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Last updated Sunday, 11 April 2021
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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Math Programs
advreg.zip67k07-07-03File is not ratedAdvanced Regression Programs
This file has programs for non-linear regression, logistic regression for binary dependent data, and two-stage least squares regression. Statistics outputted include standard errors of parameters, t-values and their probabilities, ANOVA tables, and predicted values with user set confidence intervals. The nonlinear regression routine can also handle weighted regressions and regressions with complex numbers as data. This set of programs builds on my old programs in nonlin.zip by adding a new program for two-stage least squares and changing the input forms for all the programs. Enjoy!
antirand68k.zip2k04-03-03File is not ratedCentral Tendancies Graphics
These programs, for the TI-89 -- V200, graphically show how TI's random routine isn't truly random.
average.zip1k99-11-19File is not ratedAverage
Lets you enter the number of numbers to be averaged, lets you enter that many numbers, then it displays the average in fraction form. A useful little trinket.
ave.zip1k03-12-28File is not ratedPrinciple of Randoms
This simple program demonstrates the mathematic principle that the average of many random will always be half of the maximum.
avvar.zip2k02-03-03File is not ratedAverages And Variation
I wrote this during probability and statistics class. I wanted a quick was of calculating everything while showing work. It does Mean, median, range, population and sample measurements of std. deviation, variance, the coeficcient of variation and Chebychev's. It also does weighted mean, and grouped data. Good user interface, and catches list dimension errors. A work in progress.
ballpick.zip1k11-05-29File is not ratedBall Picking
A text file that lists solutions to the most popular (and relatively simple) probability problems.
bayese.zip34k11-10-05File is not ratedBAYESe
The Program computes the result of Bayes’ Theorem and gives P(A|B), that is, the probability of A given B. You enter P(A), P(B|A), and P(B|A’).
benford.zip1k99-11-19File is not ratedBenford's Law
Given a set of data, the program calculates distribution of first digits and displays a comparison with benford's law.
bestfite.zip101k11-07-03File is not ratedBESTFITe
This Program is for the novice user of the TI-89, or anyone who does not want to search for commands built into the TI-89. The Program GRAPHS the scatter plot and shows the best fit for regression types: Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Power, Exp, Ln, Med-Med, Logistic, and Sine. The equation of best fit type is given and a prediction can be made.
binoc.zip1k09-09-06File is not ratedBinomial Probability Calculation
equivalent of TI 83's binomcdf() function. binoc(10,.5,6) returns the probability that given an event happening fewer than 6 times out of 10, given the probability of single event is .5
binomiale.zip94k11-10-02File is not ratedBINOMIALe
Enter n and p. The Program gives you all you need to know about a Binomial Distribution, that is: the mean, median, standard deviation, variance, and histogram. For x successes, you also get P(x = A), P(x < A), P(x > A), and P(A < x < B). In the lists is displayed all probabilities of x successes from 0 to n.
cfit.zip233k21-04-11File is not ratedCurve Fitting by Nelder Mead Method
Computes parameters for any user given model to fit to user given data (least squares) using Nelder Mead optimization procedure
chebye.zip62k11-10-14File is not ratedCHEBYe
The Program uses CHEBYSHEV’S RULE to show 1. The least PERCENT of data that are within k standard deviations of the mean, and 2. The INTERVAL containing at least p percent of the data.
chici.zip1k02-04-12File is not ratedConfidence Intervals for Chi-Square Distribution
Calculates the Confidence Intervals for Chi-Square Distribution. Statistics with List Editor Application required.
chisqe.zip109k11-11-04File is not ratedCHISQe
The Program does a CHI-SQUARE TEST of INDEPENDENCE given a contingency table of values. It displays the Expected Values, Chi-Square, the p-value, the degrees of freedom, and states dependent or independent based on your level of significance alpha. A graph is also displayed.
