| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities) |
| alignstr.zip | 1k | 02-12-07 | | Align String version 2.00 This new version of Align String is a function instead of a program. Also, the demo program is no longer included. |
| asciidisplay.zip | 1k | 04-07-15 | | ASCII Displayer This program turns any string into its ASCII binary equivalent. Unlike other similar programs, it removes the "0b" prefix and adds leading zeros so that all entries are 8 bits. It also allows you to save the converted string as a list or a string, with separate 'letters' separated by spaces. |
| backwords.zip | 4k | 07-04-26 | | BackWords This handy little utility program takes any string and reverses it. |
| binary.zip | 1k | 03-04-05 | | Binary returns the binary for a num or string as a string |
| bisearch.zip | 1k | 04-09-06 | | Binary Search A simple easy to use binary searching algorith used to search lists for specific elements. Saves the index of the element in a variable called 'Index'. If the element is not found, index = 0. A binary search is much much faster than a sequential search, so if your looking for speed, this is it. This is ideal when searching lists that are very large. A sequential search takes an average of 6.5s to search a 100 element list while a binary search takes an average of 0.5s to search the same list for the same element. This is great for programmers so be sure to try it out. :) |
| bool2exp.zip | 3k | 02-04-15 | | Boolean to Expression Read the README for a complete description. |
| bubblesort.zip | 1k | 03-04-05 | | bubblesort use this bubblesort to sort any sized list of values on your 89 |
| bvc.zip | 1k | 03-12-28 | | Basic Variable Compression (BVC) V1.00 BVC does everything that SLAM and StuffPic do, only better. Attention all programmers currently using StuffPic and/or SLAM - please update your programs to use BVC instead. (C) 2003 Enchanted Coders. |
| chars.zip | 2k | 02-04-15 | | Character/Ordinal List Two functions which return (1) a list of character codes for a string passed to it, and (2) a string for a list of character codes passed to it. |
| compress89.zip | 1k | 03-03-19 | | Compress 89 v1.0 This file will compress lists or matrices into a more efficient string format...see readme for details |
| compress.zip | 12k | 03-03-09 | | (De)Compressor A (rather fast) program I wrote in BASIC which allows you to (de)compress a string. In a best-case situation (a string containing the 255th ASCII character, ÿ, repeatedly - and nothing else), the compression is enormous - 32 bytes compress down to 7, 128 bytes compress down to 10, etc. However, with other situations, the compression will vary. For example, the string "moogle equals moogle squared divided by moogle times moogle over moogle to the zero times moogle" (96 bytes) compresses down to 82 bytes. While this seems small, it is actually a size reduction of 14.583% - not bad for a very simple compression algorithm. Read the 'readme' file for MUCH more detail. |
| exinstr_basic.zip | 1k | 04-10-04 | | Exhaustive inString( ) This is a function that, unlike the built-in inString() function, will find all occurences of one string in another, instead of just the first. |
| findrplc.zip | 2k | 02-08-02 | | FindRplc String Manipulator A function, not a program, that returns a source string that has been searche for multiple or single characters and replaced with multiple or single characters or deleted all together. GHreat way to search a string for a string more than on character long and replace or delete it. |
| generate.zip | 14k | 00-09-24 | | Generate Generate a random string. Very fun ! |
| getprgln.zip | 10k | 01-06-01 | | Program Reader This program allows you to read in any line of an UNTOKENIZED program, and returns the line in string 'e'. |
| getsize.zip | 5k | 04-11-04 | | Getsize v1.0 This basic library returns the EXACT size of any variable on your 89/89TI/92+/V200 any AMS and Hardware version. It can be integrated as a subprogram in any basic program. Programmed by Hadrien Bonomi, 30/10/2004 |
| gettype2.zip | 31k | 02-04-15 | | Get True Type This program gets the REAL type of any variable - it doesn't just return 'OTH' if the TI-92+ doesn't know what it is. Works for eBooks, eBook bookmarks, RIP snapshots, etc. etc. (for these, it returns "ebk", "cfg", and "SNAP" respectively) |
| gnozip.zip | 26k | 04-03-28 | | G-Nozip This software enables you to compress your files, and to gather them in only one file. Ce programme vous permet de compresser vos archives, et de les regrouper en un seul fichier. |
| gtype.zip | 3k | 03-10-06 | | gType Gtype() is extended version of the function getType(). Gtype() can determine some types which are not included in the function gettype(): integers, real numbers, complex numbers, complex expressions and complex variables. |
| hibedit.zip | 11k | 05-11-10 | | hibedit Tools to edit hibview or TextRide files faster. |
| insertionsort.zip | 1k | 03-04-06 | | insertion sort use this insertion sort algorithm to sort any list of values on your 89 |
| instr.zip | 1k | 11-01-30 | | InStr This function is like the inString function except it finds all occurrences of the substring and returns their values in a list. |
| isfile.zip | 1k | 99-11-07 | | IsFile A Function that determines if a variable exists or not. Meant for programmers needing to know if a var exists. |
