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Asteroid Field


Ranked as 3826 on our all-time top downloads list with 8045 downloads.
Ranked as 614 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.77.

Filename astfield101.zip (Download)
Title Asteroid Field
Description The game is a fast pace scroller. You are in a space ship and have to avoid the asteroids that are coming your way by moving Left/Right and Up/Down. There is no shooting down the asteroids.
Author Ripper (ripperr6@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Chasing, Dodging)
File Size 11,499 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jan 1 15:00:26 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  TI Freakware
Reviewed on 2008-06-18
Originality - 5/10

Functionability - 11/15

Graphics - 3/5

Titlescreen/intro - 3/5

Readme - 13/15

Replayability - 6/10

Bonus - 0/0

TOTAL - 41/60

TiCalc - 7/10

A simple game, similar to Fall Down. Maneuver your ship to avoid being hit by the falling asteroids. There are 5 levels, and it is pretty simple as long as you set it to level 3 or below. Set it higher, and expect things to not go so well for you and your ship. The controls are easy, though it would added some fun if you could shoot the asteroids, and then have to wait for the gun to recharge. Good game if you are bored in class.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
astfield.89z   5921
astfieldcode.c   16231
ReadmeAST.txt   1248
screenast02.gif   1632
screenast01.gif   1581

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