coefcorr.zip1k01-05-08File is not ratedCoefcorr v1.00
Coefcorr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer le coefficient de corrélation de deux listes. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
concharte.zip58k11-10-19File is not ratedCONCHARTe
The Program displays a CONTROL CHART showing control lines at M + 3S, M + 2S, M, M – 2S, and M – 3S that are based on an expected mean and standard deviation.
confinte.zip53k11-11-02File is not ratedCONFINTe
The Program computes z and t CONFIDENCE INTERVALS for the mean of a population showing 80%, 90%, 95%, 98%, 99%, and 99.9% confidence along with the MARGIN OF ERROR for each interval. The intervals are also shown on a graph so you can see the difference the confidence level makes.
conintere.zip61k11-10-22File is not ratedCONINTERe
This Program is for the novice user of the TI-89, or anyone who does not want to search for commands built into the TI-89. The Program finds a ZInterval and a TInterval, that is a CONFIDENCE INTERVAL for the mean when sigma is known or unknown.
conti.zip1k05-03-19File is not ratedThe Method of Least Squares (Continual)
The method of least squares assumes that the best-fit curve of a given type is the curve that has the minimal sum of the deviations squared (least square error) from a given set of data.
cumcroi.zip1k01-05-08File is not ratedCumcroi v1.00
cumcroi est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer les cumulés croissants d'une liste. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
cumdecr.zip3k01-05-08File is not ratedCumdecr v1.00
Cumdecr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Ce programme nécessite l'utilitaire "revlist" (inclus dans ce fichier zip) à installer dans le même répertoire que cumdecr ! Il permet de calculer les cumulés décroissants d'une liste. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
curvdat.zip1k98-11-21File is not ratedCurved Data Analysis
Does power and exponential regressions the long way
cve.zip60k11-10-08File is not ratedCVe
This Program replaces the need for the z-table and t-table (used for confidence intervals and hypothesis testing). It finds the CRITICAL VALUE CV for 1. a given center area c, 2. a given right tail area A’, 3. a given left tail area A’, or 4. a given two tail area A’’. It also shows the graph of the area.
datafit.zip5k03-10-19File is not ratedData Plotter and Curve Fitter
This program plots data points then gives you a choice of regression types to fit a curve to the data. This update changes the method of data input and improves the editing process. x,y coordinates of points may be entered one at a time or an existing 2 column matrix can be entered. Datafit() includes all regression types on the TI-89 as well as a polynomial regression program, Polyfitn(), which allows you to choose the degree of the polynomial. It's easy to try various regression types and see the results quickly. Even if you don't need to fit a curve to the data, it's a quick way to plot data.
datamanager89.zip405k06-10-27File is not ratedData Manager v 1.03
Data Manager is a very useful program that allows an easy and fast management of all data on your TI, in every fold. It is particularly useful with numeric data because it can interpolate two data rows choosing column and requested value. It's some more fast renaming it Kbdprgm1-9. Scientific data packs are also available. Interpolation improved.
datos_estadistica.zip87k06-03-18File is not rateddatos estadistica
For those who are familiarized or be seeing a course of descriptive statistic they interpreted the results obtained in the chart calculated with DATA STATISTIC #The columns indicate the class interval, class mark, absolute frequency, absolute frequency accumulated upward, descending accumulated absolute frequency, relative absolute frequency, absolute frequency accumulated upward relative, relative descending accumulated absolute frequency respectively #The program makes use of the approach of the standardized variable Z that indicates the presence of extreme data or atypical inside the entered values, calculated as Z = (media_aritmetica - I date) / (desviaciòn_estandar) if this result is bigger at 3 in absolute terms is considered extreme or atìpic, in consequence DATA STATISTIC omit this values in the calculations #the I number of data it should be bigger at 20 according to the theory
derange.zip1k01-02-24File is not ratedDerangements
Calculates the number of derangements D(n) of a set of n elements.
descripte.zip122k11-09-23File is not ratedDESCRIPTe
After the data is entered, select Sample or Population. You see: the count, the sum, mean, median, standard deviation, variance, range, and mode. Box Plot is another choice. If you install the App Stat/List editor, then in the Lists you will see the sorted data and the z-score of each measurement.
