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Last updated Sunday, 25 March 2012
Total downloads 174,188
Most popular file  Aspirin v3.0 with 16,382 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade)
arrows89.zip3k02-07-22File rated 6.41Arrows
Arrows is an action game. The object is to dodge the arrows that fly across the screen, and stay alive as long as possible to get a high score.
aspirin.zip13k04-09-17File rated 8.50Aspirin v3.0
Catch as many as possible little squares with the small dot while dodging the number of little moving spikes. A very addicting and challenging game. Similar to the flash game "Eskiv". Changes in v3.0: Completly new game-play and the program takes around 4500 bytes (which is much less than before).
astfield101.zip11k02-01-01File rated 6.77Asteroid Field
The game is a fast pace scroller. You are in a space ship and have to avoid the asteroids that are coming your way by moving Left/Right and Up/Down. There is no shooting down the asteroids.
astrominer0.1.zip124k03-11-12File is not ratedAstro Miner 0.1
This is a rather addicting game for the TI-89, TI-92+, and Voyage 200 that involves collecting stray jewels that float about on the screen while avoiding explosives that follow you around and black holes that devistate anything they touch or suck up.
astrominer0.2.zip98k03-12-02File rated 5.16Astro Miner 0.2
This is a rather addicting game that involves collecting space jewels, avoiding enemy mines that seek and destroy, and evading the deadly gravitational pull of occasional black holes. This version actually includes the correct executables.
avalanch.zip23k03-05-20File rated 5.74AVALANCH(e) v0.1
Avoid the Icicles! move the little man left and right so he doesn't get hit by icicles. Five different speed/difficulty settings. Preliminary release.
av.zip5k01-12-16File is not ratedAvalanche
Dodge the falling ice.
butterflycatch.zip13k04-08-03File is not ratedButterfly Catch
You are a dog on the beach catching butterflies. The butterflies get faster as you progress.
catcher.zip11k02-11-14File is not ratedCatch the falling things
A NOSTUB game for TI-89s. The objective is catching the falling objects.
catchthegreasedupdeafguy.zip1010k05-12-22File rated 6.31Catch the greased up deaf guy
You are peter griffin and you have to chase and catch the greased up deaf guy, but watch out he's slippery so be sure to tighten your grip on that guy or he'll just slide away
cdg.zip21k07-09-08File is not ratedThe Cool Dodging Game
A fun dodging game that not only lets the user adjust the speed and "randomness", but also allows for "Crazy Mode" and "Dangerous Walls" to be turned on/off.
chase89.zip5k02-03-04File is not ratedChase 89
Chase 89 is a game where you control a smiley face man, and the object is to stay alive as long as you can without touching the bombs that move everywhere. This version includes a speed changer. Version 1.5 Phil Software
cotton.zip61k04-03-07File rated 5.00Cotton Picker 89
Cotton Picker 89 is a clone of everyone's favorite 83+ game, Cotton Picker. If your someone like me who got an 89, but still misses the 83/83+ classics, here's your chance to put one of those classics on your 89! It's a very simple game, you control a man who, obviously, is picking cotton. Navigate around the screen with arrow keys to pick up the various pieces of cotton that appear randomly around the screen. Pick up as many as you can before the 30 sec countdown runs out. Enjoy!
dodge2.zip14k01-04-14File is not ratedDodge
A game written in C where you have to dodge the oncoming balls. As you pass each level, a new ball is added and the game speeds up. (see the readme for more information)
dodgebll.zip2k01-01-29File is not ratedDodge Ball v1.0
An assembly clone of Josh Hill's Dodge Em(written in C).This game is no stub and works with any AMS.I warn you!This game is severely addictive and may lead to malnutrition and loss of sleep.
dodgeit.zip2k02-03-29File is not ratedDodge It! v1.2
Dodge It is a fun little game I made. The object is to move your ship up and down without hitting the walls or the asteroids. Have fun!
dodge.zip6k00-06-08File is not ratedDodge-Em
A game written in C where you have to dodge the oncoming balls. As you pass each level, a new ball is added and the game speeds up.
eggcatchv0.99.zip31k02-01-01File is not ratedEgg-Catcher v0.99
This is game in whitch you are a bunny with basket and the goal is to catch eggs. But the eggs change their speed of falling. And if you drop an egg it will hatch. It is pretty fun and challenging game.
evite.zip15k06-05-20File is not ratedEvite
Just try to escape the balls! Select the number and the size of the balls, the speed, etc. English version included / Version française aussi!
fishadventure.zip5k05-05-06File is not ratedFish Adventure
Fish adventure is a game in which you control a fish and you should avoid obstacles moving in front of you !!It is a very funny game !!!
jetplane.zip5k06-12-10File is not ratedJetplane
In this game you have to steer your jetplane around obstacles for the longest possible time. To steer you have to counterbalance the lift of the plane with the arrow down key. If you crash you will have to start anew. Your record time is stored so you can compete with your friends who holds out longest. You can even pause you game by pressing the dot key. This will be a very funny and at the same time relaxing game for bored times.
kaboom.zip149k03-12-10File is not ratedKaboom!
Kaboom! 1.00 by Troy Kellogg The Mad Bomber is on the loose. The object of the Kaboom is very simple: catch the bombs, It sounds easy, and starts off at a slow speed, but your reflexes and hand-eye coordination will be tested in higher levels as bombs get dropped at a fast and frantic pace.
meteoralert.zip28k12-03-25File is not ratedMeteor Alert
Save your starship from the meteors flying over the screen.
minitag.zip3k04-06-11File is not ratedMinitag
It's just a simple nostub game where you need to keep the ball in the screen. You can set the speed.
prgmbad89.zip6k02-09-27File is not ratedPrgmBAD
PrgmBAD is a game made by Chickendude that I ported to the TI-89. It's really fun! NOTE: This version FIXES the 2nd/alpha/diamond/shift bug.
rain.zip21k01-08-06File is not ratedRain
Avoid the blocks and stay alive !
road.zip15k03-04-24File is not ratedRoad
You have to cross the road and not get hit by the cars
rocketfly.zip16k11-10-18File is not ratedRocket Fly!
In Rocket Fly! You steer a rocket and you have to avoid enemies and collect items. There is the Free Play mode and 10 missions. The 10 best records from the Free Play mode are stored in the highscores. The items will improve your rocket to fly longer, protection from enemies or more points.
run.zip8k03-04-15File is not ratedRun!!
Guide your smiley face to avoid the four deadly ships! Fun little game, with source code included
shipdodge.zip14k04-04-30File is not ratedDodge
New version. now you can shoot three bullets button layout changed but not very much
skye.zip168k04-09-27File rated 8.04SKye
An update and conversion of the classic game Kye. Collect the diamonds while evading traps and monsters. Includes 70 levels and an easy to use editor.
thelegendofnathan.zip3k06-12-10File is not ratedThe Legend of Nathan
This is a suprisingly entertaining game inspired by my friend, Nathan, one boring Earth Science class. Run around and slay the random walking people.

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