Upcoming TI-83 Games
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Basic RPG: Rise of the Dark
Jonah Scheinerman
(Web Page)
So tell me right off if this sounds stupid....
The essence of the game is 4 (maybe 5) maps in which you move your cursor around. You can click on a place to go into a it, a monster to fight it, an arrow to move to another map, "STATS" to see your stats, "INV" to see your inventory, and "QUIT" to quit. You can go on about 5 quests and try to up your status in the role playing world. You can have up to 2 characters which can interact. The main point of the game is in the actual RPG and not the graphics.
25 December 2006, 20:56 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 and T Games
Arthur Cnops
(Web Page)
Here's a new little program. It has a little unitconverter and it can calculate the volume and surface of different objects like cilinder, kubus,... in 2 seconds. The program is mostly in Dutch, but you can translate it if you want. Oh, and there's also a login, if you want to change the username and password go edit it in 'PRGM'.
31 January 2007, 18:44 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
I’m making a game called Portal based of the game from valve. In the game you use your portal gun to teleport across the screen and solve puzzles to get to the door. You are guided by the mysterious GLaDOS, who gives you instructions and criticizes you. The engine is pretty fast considering it has to calculate the portal interactions, and the praphics are good for BASIC. It’s mostly finished and I have uploaded the first version, but new versions as well as a TI-83 version will be coming out soon. You should check it out.
13 April 2008, 19:54 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
(Web Page)
I recently found out that my text-RPG, DBS, hit 35 downloads, so I've decided to make a second one (called DBS2). I'm going to use a menu-based system, rather than the old prompt system. I'm also planning on adding 2 attack modes; shotgun and crossbow, that will level up separately. If you have any ideas, comments, or recomendations, I'll consider adding them (if I can).
19 March 2011, 23:36 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
Erasmus Hoffmann
(Web Page)
Hello I made Era-Systems V 2.11 ( This is not a game its an operating system shell) But for this there will be many apps (also games) The first one was Era-Pong and the second one is Era-Man (Hang-Man). Please test it out and give me a feedback in the comments :-). And you can also read "How to make my own app" which can be found in the app folder of Era-Man and soon also of Era-Pong and I would be very happy if you make an app or if you make your game or program which you have already released to an app. This is very simple. You just should know a little about Ti-Basics. You help me very much if you write me a feedback!!!
16 November 2011, 19:46 GMT
Forgotten Realms
Hey I was playing some MUD's over the summer and got really addicted to them; so I have decided to make an RPG for the TI-83 (as I continue to work on it, It will soon require either the Graph Link or TI-83 + because of the archive ability). I am not sure but I think Forgotten Realms may be the name of a game allready.... Anyhow, I think I might be releasing the demo of this (only 8 or 20 rooms, 2 weapons, 3 Items, 5 enemies, and more!) game sometime soon, I have finished the battles a little bit, but I am trying to make them better. The really great thing about this game is other game developers will be able to add on their own lands, monsters, items, and stuff, very easily! Also, when this game has the first Kingdom or two done, I'll need some help linking it with another calculator (It will have Pokemon type battles for 2 players, but you only use your 2 characters and whatever weapons/armor/items you have). So if anybody would like to help me on this, I wouldnt mind at all. Please e-mail me at:
if you have any suggestions, ideas, comments, or want to help me in the production of this game. More info to come as the demo release gets nearer!
31 August 1999, 00:43 GMT
Re: My racing game in the making
I am making a racing game that I think does not have any bugs. It is not ASCII but it works. The game has upgrades to speed and steering. It also has a CPU. If you win a race you make money to buy upgrades. If you lose you will make money, but you will make less money than if you won. I will add acceleration and hopefully make it ASCII. I would like to know how to upload it to this website.
11 February 2014, 00:22 GMT
Currently I am engaged in writting a game called TekWars for the TI-83. Since it is in TI-Basic, it will be easily transferable to the TI-83+, maybe even other TI calcs.
The game is basically a combat game, without much animation. The basic idea is similar to that in almost any fight, you travel around from city to city fighting. As you win fights, you get money. Eventually you can even advance to a harder combat circuit.
In this game, however, you own a robot. You start out with a simple one, as you get money, you can afford more advanced parts for robots, such as better weapons, bodies with more armor, faster legs, more accurate sensors in the heads etc. After winning battles you can also find/win parts.
With the traveling between cities, you can also incorporate trading into it to make even more money. Each city has traders, which sell/buy certain things at different prices.
The only real animation is at the end, when you beat the game. Other than that, the combat just has a picture of each person.
29 September 1999, 19:39 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
I am going to make a game that is a mix of South Park and Drugwar. YOu have to kill a bunch of people, take their money and give the money to your boss, the biggest drug dealer in the town since you borrowed 130,000 from him for a new car and a bunch of pot. Should be fun.
After I am complete with that, I am going to make a "Ping Pong" type of game with graphics!
2 October 1999, 06:45 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Games
(Web Page)
Hi there!
The game I'm currently developing is called "Angel". It is a puzzle game, programmed in Assembly for SOS, but I think the final version will be programmed for ION... Or maybe both. The intro is already finished, and I'm currently working on the game itself. I was first thinking about Greyscale, and as a matter of fact it looked quite nice, but I figured it the 'flashing' was still a bit too much to let people play the game while not getting a headache. So now it fearures animation. Also nice.
How does the game work? Well, you're a guy (an angel, who wants to live again and has to complete 4 worlds to accomplish that), and you start at a certain position in the field. Somewhere else, there's a door, and last but not least, there is a key to open the door. Quite simple, would one say. But beware! There are also 4 types of obstacles!!! They are placed in your way, and you can't get past them unless you have the right 'weapon'... So you can destroy a balloon by 'shooting' an arrow at it, kill a fire by throwing water over it, etc. However, you can hold only 1 item at the same time so it's the case to think really well about what you are going to do.
I got the idea from my MSX computer, there are several games like this for it, i.e. SokSoft's Dummieland, the game from the Peach-Up series, a variant on Sunrise Picturedisk... Well, no need to say more because you guys probably haven't heard of all these anyways.
Well, finally I'd like to make some comments on the date it will be released, I think it will be before the end of this milennium, but I'm not really sure... depends on how much I feel like programming on it and on the time I put in other projects (formula: time for angel = total time - time for other projects)
10 October 1999, 16:27 GMT
I am currently working on a pimp quest game for the ti-83+(or the ti-83). It should be out buy the end of next week if not, sooner. However i am having a few problems on the money transactions. if anyone can help me please e-mail me
15 October 1999, 00:59 GMT
Formulas program & ASM shell
I am currently making an ASM shell in BASIC to run all the programs on my calc. If you want a custom ASM shell for your calc, E-mail me at Parrypmp@aol.com. Please send a list of all the programs on your calc. You will need a graph-link. I will have it ready in about a week. I am also making a program in basic called formulas. It has area/volume/perimeter in a very small program. If anyone knows how to archive/unarchive programs from a basic program, please E-mail me.
16 October 1999, 06:21 GMT
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