discr.zip1k05-03-19File is not ratedThe Method of Least Squares
The method of least squares assumes that the best-fit curve of a given type is the curve that has the minimal sum of the deviations squared (least square error) from a given set of data.
distributions.zip7k13-05-06File is not ratedDistributions
The goal of these 17 well-documented functions is to give all the basic and some not-so-basic distributions used within probability (binomial, geometric, normal, Poisson, etc.). None of my functions are interdependent, so, if you do not want some of the functions, do not copy them to your calculator!
ecartype.zip1k01-05-08File is not ratedEcartype v1.00
Ecartype est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer l'ecart-type d'une liste de variables et d'une liste d'effectifs. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
eventprobfinder.zip1k06-06-15File is not ratedEvent Probability Finder v.35
Solves problems of the type nCr*a^r*b^(n-r) for all values of "r" between two values. This is used to find the probabilty of how many times an event occurs.
expdiste.zip56k11-10-15File is not ratedEXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTIONe
For an EXPONENTIAL Random Variable X with average a on the interval 0 to infinity, the Program gives the 1. Expected value or mean E(X), 2. Variance VAR(X), 3. Standard deviation, 4. median, 5. P(X < A), P(X > A), P(A < X < B), and 6. Graph of the distribution showing the probability.
facan.zip771k21-04-11File is not ratedFactor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis
Factor analysis with estimation of communalities, factor analysis and principal component analysis with varimax rotation, starting with data or with correlation matrix
freqcroi.zip1k01-05-08File is not ratedFreqcroi v1.00
Freqcroi est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer les fréquences cumulées croissantes d'une liste de variables. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
freqdecr.zip3k01-05-08File is not ratedFreqdecr v1.00
Freqdecr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer les fréquences cumulées décroissantes d'une liste de variables. Ce programme nécessite l'utilitaire "revlist" disponible dans ce fichier zip) à installer dans le même répertoire que cumdecr ! Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
freqdiste.zip83k11-09-28File is not ratedFREQDISTe
Enter a frequency distribution. The Program displays: mean, median, standard deviation, variance, relative frequencies, and histogram.
function_agm.zip1k06-11-14File is not ratedFunctions: The Arithmetic Geometric Mean
This handy functin is great for computing the agm of two numbers. This is great for geometry or math.
gauss.zip1k03-09-17File is not ratedGaussian Curve
It displays the standard deviation and the average from the data inputed, then it gives the graph.(u must be patient... it takes 2:15 min to finish the program)
geodiste.zip82k11-10-06File is not ratedGEODISTe
Given the probability of success p, the Program 1. Graphs the GEOMETRIC DISTRIBUTION, 2. Gives its mean, standard deviation, and variance, and 3. Finds P(X = A), P(X < A), P(X > A), P(A < X < B).
histe.zip105k11-11-19File is not ratedHISTe
The Program makes a Histogram from your list of measurements. It suggests the number of bars, or classes K, for your data, but you can override this. Also, the width range is given corresponding to your choice of K. You enter width W from this range. From the graph, you may select Trace to see the boundaries of each bar and its frequency.
histogram89.zip38k06-11-18File is not ratedHistograms
Creates a histogram by a list and plots it like a xyline plot: this allows a very faster exploration of big histograms.
hits.zip5k07-12-16File is not ratedRandom Number Hits
This program is more or less a probability program for your enjoyment. You set a few parameters, and the programs generates numbers, and checks if they equal each other, repeating this for as long as you permit.
howto3e.zip10k12-03-10File is not ratedHOWTO3e
This Program gives the step by step details of how to, by hand, find 1. The ODDS against an event E happening given the probability E will or will not happen, 2. The ODDS an event E will happen given the probability E will or will not happen, 3. The probability E will not happen given the ODDS against E happening or happening, 4. The probability E will happen given the ODDS against E happening or happening.
