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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes 337 56.0%   
No, I haven't been caught 210 34.9%   
No, playing games in class is wrong 41 6.8%   
No, I don't attend school/go to class 14 2.3%   

Survey posted 1999-10-06 23:07 by Andy.

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Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
njoyard Account Info
(Web Page)

It's fine because most of the TI89 asm games (and I think on the 92 too) have a button to shut down the calc without shutting down the game !!! So i have never been caught...
Please let the programmers continue to implement this BEAUTIFUL function in their games :-)))

     7 October 1999, 18:58 GMT

Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?

I own a TI-86. My teachers always wonder what I am doing with my calc, but I always have good excuses. Chemistry: "I got a cool periodic table on this calc", Foreign Language: "I got a translator", Math: "Doing math, duh", History: "Putting in notes to cheat on your test, ha ha".
Those teachers that knew I played games were cool about it as long as I did my work. The thing that I hated was other people always taking my calc when I wasn't looking and refusing to return it unless I let them play games. To deal with this I put a password on it. My calculus teacher always knew I played game in his class, but didn't care because I got A's. Then on the last day of class he reset my memory. Now I don't have games because I don't have a Graph-Link Cable and it was his that I borrowed.

     7 October 1999, 19:27 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
pitts Account Info
(Web Page)

I only play games during math class. I need to pay attention in the other classes. Most of my classes have less than 13 people, and the teacher is watching you all the time. My math teacher doesn't care if I play games as long as I maintain a high A average. She always goes to me when she has a problem with her calculator.

I'm a little confused, someone at the beginning said that they were retaking Algebra 1, and had a 92. If you need to retake Algebra, and have a 92, do you even know how to use it?

     7 October 1999, 22:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
spider Account Info

Everything but the realy high end math stuff is in the manual and easy enough to figure out. The only reason I had to retake algebra was that the first teacher was a huge homework freak... and i didn't hardly do any of it. The A's on my tests still got me a D with the homework added. He also made everyone show EVERY step in their math problem... and since i'd skip 5 steps at a time in my head he didn't like me much.

I recomend that everyone shell out the extra cash for a 92/92+ There is nothing like the look on a teachers face the first day you wield that brute to class. (it connects with a modem to!) Also, if you remove most of the qwerty keys, you can use it for the ACT test. (i did)

     7 October 1999, 23:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
Kaxman  Account Info

AMEN!!! (to the homework part; I never do mine at home, but luckily, i have 20C Eurp/Russ history right b4 it, and, since its a colleg prep class, all he does is lecture, so I usually get to copy my work from the rest of my Pre-Cal classmates.)


     9 October 1999, 01:55 GMT

(Web Page)

I never thought about that.. So as long as the qwerty keys aren't there you can use it as that's their definition of a computer.. So theoretically, if you removed the qwerty keys from your laptop you would be able to use it on the ACT? Would this be possible?

     10 October 1999, 15:52 GMT

spider Account Info

NOPE: the screen would be to big.... although.. i think big-screen calc people ca get assigned the back row where no one can see their screen

can someone with the practice booklet clear this up for us please?

     11 October 1999, 23:23 GMT

Re: Re: ACT

The ACT booklet specifically lists the TI-89 and TI-92 as not allowed, as well as many other types of calcs. A calc that factors, expands, and does advanced algebra solving is not allowed. The test administrator is supposed to know this and enforce it. Even thought the person above removed some of the keys, this did not stop them from accessing the functions. They were lucky to have a stupid test supervisor.

The ACT is so easy that I got a 34 on the math section using a regular 4-function calc. One must be stupid to depend on these powerful calcs.

     12 October 1999, 19:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ACT
spider Account Info

Ah, ok. It's nice to see that they finaly caught that. I took the test a few years ago and that wasn't in the booklet. (i brought it with me to show the tester the rules) This was before the 89 was released. When i took the test i wasn't cheating, just bending the rules a little.

Although... if a kid realy wanted to cheat, he could just put a 89 board inside the case of a 85/86. I think it would work, but i havn't tried it yet. (i will if one of my math teachers get smart to my calc)

     13 October 1999, 14:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ACT
Daniel Bishop  Account Info

I agree. I also got a 34 on ACT math with only a TI-30X (and I didn't even need it). Who needs all those advanced algebra functions? I think the TI-84 should be the only calc allowed on the ACT.

