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Ranked as 25911 on our all-time top downloads list with 2303 downloads.
Ranked as 2353 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename compress.zip (Download)
Title (De)Compressor
Description A (rather fast) program I wrote in BASIC which allows you to (de)compress a string. In a best-case situation (a string containing the 255th ASCII character, ΓΏ, repeatedly - and nothing else), the compression is enormous - 32 bytes compress down to 7, 128 bytes compress down to 10, etc. However, with other situations, the compression will vary. For example, the string "moogle equals moogle squared divided by moogle times moogle over moogle to the zero times moogle" (96 bytes) compresses down to 82 bytes. While this seems small, it is actually a size reduction of 14.583% - not bad for a very simple compression algorithm. Read the 'readme' file for MUCH more detail.
Author Michael McElroy (millennial@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Data)
File Size 12,724 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 9 02:11:00 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
compress.mlib.89z   8117
screen1.GIF   2411
screen2.GIF   2324
Readme.txt   3557
compress.compress.89f   615
compress.d2b.89f   172
compress.decom.89f   819
compress.fixbin2.89f   157
compress.fixbin.89f   157
compress.maxcomp.89f   169
compress.string2.89f   199
compress.uniqstr.89f   186
compress.quickbin.89p   581

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