home screen emulation and much more.
jtios.zip29k98-09-09File is not ratedJosh's Multitasking Graphical OS v4.00
A graphical, multitasking operating system for the TI 92.
keepout.zip1k98-06-30File is not ratedKeepOut v1.0
Simple program protection, not a calculator protector.
learnesp.zip5k00-12-23File is not ratedSpanish Quiz
Edit and quiz yourself on a database of words.
linux.zip10k98-07-19File is not ratedSH-Linux v1.3.0
Linux clone.
locmodes.zip1k04-08-12File is not ratedLocal Modes
Executes a string using local mode settings. Useful if you don't want to alter mode settings but need to display something using certain mode settings, for example a polar subroutine in a math program.
login.zip2k98-07-19File is not ratedLogin and E-mail Server v1.0
An e-mail server with login and password protection.
macrodraw.zip3k98-06-17File is not ratedMacroDraw
Drawing program with many features that include unlimited undo depth, ability to use PrintGraph to print HiRes graphs, zooming, saving pictures as programs, and many drawing functions.
mac.zip1k98-02-20File is not ratedMacintosh Interface
Simulates a Macintosh interface.
manual.zip5k98-02-20File is not ratedManual v1.0 Release 0
A program that allows one to look up information on a specific instruction, function, program, operator, or any other command on the TI-92.
mapper.zip1k98-07-26File is not ratedMapper v1.0 Beta
Allows you to create your own little maps.
martin.zip1k98-02-16File is not ratedBarry Martin Fractals
Draws a fractal based on a, b, and c constants.
mem.zip2k98-07-15File is not ratedMem v1.0
Determines the amount of memory on your TI-92.
menumake.zip2k98-01-25File is not ratedMenu Maker v1.0
Creates menus on the TI-92.
menus.zip3k98-07-21File is not ratedMenus Demo v1.0
A menu program that lets you run programs.
menu.zip3k98-02-20File is not ratedMenu Program
A program that allows users to enter programs and run them using a menu.
mrcode.zip2k99-03-26File is not ratedMr. Code
A program to decode/encode written text
multios.zip11k00-04-15File is not ratedMultitasking OS
Multitasking OS and multitasking program. This OS can run BASIC or Assembly programs !
musicalscalegenerator.zip2k04-11-04File is not ratedMusic Scale Generator
Basically is a programmed(not typed)music scale book.You select a root note and scale and a mode to extract if available for that scale type.This program takes away all the paper and pencil work to figure out scales in different keys.69 scales in all 12 keys.I think thats about 828 scales total.I hope you musicians out there will apreciate this.
ncrypt.zip1k97-09-12File is not ratedNcrypt v3.1
Simple encryption program for messages.
ngen.zip9k01-08-06File is not ratedNotenGenie
NotenGenie is a program for composing on your TI! it's not finished yet, but it works fine! thanks to mediaplayer, it can play the new song!
pass.zip21k00-06-27File is not ratedPassword Protector Pro 68000
Password program with asterisks, backspacing, dialog boxes, encryption and more...
pastime.zip3k97-09-24File is not ratedPastime
Analyzes a high school's pastime. English and Italisn versions.
patterns.pascal.zip2k03-07-17File is not ratedPascals Triangle
Pascal By Brad Fortenberry This program draws out pascals triangle. It starts with the top pixel of the triangle and works its way down the user can set the xmax and xmin of the triangle, This will determine how much of the triangle it will create.
ped.zip10k98-02-16File is not ratedPEd, The Bitmap Editor
Advanced picture editor with features including cut, paste, zoom, and undo.
people.zip4k99-03-03File is not ratedPeople v3.1
Advanced electronic address book
phonebook.zip1k98-07-26File is not ratedPhone Book
Phone book program with search feature.
pic_utils92.zip4k00-03-01File is not ratedSet of picture utilities
A CookySoft production. Some utils to move pictures, to reduce pictures and to do a symetric of pictures. Can be usefull sometimes.
placepic.zip1k98-02-16File is not ratedPlacePic v1.4
Program that places a picture on the screen with a number of options.
