| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs |
 | 7x7pixel.zip | 2k | 03-05-21 |  | 7*7 Pixel Sprite Maker v 1.0 A graphic tool that you can use to make tiny 7*7 pixel graphics from large graphics. This is alot easier to use than trying to use the cursor. |
 | 89gpl.zip | 13k | 09-08-11 |  | GNU GPL .89t This is the GNU GPL in .89t format for distribution with your programs. |
 | alignstr.zip | 1k | 02-12-07 |  | Align String version 2.00 This new version of Align String is a function instead of a program. Also, the demo program is no longer included. |
 | arrowiz.zip | 1k | 00-02-12 |  | Arrow Wiz v1.0 This is a function for quickly reading the state of the arrow key in a TI-89 game. This has little use unless you need it for programming a game. |
 | arrowmenucreator.zip | 13k | 06-05-11 |  | Arrow Menu Creator This program allows users to easily create arrow menus. It is very flexible. A demo program that uses the Arrow Menu Creator is provided that solves a quadratic equation. Another program is also included that simplifies the process of figuring out which option in the menu was selected. |
 | arrows.zip | 2k | 02-03-02 |  | Arrow Key Indicator This program will tell you what arrow or arrows, if any, are being pushed for any given getKey() value. |
 | asm2exec.zip | 10k | 04-11-04 |  | Asm 2 Exec v1.0 This prog converts any ASM68K program into Exec string, to insert it on TI-basic programs. You can for ex convert ASM progs that modify contrast, hide vars, erase full screen,.... This is a major update, fixing some bugs, with improved engine (see readme for details). Nb : size of exec string = 2*size of original ASM prog. YOU MUST ASK THE PROGRAM AUTHOR BEFORE CONVERTING TO EXEC. Programmed by Hadrien Bonomi-Dunoyer |
 | asmstudio.zip | 114k | 04-10-09 |  | ASM Studio v1.7 ASM studio is an on-calc ASM programing suite, that "manages" crashes and recovery with many features (automatic source code recovery, keyboard accelerator, colapse folders, change contast,...), to save work and time. Its an integrator of the excellent as92 by the DBA Team. Compatible TI89/92+, AMS 1.xx to 2.03. As92 not tested on newer AMS versions. NOW SUPPORTS _NOSTUB ROM CALLS (EITHER ASM OR EXEC STRING) : SEE READMES FOR SYNTAX More stable than v1.6, some bugs fixed. By Hadrien Bonomi-Dunoyer |
 | asubtut.zip | 5k | 05-01-28 |  | A TI-BASIC Subroutine Tutorial Since I've heard alot of people complain that embedded subroutines isn't possible in 68k BASIC programs, I've written this tutorial that will shows how easy it actually is. Enjoy! |
 | atexter.zip | 1k | 03-06-24 |  | A scrolling text thing that I made Are you tired of spending long hours trying to get your text in your next smash hit rpg to scroll letter by letter? Are You!!! Well, is so, you should download this program. The many features it includes are slowing down and speeding up text, pausing the text, and much more! All of this can be done with no programming knowledge at all. The size will be no problem either. Just try it! (You might want to read the readme first before using it) |
 | bisearch.zip | 1k | 04-09-06 |  | Binary Search A simple easy to use binary searching algorith used to search lists for specific elements. Saves the index of the element in a variable called 'Index'. If the element is not found, index = 0. A binary search is much much faster than a sequential search, so if your looking for speed, this is it. This is ideal when searching lists that are very large. A sequential search takes an average of 6.5s to search a 100 element list while a binary search takes an average of 0.5s to search the same list for the same element. This is great for programmers so be sure to try it out. :) |
 | bln.zip | 6k | 10-11-23 |  | Boolean Converter This function converts 'true' and 'false' to '1' and '0', respectively, and vice versa. Handy for programs utilizing logic similar to 2 + (x=4) in which a value of 3 must be obtained when x equals four. |
 | breakpoint.zip | 431k | 08-02-28 |  | BreakPoint This is a utility program for debugging the BASIC programs. It imitates the breakpoint feature we can find in a debugger. It allows you to suspend the execution of the program being debugged, to inspect its variables and eventually to modify them; for this it just takes to insert the command brk\pt in the program being debugged in the places to be analyzed. |