hypere.zip122k11-10-14File is not ratedHYPERe
The Program finds 1. The HYPERGEOMETRIC probability of getting k good objects when r objects are selected from n objects in which g are good, 2. The mean, median, standard deviation, and variance of the HYPERGEOMETRIC DISTRIBUTION, 3. The histogram of the distribution, and 4. P(X < k), P(X > k ), P(A < X < B).
ingen89.zip29k02-02-16File is not ratedIngenierring Files english localization
Docs in spanish,Interpolation, Normal distribution, Standard and Normal time finder
interextra.zip4k04-10-09File is not ratedinterextra
This program is useful when you are working with data on charts and you need to inter or extrapolate. This is a linear process
interpol89.zip64k06-11-18File is not ratedSingle & Double Interpolator
The most powerful program for single and double interpolations.
interpolate.zip1k00-05-09File is not ratedLinear Interpolation
This program does linear interpolation, and it's only 3 lines of code!
interpolation_fams.zip61k07-07-01File rated 8.52Interpolation / Interpolación
ENGLISH: Program for Simple and double linear interpolation. File includes english and spanish versions and linear interpolation function. TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium compatible. ESPAÑOL: Programa para interpolación lineal simple y doble. El archivo incluye versiones en español e inglés y la función de interpolación lineal. Compatible con TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 y TI-89 Titanium.
interpolation.zip8k04-03-28File is not ratedLinear Interpolation
This program will help you to solve an equation by the linear interpolation method wich uses two points intersected by a line and one knowned variable to calculate the other.
interp.zip1k04-05-03File is not ratedInterpolation
Basic, simple Interpolation
intervale.zip39k11-09-29File is not ratedINTERVALe
The Program finds the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd standard deviation INTERVALS about a known mean and standard deviation. If the data is from a sampling distribution, the standard error of the mean is also found.
invtory.zip15k01-01-22File is not ratedInventory Methods
First-In, First-Out; Last-In, First-Out; Weighted Average inventory costing methods. Calculates total inventory costs and costs of goods sold. This is the TI-89 version. Good for accounting/finance.
jac89.zip29k02-02-16File is not ratedJACFiles
All in spanish,Interpolation, Normal distribution, Standard and Normal time finder
linerege.zip83k11-10-22File is not ratedLINEREGe
This Program is for the novice user of the TI-89, or anyone who does not want to search for commands built into the TI-89. This LINEAR REGRESSION Program displays the scatter plot and the line of best fit, then its equation along with r and r2. In the lists you will see each actual y, the predicted y, the error and relative error of each y.
linrprop.zip1k00-07-11File is not ratedLinear Proportion v1.0
This little program will calculate (linearly) a result given upper & lower bounds. For example: You need to find the pressure of a gas at 130 degrees C. You have a table infront of you that shows: 120 C = 198.53 kPa, 140 C = 361.3 kPa. You therefore have to calculate the pressure for 130 degrees C
linterp.zip1k03-07-04File is not ratedLinear interpolation
Linear interpolation of two vectors, useful for property tables in thermodynamics and such
lsqregln.zip4k04-05-08File is not ratedLeast Squares Regression Line
This program finds the slope and y-intercept of a least squares regression line given correlation, the mean of x and y, and the standard deviation of x and y. You can choose to store the answer as sloprl() for slope and yiceprl() for later use.
lterp.zip1k00-06-16File is not ratedLinear Interpolation Function
Says it all...
main.prob.zip1k12-07-09File is not ratedProbability Notation
Important equation equivalences in P-notation.
math.ballpick.zip1k12-07-08File is not ratedBall Picking Methods
Different combinatorics involving choosing different balls (count, color, etc.).
medclass.zip2k01-05-08File is not ratedMedclass v1.00
Medclass est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer la médiane (2° quartile), le 1° et le 3° quartile d'une série classée de variables et d'une liste d'effectifs. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
mediane.zip2k01-05-08File is not ratedMediane v1.00
Mediane est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer la médiane d'une liste de variables et d'une liste d'effectifs. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
mode.zip14k05-10-22File is not ratedMode
For those who were looking for that program that returned the MODE of a LIST... Look no further. Here is a quick program that will work on the TI-89 / Titanium. Included is a DOC file with screen shots and simple instuctions, (KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid). If you have any remarks please contact me.
