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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes 38 29.9%   
No 66 52.0%   
No idea 23 18.1%   

Survey posted 2003-04-10 03:09 by Henrik.

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Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
j w Account Info

I have a few hot girls in my math class and they don't give a crap if I know so much about my calculator.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 04:03 GMT

The Omega Male is the Nerd.
Seaborgium  Account Info

The kind of girls your stereo-typical nerd types (I am not much of an exception.) that we lust after are the beautiful, large breasted, popular, virginity losing variety. However, keep in mind that this is a stereo-type but a lot of people still seem to be kind of shallow. Obviously the chances of such a girl being interested in anything about Calculators and their users is highly unlikely. If that is your fantasy though, I wish you best of luck. I think. Whatever...


Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 18:07 GMT

Re: The Omega Male is the Nerd.
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Mine would be more around the lines of a hot female nerd that programs better than me (hehe) and will go beat the crap out of anybody who messes with me :) (But it will never happen)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:28 GMT

Re: The Omega Male is the Nerd.
nick s  Account Info

I will not ask out a girl that is a slut
.db "A girl who only wants sex",0

Reply to this comment    1 May 2003, 23:52 GMT

Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
swtaarrs  Account Info
(Web Page)

I have had girls ask me for help with their calcs. I've convinced 4 people in my school to buy 89s, then they ask me for help. I normally give them authentic help, but for one girl I wrote a tsr that replaces every 10th number you type with a random digit and every 5th operand you type with a random operand. It took her a few days to figure out that something was wrong with her calc. When she asked me for help with her 'problem'(not yet knowing that I was the cause), the look of disgust on her face when I laughed and said "Okay, okay, I'll fix it" was priceless. That was my best trick. The trick I use most often is F5, Diamond+Clear, R, which puts the calc in remote control mode, disabling the keyboard. The only way to get it back is by resetting it or restoring the keyboard using a link cable and another 89.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 04:05 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
William Heaton  Account Info

Your " F5, Diamond+Clear, R," thing really sounded fun. I tryed it on my calc but it didnt work :( did you mean "F5, Diamond+Clear, 2" or did you mean "F5, Diamond+Clear, shift 2" or "F5, Diamond+Clear, alpha 2" i tryed all of them but none of them worked. i want to F my calc. I know what the problem probably is. I bet that i have wrong rom. What rom's does it work on.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 04:28 GMT

I don't know and I don't care!
slimey_limey  Account Info
(Web Page)

For ROMs prior to 2.05 (I think), it's
[F5] [<>] [APPS] [alpha] [r]
Since TI introduced [<>] [APPS] as [FLASHAPPS] in ROM 2.05, they had to move it to [<>] [CLEAR]. This works on all calcs (89, 92, 92+) I have seen. [alpha] [s] is self-test, and [alpha] [r] is remote. That's all there is, at least on my calc. I actually had the courage to try _all_ the possible key combinations, and those were the only ones that had any effect. BTW, that version-type screen you get is actually a separate app in the ROM, as is the self-test.

Here's the lowdown on remote mode: put the calc into remote mode, and it will recieve key numbers (no packets, wrappers, etc, just binary numbers) through the link port. The only ways to get out of this is (a) to send the [2nd] [OFF] or [<>] [OFF] key codes throught the linkport, (b) wait for the APD to turn it off, (c) pull the batteries (needlessly barbaric) (d) send a certain sequence of bytes to it. The requisite sequences of bytes (in/out of remote mode) are described in the calcsys documentation, in the file "remote.txt". What I think is cool is that you can put a 68k calc into remote mode remotely, send a preordained sequence of bytes (like a script) and then put it out of remote mode, all without doing more than inserting the link cable and running a program on your calc.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 05:23 GMT

Re: I don't know and I don't care!
JcN  Account Info

Aargh! I locked my TI-89! How do I get out?

