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HASHLIB CE Cryptography Library


Ranked as 38042 on our all-time top downloads list with 648 downloads.

Filename hashlib.zip (Download)
Title HASHLIB CE Cryptography Library
Description A CE C toolchain library for use with LIBLOAD. Use and invoke this library just as you would any of the CE C standard libraries in the toolchain. A library providing industry-standard cryptography for the CE graphing calculator. Included in this release is: a secure hardware-based RNG, hash and HMAC using a CPU implementation of SHA-256, MGF1 for arbitrary-length hash generation, PKKDF2-HMAC for generating keys from passwords (or even for encrypting passwords for storage although this isn't the most secure method for that), Advanced Encryption Standard, and RSA. Encryption and HMAC can be unified to faciliate authenticated encryption. Some library functions are timing-analysis resistant (RSA and buffer comparison), offer algorithmic security, and implement protection against memory mapping and state compromise. This library does not provide some of the more recent, more secure cipher modes due to computation-time concerns on such a slow platform as a CE. However, older cipher modes like CBC and CTR are still considered secure for obfuscation and, when combined with an authentication method like a keyed hash (HMAC), can be used safely for secure communication. The documentation provided with the library provides constraints for their proper use to prevent the few known attack vectors that exist.
Authors Adam Beck (beckadamtheartist@gmail.com)
Anthony Cagliano (acagliano97@gmail.com)
commandblockguy (commandblockguy1@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Libraries
File Size 617,217 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Aug 7 15:37:30 2022
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
hashlib-stable/.doxyfile   116079
hashlib-stable/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml   2445
hashlib-stable/.github/workflows/main.yml   1290
hashlib-stable/.gitignore   75
hashlib-stable/HASHLIB Cryptanalysis.pdf   257929
hashlib-stable/HASHLIB Quick Reference.pdf   247619
hashlib-stable/LICENSE   35149
hashlib-stable/README.md   1095
hashlib-stable/examples/aes_decrypt_demo/aes_test.py   1016
hashlib-stable/examples/aes_decrypt_demo/icon.png   761
hashlib-stable/examples/aes_decrypt_demo/makefile   379
hashlib-stable/examples/aes_decrypt_demo/readme.md   366
hashlib-stable/examples/aes_decrypt_demo/src/main.c   3266
hashlib-stable/examples/aes_encrypt_demo/aes_test.py   1191
hashlib-stable/examples/aes_encrypt_demo/icon.png   761
hashlib-stable/examples/aes_encrypt_demo/makefile   379
hashlib-stable/examples/aes_encrypt_demo/readme.md   366
hashlib-stable/examples/aes_encrypt_demo/src/main.c   3379
hashlib-stable/examples/hash_demo/icon.png   761
hashlib-stable/examples/hash_demo/makefile   397
hashlib-stable/examples/hash_demo/readme.md   366
hashlib-stable/examples/hash_demo/src/main.c   1319
hashlib-stable/examples/hmac_demo/icon.png   761
hashlib-stable/examples/hmac_demo/makefile   397
hashlib-stable/examples/hmac_demo/readme.md   366
hashlib-stable/examples/hmac_demo/src/main.c   1077
hashlib-stable/examples/mgf1_demo/icon.png   761
hashlib-stable/examples/mgf1_demo/makefile   397
hashlib-stable/examples/mgf1_demo/readme.md   366
hashlib-stable/examples/mgf1_demo/src/main.c   1319
hashlib-stable/examples/pbkdf2_demo/icon.png   761
hashlib-stable/examples/pbkdf2_demo/makefile   397
hashlib-stable/examples/pbkdf2_demo/readme.md   366
hashlib-stable/examples/pbkdf2_demo/src/main.c   1169
hashlib-stable/examples/rand_demo/icon.png   761
hashlib-stable/examples/rand_demo/makefile   379
hashlib-stable/examples/rand_demo/readme.md   366
hashlib-stable/examples/rand_demo/src/main.c   1014
hashlib-stable/examples/rsa_demo/icon.png   761
hashlib-stable/examples/rsa_demo/makefile   397
hashlib-stable/examples/rsa_demo/readme.md   366
hashlib-stable/examples/rsa_demo/src/main.c   1502
hashlib-stable/hashlib.8xv   20846
hashlib-stable/hashlib.asm   125793
hashlib-stable/hashlib.h   40700
hashlib-stable/hashlib.lib   492
hashlib-stable/makefile   1343

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