moincarr.zip1k01-05-08File is not ratedMoincarr v1.00
Moincarr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer l'équation de la droite d'un ajustement linéaire par la méthode des moindres carrés. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
moyenne.zip1k01-05-08File is not ratedMoyenne v1.00
Moyenne est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer la moyenne d'une liste de variables et d'une liste d'effectifs. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
ndist.zip1k06-04-24File is not ratedProbabilities for Normal Distribution
ndist is a program able to calculate the probabilities in a normal distribution (gaussian curve) from the standard deviation, mean and the value to calculate. Plus, it shows the answer for ">", "<" and "interval" probabilities (in this case, fill the X2 line)
nonlin.zip111k01-03-12File is not ratedNonlin
Nonlinear regression using the Gauss_Newton method with step halving and logistic regression for binary dependent data using the logit, probit, or complementary log-log link functions. Computes test statistics, ANOVA tables, and predicted values with user defined confidence intervals.
normale.zip79k11-10-05File is not ratedNORMALe
Start by selecting the type of curve you have: 1: Z (the standard normal curve) 2: X (a general normal curve) 3: X-bar (a sampling distribution of a normal curve) Find 1: PROBABILITY or 1: the area to the left of a known boundary R, 2: the area to the right of a known boundary L, 3: the area between two known boundaries L and R. You may select to view the GRAPH. Find 2: THE BOUNDARY of a known 1: LEFT AREA, 2: RIGHT AREA, or 3: CENTER AREA. The result is given as the z-score of the boundary, and actual boundary. The graph automatically displays.
normal.zip51k06-10-27File is not ratedNormal v1.01
Normal v1.01 is a TI-83,84 style command-line distribution function package. Running normcdf(-infinity,36,35,2) returns 0.691462461274, full 12 decimal accuracy. The built-in TI cumulative normal is only accurate to 8 decimals.This is a 5.6k option for those who want normal and inverse normal distribution functions without having to load the whole 317k Stat LE Flash App.
normstat.zip1k01-01-04File is not ratedNormal Statistics Solver
SmallSoft presents the Normal Statistics Solver. This program solves for the area under a normal curve. It first allows you to enter the end points of the region you wish to evaluate, it then gives you a graphical representation of the curve itself, shading the area that is to be evalutated, and finally gives you the area of the shaded region under the curve. This program is extremely helpful when doing normal statistics problems.
nqp.zip1k98-11-21File is not ratedNormal Quantile Plotter
Creates a normal quantile plot of a list
nsort.zip2k01-12-22File is not ratedUltimate List, Matrix, and String Sorters
Sort lists, matrices, lists of strings, matrices of strings, and the characters of strings themselves, in ascending (alphabetical) or descending (reverse-alphabetical) order!
oddse.zip56k11-09-18File is not ratedODDSe
The Program finds 1. The ODDS against, and in favor, of an event with a known probability of happening, and 2. The PROBABILITY of, and not, happening when given the odds against the event.
permcombe.zip7k11-10-13File is not ratedPERMCOMBe
This Program is for the novice user of the TI-89, or anyone who does not want to search for commands built into the TI-89. It finds the number of PERMUTATIONS and COMBINATIONS of n objects taken r at a time. Shown are n!, r!, (n-r)!, nPr, and nCr. When the numbers are large, the results are also displayed in scientific notation.
piechart89.zip9k03-04-25File is not ratedPie Chart Creator
A simple program which creates pie charts based on the numbers you supply. I hope to also add labels for each of the slices to show percentages.
poissone.zip68k11-10-15File is not ratedPOISSONe
Given a POISSON Random Variable X with mean or average lamda, the Program shows 1. The standard deviation and variance, 2. The histogram of the distribution, 3. The probability of 0,1,2,3, … occurrences, and 4. P(X = A), P(X < A), P(X > A), P(A < X < B).
