| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Files |
| ion | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Math Programs (Ion) The programs within this directory may not be fully compatible with the TI-84 Plus or Silver Edition. Please contact the author of the program for more details. |
| mirageos | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Math Programs (MirageOS) |
| tse | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Math Programs (TSE) |
 | allregression.zip | 4k | 01-05-31 |  | Allregression This is the BEST regression program out their(that I have seen). Just input the data into L1 and L2. This program calculates any and all of the regressions that your calculator has with the touch of a single button. After calculating the regression you can view the plot, residual plot, or view the graph of the regression model. It also calculates the best fit(the function that will "best fits" the given data points) regression model for the given data. This is a very easy to use and self-explanatory program with a very nice GUI. |
 | approxomaxasm.zip | 5k | 05-06-11 |  | Approxomax 2.0 - ASM Version This program calculates the decimal equivalent of the ratio of two integers to a nearly infinite degree. |
 | baseconv.zip | 15k | 06-03-18 |  | Base Converter - v1.2 A powerful base conversion utility. This converter supports any base from 2 to 36, and can handle numbers nearly 6-bytes (0 to 281474976710655) in size! Best of all, it's undoubtedly the FASTEST base converter for the 83 Plus. |
 | chaos.zip | 6k | 13-12-28 |  | Chaos Game Test This is an implementation of the Chaos Game for the TI-83+/84+/SE calculators. The Chaos Game can be used as an interesting test of how chaotic a sequence is. It is not really a game that one plays, but more one that is observed. The rules are: Define a set of vertices. Start at some point. Select a random vertex and jump half way to that point. Repeat this step many times. Patterns and bias can be detected by noticing that certain parts of the shape don't get filled in as much or that the points are more dense in other areas. |
 | convert.zip | 5k | 03-03-09 |  | Conversions This program does veryh SIMPLE conversions...This program only consist of converting temperatures (F to C) and convert velocity (fps to mph) and vice versa...VERY easy to use -Bildonia |
 | factor2.zip | 14k | 04-01-28 |  | Fastest Prime Factor Program 6 times faster than any other factoring program for the TI-83 Plus! Factors any 10-digit number in only 8 seconds! Finds all the prime factors of any number up to 20000000000000. |
 | factortree.zip | 1k | 13-02-18 |  | Factor Tree Lists all of the factors from any number from 1 to 255. If you want to say, factor 30, you are going to type, "30:Asm(FCTRTREE" and it will list the factors. |
 | factor.zip | 4k | 02-02-27 |  | Prime Factor Program One of the fastest factoring programs for the TI-83+, and only 337 bytes. Finds all the prime factors of any number up to 20000000000000. |
 | fastint2.zip | 23k | 05-05-09 |  | Fast Integral v2.0 This program will calculate the Riemann sums for a function, given a lower bound, upper bound, and number of partitions. This version includes left, right, lower, upper, trapezoid, midpoint, and Simpson's sum, including their graphs! |
 | fastint.zip | 1k | 04-11-04 |  | Fast Integral This is a program that does elementary Riemann sums for y = f(x). You can select the number of subrectangles and the rule (left, right, midpoint, trapezoidal). |
 | interpolacin.zip | 100k | 05-06-18 |  | Interpolación (Regresión lineal) Es de gran utilidad para la asignatura de Termodinámica, permite realizar multiples interpolaciones. |
 | itf.zip | 8k | 02-03-01 |  | Interactive triangle formulas 1.1 ITF is a program that will help you find a formula for any side, angle or area in a right or non right triangle. Easy to use, select the object you want to find a formula for, and then tell the program what other objects you know through an interactive editor. |
 | koerperrechnen.zip | 4k | 12-12-17 |  | Körperrechnen 1.3.0 Ein Programm, mit dem verschiedene mathematische Körper berechnet werden können. Mehr dazu unten in der Beschreibung. A program can be calculated with the various mathematical body. More on this below in the description. |
 | pi.zip | 17k | 03-03-11 |  | Flop's Pi Calculator A program to calculate pi to arbitrary precision. |
 | prime.zip | 1k | 01-06-08 |  | Prime Tester For everyone who has tried Prime Number Tester v8.85 and is disappointed, because it is too slow. This is a REAL assembly Prime Tester. It can handle Integers up to 2^32-1. The test takes maximal 34 seconds! Assembly source code included! |
 | radical.zip | 1k | 03-12-07 |  | Simplify Square and Cube Roots With program Radical, the user inputs either a square or cube root and the program simplifys it (ie. square root of 45 = 3 * square root of 5). The computation is simple but a very handy program to have. Great for Geometry, Algebra I/II, and pre-calc. |
 | ritornot.zip | 1k | 08-11-30 |  | Triangle Type Solver (Pythagorean Theorem) When the legs and hypotenuse of a triangle are entered, this program will return that the triangle is right, acute, obtuse, or not a triangle at all. Any comments or correction suggestions would be much appreciated. |
 | rpnos.zip | 103k | 11-02-14 |  | RPNOS RPNOS is an asm program for the TI83/84 + which allows you to use Reverse Polish Notation. It supports the use of the trig. functions, reciprocal and x^2, log and ln along with their inverses. It is also programmable,(to a degree), in that it can record a series of keystrokes. It uses an 8 level stack which is saved on exit, along with all programs. Another minor update, this time to include the nCr and nPr functions because I'm currently doing a lot with probability. |
 | solve.zip | 1k | 08-11-30 |  | 2/3 Variable equations Solve2 Solves 2 variable equations and Solve3 Solves 3 variable equation....uses cramers rule |
 | spokelength.zip | 4k | 05-05-01 |  | Spoke Length TI 83/84 plus bicycle spoke length program. Version .02 |
 | untcrlqd.zip | 1k | 14-04-22 |  | Unit Circle Program This basically gives you all the basic information on the Unit Circle, like sin, cos and tan of every basic angle in each quadrant and the axis. This is very useful if you do not have a great memory. With any questions of improvements email me @ jfrules56@gmail.com |
 | zfrac3.zip | 5k | 13-03-08 |  | Zfrac This program takes a number stored in W and puts its numerator in W and denominator in I. |
 | zfrac.zip | 4k | 02-11-01 |  | Fractionise a number(Zfrac) This program takes a number stored in W and puts its numerator in W and denominator in I. Also can be used to check if number is irrational. Read the attached documentation for more info. |
 | zstats.zip | 130k | 04-10-04 |  | Zstat Zstat is a ASM/Flash conversion of BOBstats. A massive archive of statistical terms used in AP Stats and other similar statistics. It is not a complete conversion, and currently contains 133 definitions, and many pages of extra notes. However this program should be finished soon. |
 | zsurdasm.zip | 4k | 02-11-01 |  | Simplifies a square root(Zsurdasm) W is number under root returns in Psqrt(Q) form. |