| isvar.zip | 1k | 11-01-28 | | isVar One compatibility issue exists between the TI-89 and TI-89 Titanium. The TI-89 does not have the function isVar, so if a program designed for the TI-89 Titanium uses the isVar function and is run on a TI-89, an error occurs. This program is for the old TI-89 and replicates the isVar function to prevent this compatibility issue. |
| letter_case.zip | 5k | 07-10-27 | | MAJUSCULE - minuscule / MAYÚSCULA - minúscula ENGLISH: These functions convert a text string between majuscule, capital or upper case letters and minuscule or lower case letters in four different ways, you can use them as Text Editor or Note Folio complement. TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium compatible. ESPAÑOL: Estas funciones convierten una cadena de texto entre letras mayúsculas y letras minúsculas de cuatro maneras distintas, usted puede usarlas como complemento del Text Editor o del NoteFolio. Compatible con TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 y TI-89 Titanium. |
| listfunctions89.zip | 55k | 02-06-19 | | List Functions for TI-89 Version 1 15 list utilities for the TI-89: including reversing the elements of a list, and other list editing tools such as inserting to and deleting objects from lists, randomizing, extracting, and finding what positions does an object occur in a list. Arithmetic and geometric sequences included. Recursive list program included. **Note: I transfered these files from the 92-Plus using the Graph Link software as saved them as .89* files. They should work properly. |
| listrm.zip | 1k | 11-01-01 | | List Remove Remove an element from a list by inputting the list and which element to remove. Included are a program and a function. The function returns the list with the element removed, and the program stores the list with the element removed as the variable mtemp. |
| listscramble.zip | 1k | 04-05-29 | | List Scrambler Version 5.00 The second and last update of my list scrambler function. Enter a list, and the function will scramble its elements without repeats. Great for card games... UPDATE: 5 times as fast scrambling, twice smaller file size, new method of scrambling, if there are two or more of the same elements in a list then program doesn't give an error but scrambles anyways. |
| makeslist2.zip | 1k | 03-04-06 | | makelist2 fixes a minor bug in makelist |
| mdv.zip | 1k | 02-05-27 | | Modify Data Variable A program that provides an interface with NewData to ease changing part of a data variable without using the data/matrix editor. |
| mlm.zip | 1k | 03-06-05 | | Matrix-List Manipulator (MLM) V2.00 Provides an easy way to add or remove rows or columns in a matrix or elements in a list. This version has been tremendously optimized - so much so that it's less than half the size of the previous version (538 bytes, 606 bytes smaller than before). |
| mtrxedtr.zip | 2k | 03-10-19 | | Matrix Editor This is an update of Mtrxedtr(). This program is a matrix editor, which I use as an alternative to the TI-89 Data/Matrix Editor. I use it as a keyboard program so it's easier to access and use than the Data/Matrix Editor. You can create and edit a matrix, edit an existing matrix, insert rows or columns, and check dimensions easily even when the matrix is too large for the screen. You don't have to name the matrix before it is created so you save a few steps and time. The matrix is automatically saved as "z", unless you choose to change it. This update improves the editing process and changes the display to allow you to scroll through a large matrix. |
| newstr.zip | 1k | 03-05-25 | | New String Finally, a way to create strings of any length (to complement newMat, newList, and the other built-in 'new' routines). What's changed in this release: removed newstr1, renamed newstr2 to newstr, simplified newstr to make it smaller. |
| numbconv.zip | 2k | 00-08-02 | | Number Converter v8.1 Converts any integar into a text form. |
| numstr.zip | 1k | 04-01-11 | | Number-String Converter V2.00 Converts numbers to strings and strings to numbers. (C) 2004 Enchanted Coders. |
| ordpak.zip | 1k | 06-09-17 | | Extended Ord Package This package contains four functions that extends the functionality of the ord function built-in to your calculator. Read the read-me for details. |
| pictobin.zip | 2k | 01-03-08 | | Basic Picture To Binary This Program turns any basic picture in to binary inwhich you can then turn it in to hexidecimal code for C programmers. Contains three programs. 1. A picture to binary converter. 2. A binary to picture converter 3. A windows program. A binary to hexidecimal converter. |
| picturecompressorv1.0.zip | 4k | 03-03-08 | | Picture Compressor v1.0 This is a picture archiving utility that can compress a picture up to 90% (25% - 50% is the average). It takes about 4-5 mins to compress the picture and another 4-5 mins to decompress. This program is great for saving space! |
| randlist.zip | 1k | 02-11-01 | | Random List Generator This is a handy little function that will generate a randomized list of the numbers 1 to x. Just send this to your calculator and type "randlist(x)", without the quotes, where x is any whole number. |
| replace.zip | 2k | 03-12-16 | | Replace String This TI-BASIC function takes three strings as argument and returns the first string with all occurances of the second string replaced with the third: replace("hi howard","h","H") returns "Hi Howard" See readme for me examples of how this program can be implemented in a program... |
