No idea
Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Joey Gannon
(Web Page)
I can almost certainly say "no", judging by the response I got when I brought out my 89 and TI-Keyboard during math to write my Pi Day article.
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10 April 2003, 05:02 GMT
Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
(Web Page)
I really have no idea. The only girl I've really had to help with her calc is one in my math class. She has an 89 and I don't think she knows how to use it. So I just ask every now and then to see if she needs help. Other than that . . . nope.
Of course, the occasional how to find the median on an 83/Plus comes up. But really, is that helping?
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10 April 2003, 05:07 GMT
Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
(Web Page)
I've found my program keypass to be an interesting topic, as well as having my calc tripped out with event hooks. It is a real fun to lend it to people and answer the eventual questions.
On 30 second intervals my calc prints at me: "It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again."
I act like everything is normal, they ask "why?" I say "why not?". I hope girls are impressed by wierdos.
Sad thing is that in a the engineering curiculum there are not very many females. Specifically for electricals it is 20 males to 1 female.
Note that keypass is a password program that will make the calculator impossible to turn on unless certain keys are being held down.
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10 April 2003, 05:43 GMT
Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Okay, I think we need a better survay...
I personally have no idea if using three calculators in a single day attracts women (I am not sexually attracted to anything, so I would not notice anyway)
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10 April 2003, 07:13 GMT
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