polyfitn.zip2k02-09-06File is not ratedPolynomial Regression
This update supplies a subroutine that was left out of the previous version. Polyfitn() is a polynomial regression program, which allows you to choose the degree of the polynomial. The data must be in the form of x,y coordinates in a 2 column matrix. This program is also included in Datafit(), available separately, which plots the data then offers a choice of regression types, including all types on the TI-89.
probdiste.zip82k11-10-02File is not ratedPROBDISTe
Enter a Probability Distribution. The Program finds: the mean, median, standard deviation, variance, and histogram. Also found are P(X < A), P(X > A), and P(A < X < B).
probsim.zip11k13-12-12File is not ratedProbSim
After my AP Statistics teacher used the ProbSim app on his TI84+, I wanted to create something similar for the TI89. This program can calculate up to 12 weighted outcomes, and generate up to 9999 trials. Update: Version 1.1 to fix major bugs in dice preset; creates PROBSIM folder to store variables.
probtools68.zip3k05-11-19File is not ratedProbability Tools 2.0 (for the 89)
Flip coins, roll dice, spin spinners, and calculate probability. Very useful for those math problems that tell you to flip 50 coins, or whatever. Also available for the 83 and 84.
prob.zip1k00-06-04File is not ratedProbability Solver v1.0
Given just about any three (in some cases 2) of the following probabilities, this program will solve the rest: P(A U B), P(A n B), P(A), P(B), P(A'), P(B')
promedio_ponderado.zip102k09-03-18File is not ratedPonderated Average / Promedio Ponderado
ENGLISH: Program for calculating the Ponderated Average PA and the General Ponderated Average GPA of your qualifications. TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium compatible. ESPAÑOL: Programa para calcular el Promedio Ponderado PP y el Promedio Ponderado Acumulado PPA de sus calificaciones. Compatible con TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 y TI-89 Titanium.
propzinte.zip61k11-10-22File is not ratedPROPZINTe
This Program is for the novice user of the TI-89, or anyone who does not want to search for commands built into the TI-89. The Program finds a 1-PropZInt and a 2-PropZInt, that is a z-CONFIDENCE INTERVAL for one or two proportions of success .
quadrrege.zip64k11-10-22File is not ratedQUADRREGe
This Program is for the novice user of the TI-89, or anyone who does not want to search for commands built into the TI-89. The Program finds the Quadratic Equation of the graph thru three given points. In general it does Quadratic Regression for a given set of ordered pairs.
randint.zip5k05-09-23File is not ratedRandInt(Lower,Upper)
Exactly duplicates the functionality of the TI-83's RandInt(). After setting the same random seed on both calcs, it will even generate the same numbers.
randome.zip46k11-09-18File is not ratedRANDOMe
This Program replaces the need for a random number table. It makes a list of RANDOM NUMBERS for you. You enter how many numbers you need and from what range they are to be selected. You may select with replacement or without replacement.
regres89.zip41k03-11-24File is not ratedRegression Synthetizer v 2.00
This program finds the best regression or a requested one given two lists of values and saves it. The new version traces the plot and the regressed function and shows the maximum error of regression.
regressions.zip1k99-04-11File is not ratedRegressions Calculator
Calculates Regressions/stats, without menus, all in 1 program.
revlist.zip1k01-05-08File is not ratedRevlist v1.00
Revlist est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet d'inverser une liste. ex : {a,b,c} => {c,b,a}.
rgenalg.zip32k03-06-04File is not ratedRandom number algorithm
Ever wonder how your calculator's random number generator works? Heres a script that shows that.
sampsizee.zip38k11-10-16File is not ratedSAMPSIZEe
The Program finds the necessary SIZE n of a SAMPLE to produce a confidence interval of confidence level c based on a known standard deviation s and desired maximum error of estimate E.
