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Data Plotter and Curve Fitter


Ranked as 10410 on our all-time top downloads list with 4648 downloads.
Ranked as 6781 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename datafit.zip (Download)
Title Data Plotter and Curve Fitter
Description This program plots data points then gives you a choice of regression types to fit a curve to the data. This update changes the method of data input and improves the editing process. x,y coordinates of points may be entered one at a time or an existing 2 column matrix can be entered. Datafit() includes all regression types on the TI-89 as well as a polynomial regression program, Polyfitn(), which allows you to choose the degree of the polynomial. It's easy to try various regression types and see the results quickly. Even if you don't need to fit a curve to the data, it's a quick way to plot data.
Author Don Benson (dnbnsn@cox.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Statistics)
File Size 5,236 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 19 20:56:15 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
COPYTO_H.89Z   713
DATAFIT.89P   2337
datafit_v_1.2.txt   1295
MGRESS.89P   352
MTRXEDTR.89P   4105
POLYFITN.89P   895
RVRSMTRX.89P   200

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