 | bvc.zip | 1k | 03-12-28 |  | Basic Variable Compression (BVC) V1.00 BVC does everything that SLAM and StuffPic do, only better. Attention all programmers currently using StuffPic and/or SLAM - please update your programs to use BVC instead. (C) 2003 Enchanted Coders. |
 | card.zip | 29k | 01-01-29 |  | Card Game Maker v1.2 This is a package of utilities that will help you make any card game out there! Why reinvent the wheel? Download this and it will include all the pictures you need, and programs including programs that help you shuffle and deal your cards. This gives you a good way to organize your cards. VERY helpful for programmers. The new update includes new programs, and updated ways of making card games. |
 | centertext.zip | 1k | 05-09-12 |  | Center Text Easily No more guess and check when it comes to trying to center text! This file contains two programs, one for centering text in the form of Output and one for centering text in the form of PxlText. Both the programs are incredibly small and easy to call in another program. Check out the ReadMe for how to call them and other information. |
 | classicrpgdtk.zip | 34k | 08-09-06 |  | Classic RPG Developer's Toolkit V0.0.1 I started working on this about a year ago (during class, of course), but lost interest in it before some key elements were completed. The editors for this are finished, but some of the actual game mechanics are not there. I suggest checking it out. If not to use, then to laugh at. :D Basic graphical text RPG maker. Let me know if you are interested (seriously) in completing this. Or if you really want me to complete this. ;) |
 | compiler.zip | 6k | 99-09-16 |  | Compiler v1.0 Compiler is designed to compile assembly programs for the 89 on your calculator. |
 | coolmenu.zip | 1k | 04-04-01 |  | Cool Menu v1.00 This is a simple program that makes a cool menu that you can use in just about any program. It is also my first program for the TI-89 and also a port from my TI-83+.Check it out! |
 | cooltype.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Cooltype v1.0 Utilites Cooltype 1.0 Utilities is a program desinged to allow users to type like in Angelo 3D. It also includes a program that makes a dos-like waiting cursor, and a buggy beta version of my graphmode user input command |
 | cps.zip | 1k | 10-10-01 |  | Calculations Per Second This program tests how many BASIC calculations your TI-89 can perform per second. |
 | creatasm.zip | 1k | 00-02-11 |  | CreatAsm Create Exec type programe. |
 | damagemultiplier.zip | 2k | 04-01-19 |  | Damage Multiplier V1.00 Damage Multiplier is a tool for RPG developers. It makes it easy to determine if an attack missed, hit, or critically hit. (C) 2004 Enchanted Coders. |
 | dfacompiler.zip | 1k | 00-02-28 |  | DFA Compiler Compiles Deterministic Finite Automata into programs. |
 | dhs.zip | 1k | 04-01-29 |  | Dialog Help System (DHS) V2.01 DHS provides an easy way to create, modify, and display dialog-based help files. What's new in this release: added UNMAKE utility for editing help files and fixed documentation errors. (C) 2003, 2004 Enchanted Coders. |
 | dialogbox.zip | 105k | 04-01-07 |  | Dialog box maker Dialog box maker is a full screen program which allows you to make dialog box totaly different than the TiOs ones, looking like those of Windows. You select items with a mouse, you can do all that the TiOs does (in basic) and more:Buttons, font selection for text, pictures... The syntax is nearly the same than Dialog...EndDlg but adaptated to a program so it's easy to use. Now you can use keys to quickly jump from an item to an other. |
 | dsprite.zip | 1k | 02-03-28 |  | D-Sprite v1.00 D-Sprite 1.00 is a program that you can scan pics off the graph screen into matrix form, and you can use this with the NewPic Command! Read the readme for more info. A MUST TRY for people who want to work with sprites or graphics in TI-BASIC. |
 | easilyposition.zip | 1k | 06-01-08 |  | Easily Position Text This is a simple program that allows you to enter a string and then move it around on the screen while the coordinates are displayed in the bottom right of the screen. You can move the string one pixel at a time using the arrow keys, or ten pixels at a time using the [2nd] key and the arrow keys. It's a great tool that eliminates all of the guess and check when it comes to positioning text in BASIC programs. |
