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ASM Studio v1.7


Ranked as 22953 on our all-time top downloads list with 2621 downloads.
Ranked as 18221 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename asmstudio.zip (Download)
Title ASM Studio v1.7
Description ASM studio is an on-calc ASM programing suite, that "manages" crashes and recovery with many features (automatic source code recovery, keyboard accelerator, colapse folders, change contast,...), to save work and time. Its an integrator of the excellent as92 by the DBA Team. Compatible TI89/92+, AMS 1.xx to 2.03. As92 not tested on newer AMS versions. NOW SUPPORTS _NOSTUB ROM CALLS (EITHER ASM OR EXEC STRING) : SEE READMES FOR SYNTAX More stable than v1.6, some bugs fixed. By Hadrien Bonomi-Dunoyer
Author Hadrien Bonomi Dunoyer (bonomov@free.fr)
Category TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools)
File Size 117,742 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Oct 9 00:46:25 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
89/API92.89Z   12037
89/as92.89z   17479
89/ASM compiler 1.7 (kbd2).89p   4178
89/ASM prefs 1.7 (kbd3).89p   3318
89/Examples/HEXS.9XT   5537
89/Examples/INCEXPL.9XT   272
89/TILaunch 1.7 (kbd1).89p   3803
92+/API92.9XZ   12041
92+/as92.9xz   17479
92+/ASM compiler 1.7 (kbd2).9xp   4178
92+/ASM prefs 1.7 (kbd3).9xp   3318
92+/Examples/HEXS.9XT   5537
92+/Examples/INCEXPL.9XT   272
92+/TILaunch 1.7 (kbd1).9xp   3803
Other docs/API92doc.TXT   476
Other docs/as92 doc.htm   16089
RCList.xls   166912
Readme.txt   3264
Romcalls.txt   761
screen1.GIF   2855
screen2.GIF   2912
screen3.GIF   2525
screen4.GIF   2286
screen5.GIF   2303
screen6.GIF   2540

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