| rope.zip | 1k | 01-04-18 | | Rope v1.0 A really cool program used to create, edit, view, delete, encrypt, and decrypt strings. The viewer will display long strings as paragraphs, and breaks up the string into pages making it easier to read. This Program can be used for what ever you want, but seems best suited for sending encoded messages. |
| rplcstr.zip | 1k | 11-04-09 | | rplcstr This is a simple search and replace function. This will search a string for substrings and then replace them with another string. |
| scramstr.zip | 1k | 07-09-17 | | String Scramler v1.1 This program takes a string and scrambles it. (pretty self-explanitory). The syntax is scramstr(string,saveas string). The program will then take "string" and scramble it, and save it as "saveas string". It can now support every character even the "_") Check back later for a jumble game I'm working on (halfway there). |
| selectionsort.zip | 1k | 03-04-06 | | selection sort use this selection sort algorithm to sort any list of values on your 89 |
| separate.89p | 1k | 01-12-16 | | separate When you use separate it separates the last number with commas. 123456789 turns into 123,456,789. There is no limit to the length of the number. |
| shuffle.zip | 1k | 03-12-16 | | Shuffle Use this to shuffle any list. (such as a deck list) |
| slam.zip | 1k | 03-12-07 | | Shrink Lists And Matrices (SLAM) V1.10 SLAM is a list and matrix compressor/decompressor implemented as a group of functions. What's new in this release: Unpacked the program from the library format into separate functions. Fixed documentation errors. (C) 2003 Enchanted Coders. |
| srchnrep.zip | 1k | 05-12-31 | | Search and Replace function for TI-89 This is a search and replace function for TI-89 written in TI-BASIC. I wrote this program out of the lack of good string manipulation operations in TI-BASIC. This program is a must have for anyone who usually does a lot of string manipulation in TI-BASIC. |
| strconv.zip | 1k | 99-06-06 | | String to Hexadecimal Converter Converts strings into hexadecimal based codes. |
| stringf.zip | 1k | 99-04-08 | | String Functions String functions that allow you to do things like split a string and much more. |
| stringlib_functions.zip | 4k | 04-11-20 | | String Lib functions 1.0 This release intends to make functions to manage strings. The fucntions are: lcase, ucase |
| stringwrapper.zip | 1k | 00-03-31 | | String Wrapper Program to display a string on the Program IO screen, wrapping at spaces like modern word processing applications. Can be used for all functions in Sebastian's Calculus Package that return strings. |
| text2bin.zip | 1k | 04-03-08 | | Text-to-Binary Converter This neat little program converts normal text (Hello!) to binary (1001000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111 100001). You can use this to communicate to your friends, or use it to encrypt your emails, or just whatever. Check out the screenshot. Have fun! |
| textlist.zip | 10k | 06-03-26 | | TextList 1.0 TextList takes the text that you input and converts it to a list file. It also takes compatible list files and converts them into displayable strings onscreen. You can send your list files to another person with TextList so they can view them. |
| ti_wordsort.zip | 19k | 03-05-07 | | TI Word Sorters This package contains the wordsort program for the TI-83, TI-83+, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and V200. |
| varsize.zip | 4k | 02-04-15 | | VarSize BASIC This program calculates the size of any variable and returns it in the variable 'v'. I tested this program on a folder with 325 files in it (~180kb) and it came out only 75 bytes off. That means this program is approximately 99.96% accurate. AND IT'S WRITTEN IN BASIC! Although I can't guarantee it works on the TI-92+... I know it works on the TI-89. They should be similar enough for this to work. |
| virtuallist.zip | 3k | 03-05-23 | | Virtual List V1.01 Allows the creation of simulated lists of variables that cannot be put into an ordinary TI-Basic list variable, such as pictures, matrices, and even other lists. Virtual lists have NO type restrictions, so it is possible to create a virtual list containing, for example, a number, a picture, a matrix, a list, and an expression! Another advantage to virtual lists is that they only take up (at the most)15 bytes (plus the size of the variables in the virtual list, which get renamed rather than copied when they are added). Fixed some minor bugs in this version. |
| wildcmp.zip | 1k | 02-08-04 | | Wildcard Compare This is a small function that works like the wildcard compare function built into most operating systems (except the TIOS) |
| xtreme.zip | 11k | 01-05-01 | | Xtreme Viewer This program uses flib v2.2 and works like a doors explorer without a shell! This is a pre-release and is bug free. You will notice the about screen says April 9 but I got it out earlier the full and complete version will be out by then! |
| xtrktor.zip | 1k | 04-09-03 | | Xtrktor 1.0.20 (beta) Nonfinal name - It allows to install the content of a group made with flib2. So you need Flib and Flib2. xtrktor("group_name") |
| zip89.zip | 6k | 01-06-01 | | Zip89 A VERY, VERY basic file compression utility for the TI-89, written mostly in BASIC (uses Flib 2.2). |