 | elib.zip | 2k | 00-02-29 |  | Execlib take full control of the calculator for programming with the 'exec' command. includes 'disable break', 'clear screen', 'invert screen', and some scrolling routines! |
 | exckeycheck.zip | 3k | 01-12-16 |  | Exc Keycheck This is a simple program that can find the getkey number for whatever key you press other than . The only way to stop the program is to break. Read the included text file for more details. |
 | executils.zip | 9k | 03-08-06 |  | ASM2EXEC & EXEC2ASM These programs convert ASM programs to Exec strings (and vice versa.) ASM2EXEC creates an Exec string named maiexecstr from an ASM program; EXEC2ASM reverses this process, generating asmprgm from an Exec string. |
 | exinstr_basic.zip | 1k | 04-10-04 |  | Exhaustive inString( ) This is a function that, unlike the built-in inString() function, will find all occurences of one string in another, instead of just the first. |
 | exprcomb.zip | 1k | 11-10-18 |  | Expression Combine Combine two expressions into one expression. For example, a and 1 becomes a1. |
 | ezasmbet.zip | 8k | 00-08-20 |  | EZ ASM v1.0 BETA!! AWESOME ASM UTILITY HERE!!!!!!!!! NO ASM KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED!!! This program is for all you ASM wannabes! You can create a ASM file for compiling using BASIC commands, AND all the special stuff availabe by ASM!!!! BUT THIS AN EARLY RELEASE!!!! not near completion! |
 | fams_flib3.2menu.zip | 110k | 06-09-26 |  | FLib Menu ENGLISH: This program creates a custom menu for to use the library Flib 3.2 GPL by F. Leiber, this library permits do to programmer many things more in TI-BASIC. You can use the menu in Program Editor pressing [2ND] followed by: [HOME] (in TI-89 Titanium and TI-89) or [3] (in Voyage 200 and TI-92 Plus) -[CUSTOM]-. ESPAÑOL: Este programa crea un menú de costumbre para usar la librería Flib 3.2 GPL de F. Leiber, esta librería permite hacer al programador muchas cosas mas en TI-BASIC. Usted puede usar el menú en Program Editor presionando [2ND] seguido de: [HOME] (en la TI-89 Titanium y TI-89) o [3] (en la Voyage 200 y TI-92 Plus) -[CUSTOM]-. |
 | findkeycode.zip | 1k | 10-04-15 |  | Find Keycode This is a program which allows the user to discover keycodes on his/her/its calculator. Interface is simple. Run the program, click a key, a number pops up, click ENTER, then repeat until desired result is achieved. |
 | find.zip | 1k | 01-12-15 |  | Key Code Finder Helps in finding the code number for the keys on your calculator. Useful for you busy programers. |
 | gcbasic01.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | GC - basic01 par Grégory Christen Un cours de TI-Basic pour débutants pour créer son 1er programme et apprendre les instructions de lecture/écriture. |
 | gcbasic02.zip | 1k | 03-03-17 |  | GC - basic02 par Grégory Christen Un cours de TI-Basic pour débutants pour utiliser les boîtes et fenêtres proposées par la calculatrice. |
 | gcbasic03.zip | 1k | 03-03-23 |  | GC - basic03 par Grégory Christen Un cours de TI-Basic pour débutants pour utiliser la structure de boucle If...Then...Else...EndIf et les fonctions relatives aux sauts. |
 | getkey89.zip | 1k | 03-08-26 |  | Getkey89 This program allows the users to see what the numeric value is for any key pressed, except for on, 2nd, the green diamond, and the copy buttons. |
 | getkeys.zip | 1k | 08-03-25 |  | Another Getkey Program This is another getkey program, but simplified, and easy to use. |
 | getkeyteach.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | Getkey EZ Learner It simply teaches beginners the numbers for the getkey command for the 89. |
 | getkey.zip | 5k | 00-03-12 |  | GetKey v1.00 GetKey is a simple programming utility that allows you to find the numerical value for any key. The included readme contains a description of the implementation of getkey() into programs for beginners. |
 | gkey89.zip | 1k | 98-09-13 |  | Gkey 89 v1.0 Determines the getkey value when a key is pressed. |
 | gkey.zip | 1k | 04-08-24 |  | Get Key This is a very simple function that gives you the number for whatever key is perssed. To execute, run the function "getkey()", and it will retern the value of the next key you press to the homescreen. Only 85 bytes! |
 | graphics_21.zip | 15k | 01-01-06 |  | Graphics Pack A bunch of graphics programs and subroutines for the TI89. Read 'readme.txt' for much, much more information. |