     20 April 2000, 03:27 GMT

Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
sean noonan  Account Info

Teachers notice that i play games on my calculator. My AP Chem teacher (the head of our science department) wanted to see what they looked like...so i showed her. what did she say?
"This is definately more fun than school. I should get some of them for my calculator." or something closely resembling that.

     7 October 1999, 23:22 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
Nick Disabato  Account Info
(Web Page)

You have a pretty darn cool chem teacher ;)


     8 October 1999, 00:27 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
Jeff Barrett  Account Info

Where do you go to school, I'm transferring

     9 October 1999, 02:39 GMT

Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
Diego Pontoriero  Account Info
(Web Page)

hey definitely don't go to class; its not worth it. No j/k (but that's what i voted for), but playing calc games is wrong when the teacher's trying to teach you something. And it actually helps your grades to pay attention.

     7 October 1999, 23:34 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
nick s  Account Info

I keep my ears finely attuned on what the teacher is saying during times of lectures
I keep my eyes finely attuned on my trusty Ti 83 Plus during times of lectures

     20 January 2003, 08:50 GMT

Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
mightycsn  Account Info
(Web Page)

I have been cought in one class and the teacher said he liked calculater and then told me to put it away or he will take it .
Also when I have lunch I was playing a game and one of the bouncers at my school made me put it away I hate it that we arn't even aloud to play calc games ever at school but of course I always play them .

     8 October 1999, 01:00 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
ComputerWiz  Account Info
(Web Page)

they make you put that stuff up during lunch.. lmao
i can do anythink i want during lunch our fav thing to do is yell at the cop

     8 October 1999, 01:35 GMT

Re: Have you ever been caught playing calculator games in class?
Gockies  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, you guys actually get caught? Jeez.
Middle school are the worst grades to play games in (especially at lunch) because administrators really don't give a damn about the students. Now, if there is an administrator of a school out there who REALLY listens to the students when they get in trouble, may you reproduce and your kids live long, happy lives. Anything I got in trouble for in middle school, I always ended up suspended or some punishment like that...e-mail me if you wanna debate it. But anyway, in high school, many teachers really don't care. Now, in math, you can get away with tetris easily by pretending you're actually doing math. By the way, for all you programmers out there, here's something you can do to hide the "Done" message after you quit a game:
(Program goes here)
Output(1,8," "
This was done on a ti-83. This hides that "Done" message because if you're quitting a prog, and the teacher is making rounds, "Done" gives you away. At least if it's hidden, you can claim you're doing math homework (assuming your teacher don't know about the Entry button).
Oh well, if you know any other ways to teacher-proof progs, drop me a line (gockies@usa.net)

     8 October 1999, 01:34 GMT

Gockies  Account Info

There was an error in my last post. Put as many spaces as you want in that code.

     8 October 1999, 01:45 GMT

My teachers play games!
(Web Page)

Last year I caught two of my teachers playing ztetris. One time I found my pe coach playing tetris (hiding it with the sports section). And the other time, my speach teacher (who was also a coach) took up somones calculator, then (hiding it with his role book) he linked the students calculator up with his own and played 2 player ztetris with himself. And this isnt a joke. I didn't even know you could put games on calculators until I saw them playing it. Anybody else out there catch their teacher in the act?

     8 October 1999, 04:01 GMT

Re: My teachers play games!

ive seen my teacher in the act...but he wasnt playing with his calculator if you get my drift....

     8 October 1999, 04:26 GMT

Re: Re: My teachers play games!
Jeff Barrett  Account Info

I caught it, but I don't want it

     9 October 1999, 02:44 GMT

Re: My teachers play games!
Jeff Barrett  Account Info

My calc teacher is addicted to Falldown. Once, he was playing it on the 86 that hooks into the overhead thing, and some someone accidentally (on porpose) turned on the overhead.

     9 October 1999, 02:43 GMT

Re: My teachers play games!
Satan WoRsHiPpEr  Account Info

Ya, I caught my ss teacher but this is what happened...

We were watching some dumbass video on ice (?) so i whip out mario83 and start playin it. i would periodically look at the teacher to make sure she wasnt gonna take it. so 20 miniutes later i turn off the calc and shove it in my desk and the teach walks over and takes it! i was mad, that is untill she went to her desk and started playing tetris. she said she liked it and wouldnt give it back! so of course I stole it and RAN at teh end of class ('_')
i have a 83 & a 92 and she didnt know what the 92 was haha

     7 November 1999, 01:19 GMT

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