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Most popular file  CE TextLib v1.11 with 8,734 downloads.

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celticce.zip393k24-05-27File is not ratedCeltic CE
Celtic CE is a library for TI-BASIC programs, which allows programmers to use many powerful commands and tools otherwise not possible with TI-BASIC. These include graphical commands, such as drawing sprites, shapes, and text, along with commands for running programs and hex code, creating and manipulating files, and more! As a successor to libraries such as Celtic 2 CSE and Celtic III on older calculator models, Celtic CE brings many commands over from past TI-BASIC libraries, along with offering full compatibility for TI-BASIC programs written to use Celtic 2 CSE. All information for commands and general usage can be found in the official documentation, which is linked in the README. Enjoy!
cryptx.zip25k23-03-26File is not ratedCryptX Cryptography Suite
A suite of dynamic libraries for the TI-84+ CE designed to integrate with the C/ez80 toolchain. There are three libraries in the library group that can be installed: HASHLIB, ENCRYPT, ENCODEX--and a singular group file to install them all (CryptX). HASHLIB provides: (1) cryptographic hashing, (2) HMAC, (3) hash-based mask generation, (4) key derivation. ENCRYPT provides: (1) A secure pseudorandom number generator, (2) AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 in CBC and CTR modes, (3) RSA for key lengths from 1024 to 2048 bits, (4) Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman using the SECT233k1 NIST-defined curve. ENCODEX provides: (1) ASN.1 decoding, (2) Base64 encoding/decoding, (3) Bit packing encoding/decoding. [v11.1] Bugfix, argument order error, PBKDF2
hashlib.zip602k22-08-07File is not ratedHASHLIB CE Cryptography Library
A CE C toolchain library for use with LIBLOAD. Use and invoke this library just as you would any of the CE C standard libraries in the toolchain. A library providing industry-standard cryptography for the CE graphing calculator. Included in this release is: a secure hardware-based RNG, hash and HMAC using a CPU implementation of SHA-256, MGF1 for arbitrary-length hash generation, PKKDF2-HMAC for generating keys from passwords (or even for encrypting passwords for storage although this isn't the most secure method for that), Advanced Encryption Standard, and RSA. Encryption and HMAC can be unified to faciliate authenticated encryption. Some library functions are timing-analysis resistant (RSA and buffer comparison), offer algorithmic security, and implement protection against memory mapping and state compromise. This library does not provide some of the more recent, more secure cipher modes due to computation-time concerns on such a slow platform as a CE. However, older cipher modes like CBC and CTR are still considered secure for obfuscation and, when combined with an authentication method like a keyed hash (HMAC), can be used safely for secure communication. The documentation provided with the library provides constraints for their proper use to prevent the few known attack vectors that exist.
icelibs.zip3k19-06-13File is not ratedICElibs CE v1.0.0
A suite of libraries for adding features to the ICE language by PT_
sprites_v3.3.zip161k17-11-29File is not ratedSprites for BASIC (v3.31)
For TI-83 Premium CE / TI-84 Plus CE Graphic library written in assembly, which allows you to create & display sprites in your TI-Basic programs. Other functions also included (eg clear screen or part of it; print text in many different styles; define personal colors using a palette..)
textlib.zip12k15-08-14File is not ratedCE TextLib v1.11
This library for BASIC programs provides some simple text functions for the TI-84 Plus CE and TI-84 Plus C SE. It primarily allows text to be colored on the homescreen, and also provides inverse text, blinking cursor, displaying a glyph by ASCII code, number-to-string conversion, special tokens, and bitwise functions. Work best with MathPrint off.

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