 | greylib.zip | 2k | 99-10-31 |  | GreyLib A utility to help BASIC programmers produce greyscale in their programs. |
 | homescr.zip | 1k | 02-04-23 |  | Homescr By MBMB Creations The ultimate homescr program to be used in other programs to make the user able to do calculations w/ out exiting your programs! |
 | hpbartutorial.zip | 1k | 03-05-04 |  | HP Bar Tutorial An simple HP bar. For those who want to learn how to make one of your own.. or you could use this one... |
 | hxview.zip | 4k | 00-04-19 |  | HexView89 v1.6 Hexadecimal view of the TI89's memory - For programmers |
 | icon.zip | 10k | 00-03-01 |  | Icon creator Allows you to create icons for your BASIC programs |
 | indent.zip | 9k | 02-08-04 |  | (De)Indent This short program will indent and deindent your basic programs. READ THE DOCUMENTATION!!! |
 | indexofl.zip | 4k | 10-12-25 |  | Last Index Of Returns the last occurrence of a character or substring in a given string. Very useful for BASIC programs that use heavy string manipulation. |
 | indexof.zip | 4k | 10-12-25 |  | Index Of Returns the first occurrence of a character or substring in another given string. Very useful for BASIC programs that use heavy string manipulation. |
 | insertionsort.zip | 1k | 03-04-06 |  | insertion sort use this insertion sort algorithm to sort any list of values on your 89 |
 | isdigit.zip | 2k | 10-12-25 |  | Numeric Tester Returns a Boolean depending on whether the first character of a given string is numeric. Very useful for BASIC programs that use heavy string manipulation. |
 | isfile.zip | 1k | 99-11-07 |  | IsFile A Function that determines if a variable exists or not. Meant for programmers needing to know if a var exists. |
 | isletter.zip | 2k | 10-12-25 |  | Alphabetic Tester Returns a Boolean depending on whether the first character of a given string is alphabetic. Very useful for BASIC programs that use heavy string manipulation. |
 | kenutils.zip | 7k | 00-03-22 |  | Ken's Useful Utilities r6 A collection of useful stuff to help when writing Basic programs. See included documentation for what you get. |
 | keyboard_map.zip | 3k | 05-03-13 |  | Keyboard Map v1.00.01 Keyboard Map is a program that allows you to check the getKey() codes of particular key presses. This is useful when writing TI-BASIC programs using getKey. Keyboard Map also allows you to save a list of keys along with comments, so you can recall them into the program editor or a text file for easy reference. |
 | keycode.zip | 1k | 00-04-18 |  | KeyCode Give the decimal, hexa & binary code of the key |
 | keynum.zip | 1k | 00-08-29 |  | Keynum89 A program that will tell you what the Getkey number is for the button you pressed. Good for programmers who don't have the manuel handy. |
 | keys.zip | 1k | 99-02-28 |  | Keys v1.0 Finds all getkeys in a user friendly way |
 | lib68k.zip | 19k | 03-10-19 |  | Ultimate Basic Library 68k The Ultimate Basic Library 68k now has 465 functions, some dealing with free RAM/Archive. The best part is compat(), the compatibility patch, which checks the AMS and screensize. compat() allows for only 1 version of the library to exist, instead of 4...and makes many graphical routines within ALOT smaller. With 465 functions there's little this doesn't do (it even makes greyscale or animations in BASIC). |
 | locmodes.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | Local Modes Executes a string using local mode settings. Useful if you don't want to alter mode settings but need to display something using certain mode settings, for example a polar subroutine in a math program. |
 | main.getky.zip | 1k | 03-08-26 |  | Getkey Finder This program tells you the getkey number of any button you press. |
 | menus.zip | 1k | 04-07-13 |  | Boxed Menus A template to create menus with up to seven entries; draws the options on the graph screen, with a box around the currently selected one; use arrow keys to scroll; see screenshot for clarification |
 | move0.zip | 1k | 10-10-15 |  | Move 0 Make a zero move across the screen. I programmed this for experience in learning BASIC. Fatal bug fixed. |
