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Catch the greased up deaf guy


Ranked as 3950 on our all-time top downloads list with 7954 downloads.
Ranked as 18221 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 648 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.31.

Filename catchthegreasedupdeafguy.zip (Download)
Title Catch the greased up deaf guy
Description You are peter griffin and you have to chase and catch the greased up deaf guy, but watch out he's slippery so be sure to tighten your grip on that guy or he'll just slide away
Author Alex Clink (sleeping_insomniac19@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Chasing, Dodging)
File Size 1,034,334 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Dec 22 00:11:55 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Ryan Nazaretian
Reviewed on 2005-12-05
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

Well people, I have four words for you: download this game now. It even works on the TI-89 Titanium. The graphics feature Peter from “Family Guy” in grayscale. This game is awesome. Some might think that a game with such a stupid title will be easy, but its not. I have yet to defeat the greased up deaf guy. I rate this program as 9.7/10

Graphics 10/10 (The graphics are very detailed)
AI 10/10 (The artificial intelligence is astounding)
Controls 9/10 (Controls are good, but you exit the splash screen by pressing [ENTER] and then you are forced to use [2nd] for the main menu and for the game. I would like to see the splash screen cleared by the [2nd] button.)


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Catch the greased up deaf guy/bin/catch-titanium.89z   1855
Catch the greased up deaf guy/bin/catch.89z   1833
Catch the greased up deaf guy/bin/catch.9xz   1833
Catch the greased up deaf guy/bin/catch.v2z   1833
Catch the greased up deaf guy/bin/catchppg.89y   10958
Catch the greased up deaf guy/bin/catchppg.9xy   10958
Catch the greased up deaf guy/bin/catchppg.v2y   10958
Catch the greased up deaf guy/catchscreens/CATCH.GIF   4754
Catch the greased up deaf guy/catchscreens/CATCH2.GIF   6307
Catch the greased up deaf guy/catchscreens/CATCH3.GIF   177678
Catch the greased up deaf guy/catchscreens/CATCH4.GIF   469677
Catch the greased up deaf guy/old versions/Catch the greased up deaf guy.zip   433725
Catch the greased up deaf guy/old versions/._Catch the greased up deaf guy.zip   70
Catch the greased up deaf guy/ReadMe.txt   2524
Catch the greased up deaf guy/source/background.h   1080
Catch the greased up deaf guy/source/catch.c   15273
Catch the greased up deaf guy/source/data & functions.h   13455
Catch the greased up deaf guy/source/titlescreen.h   20958

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