sort.zip15k03-11-29File is not ratedSort
The classic sort commands are now able to return a value and can be used also in a function, not only in a program like TI’s default versions.
standardnormalcurve.zip1k09-10-20File is not ratedStandard Normal Distribution Curve
enter two points (a,b) as parameters, and calculate the standard normal distribution probability from the z-scores of a to b
standdeve.zip67k11-11-20File is not ratedSTANDDEVe
The Program shows the steps used to hand compute the STANDARD DEVIATION of a sample entered in list1. This includes the deviations from the mean in list2 and the deviations squared in list3. Given are the sum of list1 and the sum of list3. Then you will see the parts used to find the VARIATION and the standard deviation.
statanalyser1.5beta1.zip45k04-08-25File is not ratedStat Analyser v1.5 beta 1 par BonomoV
Stat analyser is the most powerful and automatic stat program ever written on TI. Based on my medical cycle study, it is also fully adapted for all other stat students. The full characteristics are explained below and in the readme file (but in French...)
statc1definition.zip2k01-06-23File is not ratedStatistics-Chapter 1
Definitions of Elementary Statistics, what a population, sample, variables, the levels of measurement.
statc2freqdistribution.zip2k01-06-23File is not ratedStatistics-Chapter 2
Frequency distributions, histograms, frequency polygons, ogives, and skewed charts.
statc3datadescrip.zip3k01-06-23File is not ratedStatistics-Chapter 3
Finding mean, median, mode, midrange, weighted mean and range of grouped and ungrouped data. Also gives details on the central tendency of mean, median, mode, and midrange.
statisitcs.zip46k03-09-08File is not ratedScience and Engineering Statistics ver. 3.1
Statistics is a program designed to assist in calculating the following: Expectation, Variation, Binomial Distribution, Geometric Distribution, Negative Binomial Distribution, Hyper Geometric Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Uniform Distribution, and Exponential Distribution.
statisticsc4centraltendency.zip2k01-12-15File is not ratedStatistics Chapter 4
Counting Techniques: deals with permutations, combinations, addition rule, and multiplication rules.
statlite.zip94k06-10-27File is not ratedStatLitE v1.02
StatLitE v1.02 is a TI-83,84 style command-line distribution function package. Running normcdf(-infinity,36,35,2) returns 0.691462461274, full 12 decimal accuracy. The built-in TI cumulative normal is only accurate to 8 decimals. StatLitE is also a 12.3k alternative to the full 317k Stat LE Flash App. Included are pdfs and cdfs for the binomial, chi-squared, F-distribution, geometric, normal, Poisson and Student’s t distributions. The inverse normal cdf is also part of this package. Inverse chi-squared, F-distribution and Student’s t use the built-in solve function. Those three inverses run VERY SLOWLY! Supporting functions are the beta, incomplete beta, regularized beta, error function, complementary error function, double factorial, rising factorial, gamma, natural log gamma, lower incomplete gamma, upper incomplete gamma, and regularized gamma.
stats2.zip1k01-02-07File is not ratedBasic Statistical Analysis
A few Basic programs useful and timesaving for basic statistical analysis
stats_36.zip447k07-03-31File is not ratedStats, Statistics -Estadísticas-
[ENGLISH] STATS (Statistics) gathers a series of programs and functions to facilitate the statistical analysis and the edition of lists. Based on the Texas Instruments FLASH APP, with the difference that occupies much less space and altogether with the Hail application by Samuel Stearly it becomes a great alternative. It has a list editor, does operations between lists, regressions, analysis in one and two variables, distributions (StatLite 1,02) and much more .[ESPAÑOL] STATS (Estadística) reúne una serie de programas y funciones para facilitar el análisis estadístico y la edición de listas. Está basado en la aplicación FLASH APP de Texas Instruments, con la diferencia que ocupa mucho menos espacio y en conjunto con la aplicación Hail por Samuel Stearly se convierte en una gran alternativa. Cuenta con un editor de listas, operaciones entre listas, regresiones, análisis en una y dos variables, distribuciones (StatLite 1.02) y mucho más!.