 | movev1.0.zip | 2k | 03-03-09 |  | Move V 1.0 My first prgm i've put on this site. Useful tool for those who want to use getkey() command in their basic. Also can type {x,y} for "word" to use to find correct numbers for output command. (Ex. run Prgm, at Enter word prompt, type: {x,y}, will tell you what numbers to use with your output command. keep in mind that those numbers are where the begining of the text is. Email me with questions or comments. Also will Program Science and Algerbra/Calculas Cheats. If you need one email me with specifications/formulas and i'll try to get it to you in about a week. |
 | numberchangetutorial.zip | 1k | 03-05-04 |  | On-screen Number Changer Normally, you cannot enter numbers on the Graph Screen or the Normal Screen without the Recall command or the Input command. With this, you can enter it, and the screen will not change. For those who want to implement this into something. |
 | numofarg.zip | 2k | 02-04-15 |  | Number of Arguments Finds the number of arguments required to run any BASIC program or function, and creates the variable argnum which contains the result. |
 | offti.zip | 2k | 00-11-23 |  | Turnoff (French) Ce programme en C permet d'éteindre la TI-89 ou 92+ à partir d'un programme en basic |
 | optical.zip | 24k | 06-06-25 |  | pRecursive - Optical A Scheme-like interpreter. Very functional, contains lengthy documentation describing not only how to use the program but how the program works internally. Useful not just for Scheme programmers, but also for those looking to see some TI-BASIC tricks. |
 | orbital3.zip | 10k | 03-10-30 |  | Orbital3 This archive is a new beta of Orbital3, a game engine for the end user. This is a huge improvement over Orbital2 and still a pretty big one over the previous O3 beta. Make sure you check the docs! |
 | orbital.zip | 11k | 03-06-14 |  | Orbital ][ - Build 0156 A game engine written entirely in Basic. Contact information is in the readme if you'd like to contribute or use this for your very own game. |
 | oxlibv1.0.zip | 3k | 04-12-16 |  | OXLIB V 1.0 OXLIB (aka OX Library) is a library made by OX Technologies (just me) that gives your calculator extra functions that are required for any OXLIB based games/programs. If you have downloaded BUSTem already and need the latest version, check this site for the latest, or go to http://ox.simontx.net and see if there are any news about a version bigger than yours. |
 | precursive.zip | 12k | 04-04-15 |  | pRecursive A fully featured and nearly crash-proof prefix notation (LISP and Scheme style) parser for the 89. Full documentation of commands and syntax is included! |
 | progamer.zip | 1k | 05-12-10 |  | Programmer This .zip file contains two programs to help you find the numerical value of any key (excpt for On/Off). The second lets you move an image around the screen with the arrow keys. These programes are to be used in making a cool RPG. |
 | randomfind.zip | 7k | 03-11-19 |  | Pax Randomana This is a handy programming function that finds a random integer between two specified integers. Works with positive, negative integers, and zero. Very small and compact in size. This function is better than some of those 1000 byte programs I've seen out there cause it's smaller, it does the same thing, and it's easier to use. Refer to the README for a program sample and detailed instructions. |
 | randomnumbergenerator.zip | 1k | 03-11-14 |  | Random Number Generator v1.1 Random Number Generator picks random numbers between 2 specified numbers. |
 | randomworkout.zip | 1k | 04-01-24 |  | 2 Rand() programs these two programs will help beginers in TI-BASIC learn to use the Rand() function |
 | randvar.zip | 1k | 03-03-08 |  | Random Variable Takes a value you specify and stores it to a randomly generated variable name (and folder name, if you so choose). This program is public domain. How incredibly useful! |
 | recursioninbasic.zip | 1k | 02-10-25 |  | Recusion in basic An example of how to define a recursive function on the Ti-89 in Basic. |
 | returnfl.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | Return fl A function that strips the list brackets from the FLib return variable and returns the value inside |
 | rowread.zip | 10k | 03-07-01 |  | Rowread code maker Rowread is a program which gives you the rowread code for TIGCC of the key you pressed. I thought it could be usefull for C programmers... |
 | rpg89.zip | 1k | 00-03-28 |  | RPG Maker 89 Under Development. An RPG maker for the 89 ALL on calc |
