The TI Programming Alliance
Posted on 23 September 1998
The following text was written by Patrick
Wilson: I don't know about you, but I'm tired of crappy programs. I'm sorry
for being so blunt, but come on... Either you get a crappy program that does one thing good,
a program that does many things well but is buggy, or if your lucky, you get a truly great
program. Sadly, the latter is very rare. It's been proven, teamwork accomplishes more and
better results faster than if the results were from just one person. My point is simple. If
the best programmers for the TI-8X (and TI-92) teamed up in a sort of Alliance, then imagine
the amount and frequency of high-quality programs that would be made. Below are a few ideas
about what this could do to the TI programming community. These are ONLY a few and are not
meant to cover all aspects of creating such an organization. I intend for many responses
with more ideas to be posted and I hope you expand on my ideas in future articles!
Bug free programs If everyone developed together, everyone would know
what everyone else's programs do and conflicts could be eliminated. One way to accomplish
this is to have a web site listing all resources used by all programs and which ones have
been specifically requested by a developer to be for use only with their program since it
might contain volatile information or program specific data. Shared
variables It would be nice when if you enter a game, be it Mario, Vertigo,
Penguins, whatever, you would be greeted by a splash screen with the game title, and your
name. Also, what about other personal information, like registration, if programs got good
enough for shareware. This would also allow for system wide preferences like contrast, text
size, preferred grayscale bit depth, and other things. The Ultimate
OS The 85 is a good example of where this feature is sorely needed. Usgard,
ZShell. They have different programs that will only run on a certain shell. If the alliance
were to make a universal OS that would run all programs, then we would have no need for
porting. Imagine a multitasking OS that would let you run one program while suspending one.
You wouldn't actually have that program open, but it would save the last place or action
that the program was performing. Once you were done, you would open the program again and,
voila! Plug In Architecture This would make programs more
effective. Instead of having a lot of programs, you would only need one called a "Dock" or
plug in dock. One for math, science, and utility plugins. In the long run, you would have
many more programs but the total space taken up by all the programs would be considerably
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Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
François Revol
I think this is a good idea (the group, the "standards"), but it mustn't be strict : I mean we don't need standards for everything, (see Windows...), let us see ti-programming as alternative computing.
Multitasking is also a good idea, but we need to define the capabilities of this OS: we must deal with efficiency, speed, and all that.
I've a TI82, but i'm very interested in the 92 too, because i known 68Kasm, so i think i can help a little bit.
p.s. sorry, i don't speak english every day,so...
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24 September 1998, 12:56 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Jensen Lee
well everyone already helps eachother out in the ticalc forrums, there are plenty of good FAQs, tutorials, etc written by good ppl.
I've found the z80 the easiest and most enjoyable language to learn just because theres lots of ppl in the ti community who are happy to spend some of their time to help beginners.
So my point is, why should ppl be in a restricted programming enviroment to make the best software, when all the information you can possibly want is already available?
To round off, teamwork is great, thats because ppl share the work. If i write a program in your TI alliance, will i get other ppl to help me improve it? add to it? fix bugs? just because i'm in the alliance? nah. If you want teamwork, advertise on ti-philes under PUDs, you might get some ppl willing to help there.
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24 September 1998, 14:56 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Master Nick
(Web Page)
I think that is very unfeasible. That would be very good, but it will never happen. Also, plug in technology has already been accomplished by myself in Ti Word 98, which was written in basic. So plug ins don't need to be done by a group of people. As for the OS, Usgard is compatible with all ZShell, so there isn't any problem there. Bug free programs, maybe. I think working in large groups isn't very good. Every programmer has there own style of coding, so you would have programs with a ton of different coding styles. The only good thing would be the shared variables.