plancpt.zip35k01-02-14File is not ratedPlancpt v1.00
Plan comptable général français
pms.zip4k98-02-20File is not ratedProfessional Menu System v1.6
Allows you to create menus on the TI-92.
prgmcode.zip4k98-01-22File is not ratedPrgmCode v2.0
Program encryption.
prgmman92.zip55k04-12-14File is not ratedProgram Manager v 1.02
It's a very useful program that allows you to manage your programs and to run them from every folder. Now with chronological history.
proanimator.zip6k01-06-07File is not ratedPro Animator RC 2
This is the second release candidate of this 2D animation tool. You can easaly create animations for your own game with this tool! You will get a limit of 30 frames, and that's much more than you'll ever need for an anmiation for your game. Be sure to read the hole Readme.txt file with this program for more information. New stuff since the RC 1 is Save/Load frames to external files, change frame bug, and some minor bug fixes
progm.zip1k02-05-30File is not ratedAdress Book Keep Fone Numbers
This is a program to keep fone numbers in the calculater.
progs.zip4k99-06-13File is not ratedA Game and Utils
Freecell card game, and functions for finding the roots of 2nd and 3rd degree polynomials.
prtgraph.zip1k98-07-26File is not ratedGraph Creator v1.0
Creates a 2-D graph, which can have a resolution many times larger than the TI-92's screen, for printing.
ptdrw.zip1k98-02-21File is not ratedPoint Draw v1.00
Drawing program that is designed to replace the pencil tool.
putpic.zip1k98-02-21File is not ratedPut Pic v1.00
Places a picture on the screen using the cursor.
qbrating.zip2k03-12-24File is not ratedQB Rating v1.0
This program uses the NFL's official formula to calculator quarterback ratings. Use it whilst watching football to see how your quarterback is really doing.
rct92.zip1k03-05-20File is not ratedRace Time Converter
This converts the time of a race at 1 distance to the time of a race at another distance.
returnfl.zip1k04-08-12File is not ratedReturn fl
A function that strips the list brackets from the FLib return variable and returns the value inside
rms.zip6k04-05-05File is not ratedVOLTAJE Y CORRIENTE RMS UTIL PARA EXAMEN!!
rpgdice_92.zip8k19-12-10File is not ratedRPG Dice
Programmed by Filip Jamroga (me). Do you want to play your favourite tabletop RPG, but somebody stole your dice (or you simply forgot or lost them - the program works in this scenario too)? Then this program is for you! Simulate up to 12 d4's, d6's, d8's, d10's, d12's or d20's at a time! You can even roll for percentage! The program will tell you the result of up to five individual rolls and then the sum of all of them. Enjoy!
rs2calc.zip17k07-02-18File is not rated Runescape 2 Exp Calculator
Now version 5.5 - Combat is now included! This program calculates what you need to do or make for: Agility, combat *NEW*, construction, cooking, crafting, firemaking, fletching, fishing, herblore, hunter , magic, magicks, mining, prayer, runecrafting, slayer, smelting/smithing, thieving, woodcutting. This program tells you exp gained per item, required lvls & how many of that item you should use/make to get a desired level.
runescapecal.zip61k03-08-26File is not ratedRuneCalc
Created to help runescape players. Calculates how much exp you need, what ores you need to mine, and how much of them (for mining) what Bars you need to smith, and how much of them (For Smithing) (I will create more of these to help calc more on Smithing,Fishing,Cooking, etc...)
runner.zip58k03-11-29File is not ratedProgram Runner
Runner is the faster way to run all your programs with a single key: put it in your custom toolbox and you'll be able to run every program pressing only 3 keys!
secure.zip1k98-07-06File is not ratedGep's Security Program v1.0
Security program that allows you to secure your calculator from anyone trying to get into it.
shel92z.zip2k97-12-06File is not ratedOS-Shell
A shell that looks like ZShell but written in BASIC.
showkey.zip1k98-07-30File is not ratedShowKey
Gives the value returned by the getKey() function when a key is pressed.
speedtst.zip1k98-02-20File is not ratedTI-92 Speed Test
Tests the speed of your TI-92.