statsc32centraltendency.zip3k01-12-15File is not ratedStatistics Chapter 3 Section 2
Central Tendency, rounding rule, median, mean, mode, midrange
statsc33varsofmeasurements.zip1k01-12-15File is not ratedStatistics Chapter 3 Section 3
Variables of Measurement, Standard Deviation, range, variance, skewing
statsc34positionmeasurement.zip2k01-12-15File is not ratedStatistics Chapter 3 Section 4
Positions of Measurement: Z-Score, precentiles, quartiles.
statsc35dataanalysis.zip2k01-12-15File is not ratedStatistics Chapter 3 Section 5
Exploratory Data Analysis: box/whisker plots, stem/leaf plots.
statschapter5probability.zip2k01-12-15File is not ratedStatistics Chapter 5
statschapter6probdistribution.zip2k01-12-15File is not ratedStatistics Chapter 6
Probability Distributions, deals with the binomial, multinomial, poisson, and hypergeometric distributions and their various calculations.
statschapter7normaldistrb.zip2k01-12-15File is not ratedStatistics Chapter 7
Standard Normal Distribution and Z Scores.
statschapter8confidenceinterval.zip3k01-12-15File is not ratedStatistics Chapter 8
Confidence Intervals.
statschapter9hypothesistesting.zip2k01-12-15File is not ratedStatistics Chapter 9
Hypothesis Testing.
stats.zip3k00-07-20File is not ratedStats
Binomial Probability and Probability Solver, with formula's
trime.zip123k11-09-28File is not ratedTRIMe
The Program finds the TRIMMED MEAN of a list of measurements. Enter the data and the percent of trim. Next you see the mean and count n of the original sample and the mean and count n of the trimmed sample.
tzcurvee.zip80k11-12-09File is not ratedTZCURVEe
This Program graphs a t-curve and the z-curve together. It lets you see the difference in their tails sizes along with boundaries for various inputs, such as 1%, 5%, or others you choose. You will see how much larger the rejection region is in the z-curve compared to the same level of significance in a t-curve.
uniforme.zip72k11-10-19File is not ratedUNIFORMe
Given a UNIFORM Random Variable X on an interval [L, R], the Program shows 1. the height F(X) of the probability density function graph, 2. the mean or expected value E(X), 3. the variance and standard deviation, 4. P(X < B), P(X >A), P(A< X < B), and 5. the boundary c for a given probability. The graph shows the probability area shaded.
utilstat.zip2k01-05-08File is not ratedUtilstat v1.00
Utilstat est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92/Ti92Plus, écrit en Ti-Basic. Il permet de calculer : _la somme des xi, yi, xi^2, yi^2 et xi*yi,_la moyenne des xi, yi, xi^2, yi^2 et xi*yi. Le résultat est donné sous forme de matrice/tableau, chaque membre des listes est affiché, et les sommes et les médianes se trouvent en-bas de la matrices après la ligne '*********************'.
witdatae.zip86k11-10-19File is not ratedWITDATAe
Where is the data? The Program tells you how many and what percent of your data are within K > 1 standard deviations of the mean. It computes the mean, standard deviation, and shows the data that are within K standard deviations of the mean for a sample or a population.
xyz.zip1k04-05-05File is not ratedEstatistica 1.0
Calcula dados estatisticos - variancia, media, desvio padrao, etc...- a partir de uma amostra ou populacao.
ztteste.zip55k11-11-23File is not ratedZTTESTe
The Program does a z or t hypothesis test about mu. It does a 1-tail and 2-tail test at the same time so you can see the difference this makes. If you enter a level of significance, the screen displays reject (or fail to reject) Ho based on the computed p-value. Also displayed is the test statistic.
ztxvaluee.zip70k11-10-21File is not ratedZTXVALUEe
The Program finds five values: The “z-score” of an x or x-bar value, the “t-value” of an x-bar value, the “x value” of a known z-score, the “standard error of the mean”, and the “coefficient of variation”.

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