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24 September 1998, 16:37 GMT
Modified "Alliance"
Steve Horne
(Web Page)
I liked the concept someone mentioned of (or at least having a developper's section.) As opposed to having large numbers of people working on programs, however, maybe a section could be made on that developpers' site that would be called Bug Central or something. Basically, it could be a place where people report bugs in calculator programs and other people might offer suggestions on how to fix the code. This way, the author would be alerted to problems in the code and work-arounds, but would not necessarily be forced to implement these workarounds in someone elses' style. Basically this would really just give the authors more awareness of problems in their code. It would still be their responsibility to update the program. Maybe a web page could be made for porting programs and a TiCalc team of volunteers would port different things over to different calculators. Programming info, of course, could be added to the developpers area. It does exist now on TiCalc, but if say, Dux Gregis or Dan Eble pitched in and sent all their info in, it would become a lot more robust. Someone suggested a common database of requested variable names, memory locations, etc. I think that's an excellent idea. Also, if emulation (on calc & off) information such as program compatibility issues were added to the site, it would be pretty neat. But I digress. This solution would encourage and aid programmers in fixing up their programs. It would also serve as a central location from which people could learn assembly. OK, i've been up for 72 hrs now, so forgive my rambling incoherent excuse for a post.
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25 September 1998, 02:27 GMT
Re: Modified "Alliance"
Jonathan Kaus
I think you have the best of the ideas presented here. I mean, an alliance sounds good in theory, but like other people have said, many programmers has a DIRECT correspondence with many bugs. That is the way it is. And, while a standard interface and function set would be good, and there are many merits, like someone else said, when a program doesnt use some of the functions, they just take up valuable space. With the E2, some function switching can occur, using memory swapping, but so far, this is in its development stages with a ways to go (for the ti-85).
So, what this guy said, (the one I am replying to) about the thing idea, is a very good idea. bugs can be reported, ideas for solving them, and the programmer can fix them if he wants, how he wants. A lot of programmers are secretive of there code, and so would probly liek this idea better than just letting everyone have access to it, or whatever. I don't know how this could be exaclty implemented, but it should be tried. Perhaps a section that gives you a list of the programs on ticalc and then under each you can post a bug, or an idea for improvement, a general comment, etc. I don't know how the sysops would want to do this on the server side, but im sure it could be implemented without too much trouble.
Well, this is my humble opinion, which I hope people have ideas about to make it better.
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25 September 1998, 03:59 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Well, this idea is both good and bad, it has some pluses and minuses. I think a part of Ti-Calc or maybe and independent website with some sort of info sharing would be a good idea. In other words a page with diff. subjects concerning different aspects in asm programing and people with ideas on how do improve those aspects. Almost a sort of message board were people can share new idea's and then link to there programs source code. Also if someone included in this page a place were nonprogramers could submit idea's for games that they cannot make, but think that they would be good. Sort of a big online data base with ideas and people communicating with each other and sharing idea's, with chat rooms, message boards, and such. This would be much better then a non-flexable alliance were before you do anything you have to ask everyone else.
Hope someone agree's with me. :)
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25 September 1998, 03:23 GMT
Re: If you want to join, e-mail me
Laine Walker
I'll create a Ti programing alliance, and any one who wants to join should e-mail me. I'll e-mail u back and say ok. Any Ti calc programing experance is welcome.
Laine Walker
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25 September 1998, 05:14 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Kevin Selkowitz
I'm sure that you have all heard the saying "you don't get something for nothing" (or something to that effect). What do you expect of free software? If you want first class bug-free software that does more than one little function you might just have to pay for it. Personally I am sitting on dozens of mind boggling programs for math and science which I haven't released. I'm not crazy enough to give away good free software.
Although I do have plans to release a software site where demos can be downloaded, and you can buy the full versions I personally don't have the time to oversee such a large task. Which leads to the idea of a "publishing house" for software. They pick which programs are good enough, provide the web site, write the help files to go with the program, and other operation tasks. For this the publishing house would get a cut of the cost of the software. Lets face it folks, if you want good software it is worth $3-5.
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25 September 1998, 06:31 GMT
Re: Re: Re: pay?
Ryan Flarity
I'm still not sure that I understand Microsoft's source of revenue, as few of their programs cost end users any money, but as I understand it, they provide programs to the PC makers, which makes the PCs more valuables to consumers, which allows the PC makers to charge more for the PC, and much of that money is passed on to Microsoft. In this system, Microsoft does not have to worry about end users pirating software, since it's free to those users, and the PC makers can't pirate the software because they are too conspicious. If you have a really incredible program that makes a TI-xx much more valuable to TI, you might be able to work out a similar deal. Of course, this would not be very feasible for run of the mill programs that are cool but don't add much value to a TI-xx, but hey, it's worth a shot.
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3 October 1998, 08:01 GMT
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