 | scrollscreen.zip | 1k | 04-07-15 |  | Screen Scroller One of those useless, "who would want this?" programs. All it does is scroll the screen left, right, up, or down at speeds ranging from 1-10. Actually, it's pretty good for a scrolling program in BASIC. Check out the code. |
 | setfoldr10.zip | 1k | 03-07-24 |  | Folder Manger All my programs use this! A must for people who release their programs! It interfaces between the programs and folders so you can place variables in a different folder without hardcoding the information in the program! |
 | spdraw.zip | 12k | 03-06-30 |  | SpDraw v1.06 SpDraw is my best program yet. You can create Zelda or Final Fantasy like game levels with ease. I originally made this for me only but I have decided to release it publicly. Watch out for my upcoming rpg - The Keeper (made with spdraw). I am interseted in starting a TI-89 Calculator programming group. If anyone is interested also and is very advanced in TI-89 basic then please email. I will be updating often. |
 | splashit15.zip | 32k | 03-08-26 |  | Splash It 1.5 Splash It 1.5 is intended for the TI-89 only. It is a simple program that creates splash screens for your basic programs. Sorry, however version 2.0 will come out for both the 83 plust and 89. So wait for it. |
 | sprite.zip | 3k | 01-02-04 |  | Sprite Generator This is an on-calc sprite generator in which you can convert a picture on the graph screen into C coding and ASM coding. All you have to do is run the program with arguments specifying the (x,y) coordinates, and the width and height of the picture. Very easy to use, very fast, and very helpful. |
 | srchnrep.zip | 1k | 05-12-31 |  | Search and Replace function for TI-89 This is a search and replace function for TI-89 written in TI-BASIC. I wrote this program out of the lack of good string manipulation operations in TI-BASIC. This program is a must have for anyone who usually does a lot of string manipulation in TI-BASIC. |
 | ti89ctype.zip | 1k | 02-04-11 |  | TI-89 CTYPE Provides most of the functionality of C's macros. |
 | tibool.zip | 145k | 00-10-05 |  | TIBOOL v6.0 Texas Instrument Basic Object Oriented Language, release VI. TIBOOL is a usefull tool to create graphic programs with a user-friendly interface with windows, labels and buttons. This release adds combo boxes, data bases, radio and check buttons, text boxes and much more... |
 | tilemap.zip | 2k | 00-02-28 |  | TileMap Engine v1.0 A TileMap engine for the 89/92+ |
 | tiwriter.zip | 3k | 03-03-07 |  | Ti-Writer A Program that will draw letters on the graph screen in a font that is smaller than the original TI font. This is great for programs with insruction screens and many other great uses! |
 | toolbar_v200.zip | 366k | 03-07-10 |  | ToolBar Icons + v16.0 This usefull to programing with Ti-89, Ti-92+ and Voyage 200 ex.: ToolBar Title calc ..... Title link.... EndTBar (Includes icons, and English and Portuguese documentation). I add it up testpic2.89 |
 | txtwriter.zip | 2k | 99-10-31 |  | Text Writer v1.0 Just a program to make your calculator write texts letter by letter. |
 | typetr.zip | 1k | 10-10-25 |  | Type Train Getting fast at typing on the TI-89 keyboard for development takes practice. This program trains you to find letters quickly. |
 | typewriterdeluxe.zip | 1k | 04-09-27 |  | Typewriter Text Deluxe This is a program that types letters, letter by letter; like a typewriter! It works on the GRAPH SCREEN and the PROGRAM IO SCREEN. PERFECT FOR PROGRAMMERS, YET EASY ENOUGH FOR ANYBODY. Read README for total instructions. |
 | underline.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | Underline v1.0 Works just like "pxltext" except it draws a line under the text. |
 | varlink.zip | 1k | 03-03-27 |  | Var-Link acces the varlink from inside your program what you can select is stored as DAT |
 | whitetext.zip | 9k | 07-01-27 |  | White Text This is a program that highlights a word against a black background at a certain location. You are able to specify the word, row, and column. You can run this at the Home screen or in a program. It will not display an error if there is one, it just wont display anything. It now uses the Try and EndTry commands so it should work on all 68k calcs. Also makes bug fixes from the previous version. See the ReadMe file and the screenshots for more information. |
 | xtfedit.zip | 2k | 99-02-28 |  | On-calc XeTaL Text Editor v1.0 creates menu in text editor for xetal text formatting |