star92.zip12k98-07-19File is not ratedThe Starfleet Archive v1.1 Beta
An archive of information about StarTrek.
taupe.zip12k01-02-07File is not ratedCours de prépa scientifique
Désolé, c'est pas très bien approprié comme catégorie ... Vous trouverez là une tripotée de cours de prépa optimisés pour txtrider sur 92+. Bonne chance pour les concours !
telcat.zip87k00-11-04File is not ratedTelcat v4.0 (French)
Cataloque téléphonique avec une multitude de possibilités: recherche (capitales ou minuscules, n'importe), changement de données, ajout, effaçage, réparation de la matrice en cas de problème, fichier d'aide pour la TI-89, etc.
terix.zip5k98-07-31File is not ratedCalcix v1.3.88 (TERIX)
Simulates Linux/UNIX on the TI-92.[2~
tg.zip5k97-07-23File is not ratedTI-92 Turtle Graphics v1.0
A fun way to learn some programming and mathematics using graphics.
ti92stuff.zip1k97-07-23File is not ratedTI-92 Stuff
Variety of misc. programs.
tibool.zip148k00-10-05File is not ratedTIBOOL v6.0
Texas Instrument Basic Object Oriented Language, release VI. TIBOOL is a usefull tool to create graphic programs with a user-friendly interface with windows, labels and buttons. This release adds combo boxes, data bases, radio and check buttons, text boxes and much more...
ticarn99.zip14k99-03-31File is not ratedTICarnet99 v0.96
Agenda (French)
tideviceexplorer.zip44k05-08-14File is not ratedPattern Development
A suite of programs to enable pattern development for sheet metal constructions for cylindrical ducting, pipework, and insulation cladding. I am uploading these programs in the hope that someone with better programming skills may tidy up these programs, to make them smaller (if possible) or more efficient. The menu is displayed by running the command line "steve/robbo()"
timekpr.zip1k98-02-20File is not ratedTime Keeper
Keeps the current time.
tirestore.zip5k01-02-07File is not ratedTi-Restore v1.0
Programme de configuration/reconfiguration de la calculette, il permet entre autre d'enregistrer et de charger des configurations système différentes, de réinstaller un OS (pour l'instant seul UniOS est supporté)
ti_timer.zip22k03-10-19File is not ratedTI-Timer
A Calculus teacher informed me of the Lbl/Goto sec bug on the 68k files. It works perfectly now. Simply read the included .txt file for help and enjoy :-)
ti_wordsort.zip19k03-05-07File is not ratedTI Word Sorters
This package contains the wordsort program for the TI-83, TI-83+, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and V200.
txtwriter.zip2k99-10-31File is not ratedText Writer v1.0
Just a program to make your calculator write text letter by letter.
uscoins68k.zip12k03-05-09File is not ratedUnited States Coins Checklist
This has a matrix of all US coins from half-cents through dollars. No gold or bullion supported. The files included are for the TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and V200.
vectorma.zip4k98-01-30File is not ratedVector Man v1.0
A drawing program which stores the drawing instructions instead of a bitmap.
willchat.zip4k03-07-28File is not ratedWill's Chatter
This is a group of very simple chatting programs. Please send me info regarding your opinion, especiallyif you find bugs.
win92.zip59k98-01-10File is not ratedWindows 92 v2.1
A graphical interface for the TI-92 that looks like Windows 95.
winlib.zip3k98-02-20File is not ratedWinLib v1.0
Library of programs for program developers.
win.zip53k98-07-21File is not ratedWindows 95 v1.00 Beta
A very graphical clone of Windows 95.
wonderconjspanish.zip34k03-03-09File is not ratedWonderConj 4.1 [Spanish]
This program is capable of conjuagting sixty-two inflections of most Spanish verbs. Download updates for irregular verbs. Includes eighty irregular verbs. Al Dio estu la glorio.
wordpowr.zip1k98-07-30File is not ratedWord Power
Stores an editable database of words and definitions and then tests you over them.
xtfedit.zip2k99-02-28File is not ratedOn-calc XeTaL Text Editor v1.0

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