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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes 38 29.9%   
No 66 52.0%   
No idea 23 18.1%   

Survey posted 2003-04-10 03:09 by Henrik.

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Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Joe B  Account Info

Of course it does! :D
What girl can resist a guy who has beaten pheonix, platinum, and gran turismo for the 89.
On that note, what girl can resist a guy who has an 89. They are soooo sexy!

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 03:26 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
William Heaton  Account Info

who hasnt beaten pheonix?

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 04:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Joe B  Account Info

I don't know.
Maybe that should be the next survey question.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 04:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
molybdenum  Account Info

I (Heart) MirageOS interrupt things

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 07:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
W Hibdon  Account Info

You cannot use them in the newest version of phoenix.


Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:35 GMT

Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Seaborgium  Account Info

I would have to say yes. While my girlfriend is not nerdy in any way, she is almost overly intelligent and appreciates and loves all things nerdy, including guys, chemistry and physics poetry, and so on. And she being my girlfriend and all, I am inclined to think she is the most amazing girl in the universe, and I do not think there is anything more nerdy than posting in a message board that you love your girlfriend on a graphing calculator website so there. :P :) :D


Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 03:35 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Burak Gul  Account Info
(Web Page)

It does work with most girls, but mine doesn't really get impressed by such stuff. We have an intellectual relationship.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 11:25 GMT

Intellectual as opposed to...
Seaborgium  Account Info

When you say you have an intellectual relationship are you trying to:

A. Say insult me by sayung that me and my "girlfriend" are not intellectuals and we do not actively engage in philosophical conversations and the sort?


B. You and your "girlfriend"'s relationship is strictly intellectual like perhaps, you do help do each others homework and serve as brain candy and that there is nothing "romantic" about it.


C. I am a complete moron, have totally missed the point and upon closer inspection, I am posing as an intellectual or something along those lines.


Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 21:37 GMT

Re: Intellectual as opposed to...
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

D. All of the above :)

I doubt that he was trying to insult you in any way. If he was, it was very subtle, and I didn't notice it. He said it was "intellectual", not as opposed to you... just that it was intellectual! Are you paranoid like me? :)

--I just found out I can do that back bend thing like on the Matrix today... THAT was a chick-attractor. That, and my front-flip (hah hah hah). If I could flip and play calculator games at the same time, that would be so cool (until I break the calc by accident).

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:19 GMT

Re: Re: Intellectual as opposed to...
W Hibdon  Account Info

Calcs are pretty durable. I dropped mine from one story up, down a set of bleachers, and it works like it always did.


Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Intellectual as opposed to...
Jesse Puckett  Account Info

only thing that i have ever broken was the screen, and that is b/c it landed on the corner and it flexed the lcd

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 06:21 GMT

My 83 Plus: It keeps going, and going, and going...
Seaborgium  Account Info

I am in awe that my calculator works still. It has been dropped on hard floors from high places countless time, fell into a large, deep puddle of water for several seconds, the list goes on. It is still alive and kicking. Well it is except for the fact my batteries ran out.


Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 18:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Intellectual as opposed to...
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

OMG, the first time I read that, I was about to give a "you are strange" reply... but then I re-read it and found my mistake... I thought you wrote:

"Chics are pretty durable. I dropped mine from one story up, down a set of bleachers, and it works like it always did."

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:15 GMT

Re: Intellectual as opposed to...
Burak Gul  Account Info
(Web Page)

Choice A, but I didn't want to insult you. Our rlationship is a bit strange. We hardly have any physical things. When we come together, we discuss "the meaning of life" and things like that. Of course, we are so close that we can tell each other our ideas in a very honest way.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 10:23 GMT

I Bite My Thumb At You Dear Sir...
Seaborgium  Account Info

Oh well, understandable I suppose. However, I feel like being an ego maniac and I would have to say that I have the best of both worlds, claiming that I have both a(n) intellectual and physically intimate relationship with my "girlfriend".


Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 18:10 GMT

Re: I Bite My Bum At You Dear Sir...
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

And I don't have a girlfriend. Poo poo.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:17 GMT

Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Seaborgium  Account Info

While not implying that our survey's are in dire need of suggestions, I can not help but wonder sometimes... I have some interesting ones... Hehehe...


Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 03:38 GMT

Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
William Heaton  Account Info

Ohh yea, "she thinks my calc'tor's sexy"

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 03:39 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Doug Temple Account Info

Boy would that be a great song!

Anyways, there's this girl in my Spanish class who has no idea how to use her 89, but she does know how to use an 83+. I let her play Lotus on my 83+ and she's so happy since she can go hit other cars and stuff.

Also I play ZTris against a girl in my Honors FST (Functions Statistics Trigonometry) class. Good rule of thumb... let her win the first time, and then never again. She'll keep on coming back, trying to beat you over and over again, saying "If only I could do what I did that first time!"

There should be a new name for this class of people (ours) who like calculators and computers (GEEK) and like girls a lot too (PIMP). How about Gimp!!!? lol

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 03:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
j w Account Info

Guys who like girls aren't pimps! We just like them.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 04:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
sfar  Account Info
(Web Page)

no...guys who like girls are called straight

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 04:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I have to go put on my "pimpin' face" before I can try any of that stuff :) (Inside joke to girls at school... it was before I was good at that stuff)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
peKster  Account Info

Although that may work with your word games, how would the Linux geeks out of us understand the difference between your gimp, and the Gnu Image Manipulation Progra (a.k.a. "GIMP")?

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 06:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Hollow_Existence  Account Info

I'd like to also point out the fact that there is a Gimp for windoze. I mean this not in the sense of injuring the Gimp's reputation, but in the sense that the Gimp is more universal of a free alternative to more expensive image editors. I just mean to say that it should be more common then to just linux geeks, more rather a wide-spread geek fact

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 06:22 GMT

<sarcasm> I <3 Homland Security. </sarcasm>
Seaborgium  Account Info

I think for the good of the country, we should make offical nerd I.D. cards. Plus how cool would that be to carry around. I have too much free time. A sign of nerdishness indeed...


Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 18:02 GMT

Re: <sarcasm> I <3 Homland Security. </sarcasm>
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Nooo, instead of Gimp... no I don't want to say that on here... but I call a group of friends I have at school that name, but I can't say it here :D

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:26 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
William Heaton  Account Info

Well, i just asked my girlfriend what she thought about it. After laughing for about 5 minutes, she said no, if anything it hurt it.. :( I guess i voted wrong. :(

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 04:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Don't you mean your EX-girlfriend?

EX girlfriend,girlfriend'

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
William Heaton  Account Info

LOL, no.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 05:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

EXing girlfriends, is that an overly subtle way to describe bigamy? :D

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 15:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, if only my non-EXistant (lol) girlfriend was a register...
INC girlfriend

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:19 GMT

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