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Ranked as 3756 on our all-time top downloads list with 8137 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 351 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.04.

Filename skye.zip (Download)
Title SKye
Description An update and conversion of the classic game Kye. Collect the diamonds while evading traps and monsters. Includes 70 levels and an easy to use editor.
Author Jim Babcock (jim@jimrandomh.org)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Chasing, Dodging)
File Size 172,937 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 27 07:12:58 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Mike Elgen
Reviewed on 2004-04-27
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

I love this game. I used to play it all of the time on my computer and this is a very close clone of it. Most maps are puzzle based and require thought to get through them. Be careful though, some maps are made to be traveled through quickly or else the exit will be blocked! The graphics and gameplay are very good. Get ready to do some thinking!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
skye/COPYING   15389
skye/levels/circuits.89y   2101
skye/levels/skyelib.89y   16327
skye/levels/wedges.89y   4690
skye/README.txt   2456
skye/src/convert/convert.c   5216
skye/src/convert/convkye.exe   16843
skye/src/convert/default.kye   6808
skye/src/convert/Makefile   85
skye/src/Doxyfile   46754
skye/src/editor/cprotofix.h   91
skye/src/editor/dialog.c   955
skye/src/editor/edit.c   1903
skye/src/editor/editor.c   8135
skye/src/editor/editor.h   873
skye/src/editor/file.c   6291
skye/src/editor/main.c   709
skye/src/editor/Makefile   667
skye/src/editor/map.c   2916
skye/src/editor/menu.c   4120
skye/src/editor/palette.c   2294
skye/src/editor/properties.c   3483
skye/src/editor/proto.h   3670
skye/src/editor/resize.c   2216
skye/src/editor/tiles.c   246
skye/src/editor/transform.c   4576
skye/src/editor/transform_smooth.c   1916
skye/src/editor/util.c   5056
skye/src/editor/widget.h   214
skye/src/engine/cprotofix.h   91
skye/src/engine/engine.h   1987
skye/src/engine/files.c   2449
skye/src/engine/game.c   26971
skye/src/engine/kye_rules.txt   15372
skye/src/engine/load.c   3268
skye/src/engine/main.c   2472
skye/src/engine/Makefile   584
skye/src/engine/proto.h   2073
skye/src/engine/tiles.c   246
skye/src/engine/todo.txt   884
skye/src/engine/util.c   6377
skye/src/shared/skye.h   2926
skye/src/shared/tiles.c   28398
skye/TI89/skye.89y   11956
skye/TI89/skye.89z   2010
skye/TI89/skyeed.89y   13846
skye/TI89/skyeed.89z   2010
skye/TI89/titanium/skye-titanium.89z   1827
skye/TI89/titanium/skyeed-titanium.89z   1827
skye/TI92p/skye.9xy   11956
skye/TI92p/skye.9xz   2010
skye/TI92p/skyeed.9xy   13846
skye/TI92p/skyeed.9xz   2010
skye/V200/skye.v2y   11956
skye/V200/skye.v2z   2010
skye/V200/skyeed.v2y   13846
skye/V200/skyeed.v2z   2010

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