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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes 38 29.9%   
No 66 52.0%   
No idea 23 18.1%   

Survey posted 2003-04-10 03:09 by Henrik.

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Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
calcgames2002  Account Info
(Web Page)

I chose no idea ... because since i program on the calcs i don't pay attention to anything else! lol :)


Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 18:44 GMT

Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Benjamin Esham  Account Info
(Web Page)

The chicks aren't attracted to my calc... it's the Magnus thong.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 21:26 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
TheCalcGenius  Account Info

Yeah, how true.....
They should have kept it but they took it off! (not literally the page, they just said that it was a joke)

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 23:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

*sits up excitedly*
They took it off? Give me pics! (j/k)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

A dirty mind is a joy forever! LOL
(We actually had a book in high school titled "Joy Forever", it was about English literature. :) The reason for that strange name was that the corresponding books for French and German literature had the same title (translated of course).)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 16:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm not HALF as bad as RCT ;-) (lol)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:30 GMT

To Us!
Seaborgium  Account Info

Here is to us nerds who are fortunate enough to have particularly inimate relationships with girls, and best of luck to those of us who are not so!


Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 21:41 GMT

Re: To Us!
Charlemagne  Account Info
(Web Page)

To us!
[clinks tankard with Seaborgium]
* Slurrrrp *
* Buuuuurrrrrrrrrrp * Excuse me.

Reply to this comment    12 April 2003, 17:35 GMT

Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Vejita  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yes. Details need not be known.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 22:18 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Umm... Yup Account Info
(Web Page)

Why not known be need?

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 23:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Because there are things you can do with your calculator that shouldn't be mentioned :)

OMG, I just had the perfect idea... I will propose with an ASM program on my calc! It will have this really long cute animation thing and then it will say "Will you marry me?" THAT IS SO COOL... hope my future wife doesn't see this.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
nick s  Account Info

HAHA that's great

Reply to this comment    2 May 2003, 00:14 GMT

It does and I can prove it!!!!!
Charlemagne Account Info
(Web Page)

Here's my calc "romance" story. At the end of my 8th grade year (last year), I was in my Orchestra final class period. Since Orchestra is Orchestra, we didn't have to take a final exam. So, I was sitting around with friends (and calculator). Then they ditched me and went to play cards. Then, a girl came up to me and we were friends so we started talking. Well, I let her borrow my friend's calc and we linked up and started using ZChat, the GREATEST chatting program for MirageOS. We just rambled on for a while until class ended. I didn't know it at the time but it turned out that she liked me, and so now (a year later) we're together and the world's all good, thanks in part to my faithful TI-83+.
Moral: A good calc will become very handy when you least expect it.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 22:33 GMT

Re: It does and I can prove it!!!!!
TheCalcGenius  Account Info

no...you beat me to it! i was just about to put that story up above until i scrolled down....

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 23:03 GMT

Re: Re: It does and I can prove it!!!!!
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Actually, if you use the Start-up APP, you can become VERY creative ;-) No further explanation needed.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: It does and I can prove it!!!!!
Charlemagne  Account Info
(Web Page)

1) What do you mean?
2) Did you read my story?
3) Why did you post that as a reply to that?

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: It does and I can prove it!!!!!
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Huh? That's odd... I didn't mean to say that THERE... oh well

Yeah, I read your story... I'm gonna try that :)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: It does and I can prove it!!!!!
BlackThunder  Account Info
(Web Page)

Can anyone make a Start-up app for the TI-89/92+?

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 19:33 GMT

Re: It does and I can prove it!!!!!
TheCalcGenius  Account Info

And this girl is a year younger than him and about 8-9 inches shorter (i think, because she's taller than me....heck, everyone's taller than me)

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 23:06 GMT

Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

<joke>Oh yeah, with the men, let me tell you... I'm a beast</joke>

Actually, it does help... I guess. Helping girls with their math (I LOVE that), making sexy programs, and showing them the solve function. Come to think of it... all girls seem to love me, and I can't find out why. Maybe it IS the calculator! We should thank TI.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:07 GMT

Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
W Hibdon  Account Info

I think it hurts my chances. For some reason porple think that playing calc games it childish and stupid. I cannot figure it out......


Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:25 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well those "most people" probably have are dumb jocks who fail all their classes. Ignore them and they'll go away.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?

well some poeple (dumb jocks)think that they are cool becuase they think that if they had one of those calcs, they could just play games through their classes. they don't know how to get,make, or transfer programs. they think its so simple to get a calc and to get games.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 05:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
W Hibdon  Account Info

No, it is not. I have only known two people in my intire school life that was as interested in calcs and calc games as I am. The rest think it is weird, and that I am radio active because of my "hobbie".


Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 20:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

And most of them are probably dumb jocks ;-)

Here, if they don't like it, then TOO BAD. :)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?

"dumb jocks"... I think you (no one 200) are just jealous of the jocks. You're jealous that these jocks get ladies....and you don't. Because of this, you decide to insult their intelligence and fabricate elaborate stories, all the while hoping to bolster your self esteem. You try to brag about how cool you think you are and how hot the girls think you look. People who have these qualities don't brag about them. If you were cool....you would know that.

The word nerd is an insult in itself (to all who are not nerds). You lack a love life, and it is pathetic to the point where you consider the following : ""OMG, I just had the perfect idea... I will propose with an ASM program on my calc! It will have this really long cute animation thing and then it will say "Will you marry me?" THAT IS SO COOL... hope my future wife doesn't see this.""

....You will never get married to a decent looking woman.

I know someone just like you... he sits at our table everyday at lunch. He assumes he is cool, but unfortunately he is not. He tries so hard...but fails miserably. The general opinion of him is terrible, and girls only socialize with him because they are too nice to tell him the truth - nobody likes him. People ask him for help because he's smart...not because he's cool. They would rather ask for his help because he knows what he is doing...whereas a few of your "dumb jocks" might not. But when it comes to the weekends....this kid sits at home by the phone waiting for people to invite him somewhere. This is cruel...but it is reality. This is you, No one 2000. You are not hot. You are not cool. You are a nerd, and you can never hope to be anything more.

Reply to this comment    20 May 2003, 22:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
nx80129  Account Info

That sounds like this guy Jason at my school!

Reply to this comment    24 June 2003, 22:25 GMT

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