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 07:20 GMT

Re: Re: I don't know and I don't care!
Rob van Wijk  Account Info
(Web Page)

The calcsys documentation (see url) will tell you everything you need to know. The most important information is this:

---How to get out of remote mode
-Send thse bytes out through Link Console (you must start from the home

I hope you know somebody with an 83+. ;)
You could also wait for APD to kick in. I never heard that before, but it might work.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 14:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: I don't know and I don't care!
JcN  Account Info

Never mind; I fixed it immediately after I posted. All I did was quickly remove a AAA battery (by disconnecting one of the electrodes) and quickly putting it back in. The calculator came out of remote-control mode, and I didn't even lose anything in the RAM! woo-hoo!

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 23:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: I don't know and I don't care!
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

No RAM loss? That's amazing! Seriously, I thought popping a battery always killed the RAM on the newer calcs and that only the archive was made to survive something like that.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:35 GMT

Psuedo RAM Recovery
Seaborgium  Account Info

If you ever have to do anything with taking out the batteries, on my 83 Plus, all I have to do is just take out ALL the AAA batteries and put them back in. It will look like you reset to defaults. However, your RAM will be safe. I believe this is because it senses the lack of all batteries and assumes battery changing is going (Which is likely the case.) and so it uses the other memory backup battery, usually reserved for Flash and uses it for RAM. Keep in mind this will NOT work if you know your RAM will clear from a crashing program. Or at least last time I checked, that was the case.


Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 04:01 GMT

Re: Psuedo RAM Recovery
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

AFAIK the hardware cannot detect the difference between removing a single battery or all four.
The backup battery is not reserved for flash. Flash is not volatile, it's a kind of ROM (were the "only" in "read only memory" is very loosely interpreted), it won't lose it's information when you take away the current.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 15:56 GMT

Re: Re: Psuedo RAM Recovery
Seaborgium  Account Info

Well then how do you explain it?

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 23:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I don't know and I don't care!
JcN  Account Info

That's nothing. What is really weird is that whenever I try to type in a statement, and I do not close all my parenthesis, and press enter, I don't get an error! Instead, nothing happens at all until I close the parenthesis and try again. This never happened before until I did the battery operation...strange...but still c00l.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 07:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I don't know and I don't care!
Seaborgium  Account Info

Most likely a glitch in the OS somehow. Most peculiar.


Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 23:24 GMT

Re: I don't know and I don't care!
angelboy Account Info
(Web Page)

I have AMS 2.00, and I just got the calc. Is it safe to put AMS 2.50 on my calc with GraphLink? I've heard stories about putting 2.80 on which aren't good.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 22:15 GMT

Re: Re: I don't know and I don't care!
JcN  Account Info

First, it's called AMS 2.05 and AMS 2.08. Second, it is quite safe to do it with 2.05, but if you don't have TI Connect 1.2, it is very difficult to do it with 2.08.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 23:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've never heard of this remote control thing. Does the manual say anything about it? Was this one big joke? How can your calculator go into a remote control if it doesn't have an IR port? Will it work on VTI (doubt it)? Ah well, I can't try it on my TI-89... well, you already know why.

<joke>You want to F your calc? The linkport just might be your size!</joke>

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
W Hibdon  Account Info

wrong remote..... It allows another calc to control the 89.


Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 02:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

LOL... I found that out shortly after I posted that... oh well :)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:20 GMT

HMTL Tags Coming Back In Style?
Seaborgium  Account Info

Hey, finally someone else is using HTML tags! Yay! I miss the good old days of that.

P.S. I am talking about <sarcasm></sarcasm> HTML tags, not actual tags, those do NOT work.


Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 04:04 GMT

Re: HMTL Tags Coming Back In Style?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

<whisper> But in HTML 6.0, they DO work! </whisper>

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

It will work on VTI ;) :) :D
I once had an actual 83+, running CalcSys, remote control a virtual 89. Not that I get the point, but it just looks so neat!
Wanna know what's also a pretty weird sight? Hook up a virtual 83 with an actual 83, then run TiNuke on the real calc. That way, you can reset a program running on your big, expensive computer with a small and humble calc. ;)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 16:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

TiNuke... I've heard of that... does it control, crash, or do something like that to the other calculator through the linkport?

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

When you run TiNuke on your calc, the calc connected to yours will be reset. AFAIK, this program only exists for the 83-. Be warned, if no calc is connected to yours, it'll reset your own calc!

Reply to this comment    14 April 2003, 16:20 GMT

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