The TI Programming Alliance
Posted on 23 September 1998
The following text was written by Patrick
Wilson: I don't know about you, but I'm tired of crappy programs. I'm sorry
for being so blunt, but come on... Either you get a crappy program that does one thing good,
a program that does many things well but is buggy, or if your lucky, you get a truly great
program. Sadly, the latter is very rare. It's been proven, teamwork accomplishes more and
better results faster than if the results were from just one person. My point is simple. If
the best programmers for the TI-8X (and TI-92) teamed up in a sort of Alliance, then imagine
the amount and frequency of high-quality programs that would be made. Below are a few ideas
about what this could do to the TI programming community. These are ONLY a few and are not
meant to cover all aspects of creating such an organization. I intend for many responses
with more ideas to be posted and I hope you expand on my ideas in future articles!
Bug free programs If everyone developed together, everyone would know
what everyone else's programs do and conflicts could be eliminated. One way to accomplish
this is to have a web site listing all resources used by all programs and which ones have
been specifically requested by a developer to be for use only with their program since it
might contain volatile information or program specific data. Shared
variables It would be nice when if you enter a game, be it Mario, Vertigo,
Penguins, whatever, you would be greeted by a splash screen with the game title, and your
name. Also, what about other personal information, like registration, if programs got good
enough for shareware. This would also allow for system wide preferences like contrast, text
size, preferred grayscale bit depth, and other things. The Ultimate
OS The 85 is a good example of where this feature is sorely needed. Usgard,
ZShell. They have different programs that will only run on a certain shell. If the alliance
were to make a universal OS that would run all programs, then we would have no need for
porting. Imagine a multitasking OS that would let you run one program while suspending one.
You wouldn't actually have that program open, but it would save the last place or action
that the program was performing. Once you were done, you would open the program again and,
voila! Plug In Architecture This would make programs more
effective. Instead of having a lot of programs, you would only need one called a "Dock" or
plug in dock. One for math, science, and utility plugins. In the long run, you would have
many more programs but the total space taken up by all the programs would be considerably
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Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
No! No! No! The TI calculators DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT need a programming alliance. If they get one, it will just make everything more complicated and make the whole platform more like the PC...if you want to develop something, it's not such an open market. On TI's, you can create something, upload it, and you're almost sure it'll be on a ton of people's calculators by the end of the week. If we try to regulate programming, we'll just get truckloads full of mundane and monotonous programs. Whenever something becomes structured, it becomes boring and uncreative.
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1 November 1998, 09:40 GMT
I am starting an alliance
joseph b
Alliance in progress
Hello everybody out there. Hi my name is Joseph B. I read the first comment about this topic and i realized that it neaded to happen. I have taken it upon myself to start this alliance. I need all the help that i can get. Later when enough people join the alliance a government will be made, but for now in the beginning there will be no gavernment.
Web Page design
cool things that could be used in programs
If you can help in any of these areas please e-mail me at
Reply to this comment
15 November 2000, 00:57 GMT
Re: The TI Programming Alliance
I think that someone should build a shell that can hack the TI-73 to run ASM files. I think people would make alot more programs for the 73 plz help, at least try!?
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16 June 2001, 05:57 GMT
Re: The TI Programming Alliance
Mike Toth
Hi. Im interested in joining. It's a good idea. Only problem for me is i need to learn ASM. I've got a ti83 and a ti89. so if someone could help me learn asm, i'd be there for ya all. but i'd join regardless. just need to learn, and i have nifty ideas for asm games / programs.
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28 October 2001, 05:50 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Chris F.
(Web Page)
I volunteer for anything I can do. I currently am heading a very good TI site. I would volunteer to do web work and TI-86 BASIC programming. I am trying to learn ASM but I'm not very good yet. Let me know, I'll help.
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30 December 1998, 05:17 GMT
Re: The TCPA
(Web Page)
Your prayers have been answered.
It is my site so I determine who becomes a member of the Alliance. There are 15-18 positions open to apply for so you will probably make the Alliance. To apply, send a private message to the user ADMIN, stating what kind of programming experience you have, the position you are applying for, and the calculators you own. You must become a member of the message board to join the Alliance.
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4 November 2002, 00:55 GMT
Re: The TI Programming Alliance
sure. Maybe it i'll be out soon......within 6 years. I doubt this will happen anytime soon but at least you can try
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21 November 2002, 13:58 GMT
Re: The TI Programming Alliance
I am an experianced Basic programmer/artist interested in such a group. If someone can teach me Asm, I can program that as well.
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25 April 2003, 03:15 GMT
Re: The TI Programming Alliance
I agree that we need to make some better quality programs and I'd be glad to help. I'm only a novice programmer and I still can't make the "getkey" command work, but I could be of some help. Sign me up.
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3 September 2003, 04:36 GMT
by the way
Since i volunteered to help i was wondering if anyone knows any resources for programming TI-83 Plus, especially in assembly language. Thanks
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3 September 2003, 04:38 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Everyone is getting way off the point, if we are going to make this, instead of complaing about the problems we'll have starting it, maybe we shoul simply start it and see how it turns out. We could get some programmers that already have games out to show at first, and a lot of us could write a good faq about proggraming together, each do a section. So, if we want to do this then lets do it and see if we can anounce it on
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26 March 1999, 03:46 GMT
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