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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Which z80 calculator is the most advanced? Why?
Choice Votes   Percent
TI-83+/84+ SE 82 52.6%   
TI-86 59 37.8%   
No opinion 15 9.6%   

Survey posted 2004-02-09 21:45 by Morgan.

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Re: Which z80 calculator is the most advanced? Why?
nyall  Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't believe this has been mentioned but the two lines of calcs differ in tokenization. On the 83 the tokenization is done as you enter, but the 86 has a text parser. This is an advantage for the 83+ with large program.

Except that you can't use the ti keyboard to write programs on the 83+. In some future world maybe ti might port the text->tokenization code of the 86 to the 83 as maybe an extension to the text editor app (is it called notefolio?)

The one and only Cheerio:
-Samuel S

Reply to this comment    9 February 2004, 22:56 GMT

Re: Re: Which z80 calculator is the most advanced? Why?
Jeremiah Walgren  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, the 83 Plus text app for the TI Keyboard is called Notefolio.

Reply to this comment    9 February 2004, 22:58 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Yes, it does mean that there's no tokenization, BUT it also means that you can't type program names or commands, something that I find EXTREMELY annoying, especially when you have to go through a few menus on the 83+ to get to the command (the ASM( command, for example).

Reply to this comment    10 February 2004, 23:53 GMT

Re: ¤
Konrad Meyer  Account Info
(Web Page)

u can type program names, just not the preceding "pgrm" token

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 00:09 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
jrock7286  Account Info

ummm...why would you WANT to type a program name anyway? just hit [prgm] [<-] then the number...much less key presses...

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 05:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

You can't be serious; that only works for the first ten programs. Almost anybody with an 83+(SE) has far more programs on their calc. And then you can choose between typing and scrolling (not a difficult choice though).

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 22:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

What about A, B, C, D, ...?

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 22:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
jrock7286  Account Info

yeah, isn't there an A B C D? maybe I'm thinking of a different calc, but if there is, then it's the first 36 programs...

Reply to this comment    13 February 2004, 17:08 GMT

Re: ¤
nolekid  Account Info

You know I have no idea where the asm( is located? For one thing, I use mirage. Secondly, asm( is at the beginning of the catalog. Thirdly, if it really bothers you, you could put it into the omnicalc custom menu.

Speaking of custom menus, they're another good thing about the 86. I put the asm( in the F1 position in the custom menu, and all my favorite games right after it. 3 key presses and I'm playing phoenix. This would take at least 5 with mirage (apps, on, 2nd [to open the folder], down [at least once], and 2nd to select the game) and 3 with ION, but plus the time for either shell to load.

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 03:10 GMT

Daniel DeGraaf  Account Info

Alternate method: if the program is runnable with asm(, create a program called prgmAA and say "asm(phoenix)" Then, it's 3 keypresses: PRGM, 1 (or some other number), ENTER. I think you can set Mirage to keep folders open, but I could be wrong.

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 21:26 GMT

jschmidty89  Account Info

I have an 86. Therefore, I'm getting an 89.
The 86 is nice but I need more power for programming, I mean school. I've never used an 83, so I cant say. The 84 will probably be the best by far.

Reply to this comment    10 February 2004, 00:02 GMT

Re: hmmm...
jordan krage  Account Info

i agree, the 84 will probably beat out both, however, since we dont know everything about it yet, and its not even out, i dont think it should have been in the poll at all...

BTW- as of right now, W. hibdon has 20 posts in this poll, i think he feels very strongly about this :) lol

Reply to this comment    10 February 2004, 02:05 GMT

Re: Re: hmmm...
mindstorm23  Account Info

I think Jeremiah Walgren has more...but I didn't count.

Reply to this comment    10 February 2004, 02:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: hmmm...
Jeremiah Walgren  Account Info
(Web Page)

Unless I miscounted, which is likely, I currently have 17 (including this one).

Reply to this comment    10 February 2004, 03:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: hmmm...
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hit Ctrl+F and search for your name on each page. Makes it easier. Yup.

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 23:00 GMT

Re: Re: hmmm...
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

The TI-84+ equals the TI-83+ and the TI-84+SE equals the TI-84+SE, all for the exception of the USB support. Not a big deal, really.

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 22:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: hmmm...
Memwaster  Account Info

And the clock

Reply to this comment    12 February 2004, 06:55 GMT

Re: hmmm...
Adam Thayer  Account Info
(Web Page)

Of the Z80 calcs, yeah, the 84 will beat out all of them except maybe in a couple OS preference areas that the 86 still has, but come out better overall. The 68k calcs are a whole different story, and the 89 Titanium coming out will be the 68k version of the 84... lots of RAM/Flash, faster clock speed, but pretty much the same as the 89 (the 84 is really just a glorified 83, but they already ran out of 83/83+/83+SE designations, so they had to pick a new number). I use an 89 now, so I can leave debates like this behind while I do signal processing calculations without the need of extra software :)

Reply to this comment    10 February 2004, 20:07 GMT

Re: Re: hmmm...
cloudofstrife  Account Info

Yeah, you've summed up my opinion on the TI-84's: 83+'s with USB ports. But really, how important is using a USB port on a calculator? Calculator-calcualtor linking right now isn't that slow. And using a game controller to play games is just ridiculous (as if playing games in class already weren't obvious enough).

My opinion on the topic: 86's are better for more experienced people, but 83+'s are much easier to use initially, which would seem to be an important part of sales. "Easy to use" sells better than slightly more powerful. Sheesh, isn't this argument a little stale?

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 03:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: You can go wardriving...
Memwaster  Account Info

With a USB port, there are endless possibilities.

Hook 4 of them up to a USB hub and have 4-player gaming.

Attach a IEEE802.11b wireless USB adapter and go wardriving, or surf the net.

Attach a USB memory key and have HEAPS of memory - enought to fit ALL the TI83+ ASM programs in ticalc.org's archives - with space left over.

Attach a mouse, keyboard, printer, HDD, external CDROM, external floppy, mp3 player, USB speakers, USB flash card reader, USB graphlink for interface with ALL other TI calculators, USB modem....

*starts writing interfaceing programs*

Reply to this comment    12 February 2004, 13:09 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

We had this discussion before....I don't know yet, but I'm pretty sure that TI probably just put in a USB slave controller, rather than a master-slave device which would be more expensive (and the master function would never be used, except by programmers who hack the OS and hardware, which TI probably hates).

Reply to this comment    12 February 2004, 21:48 GMT

Re: Re: hmmm...
jrock7286  Account Info

What about TI-83+ titanium? lol...what a pain that would be...

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 05:50 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

I agree that the 89 is better than all the Z80 calcs...still, the 86 is the best Z80....

Reply to this comment    10 February 2004, 23:54 GMT

Re: ¤
Konrad Meyer  Account Info
(Web Page)

89 kicks z80 a**

Reply to this comment    11 February 2004, 00:10 GMT

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