The TI Programming Alliance
Posted on 23 September 1998
The following text was written by Patrick
Wilson: I don't know about you, but I'm tired of crappy programs. I'm sorry
for being so blunt, but come on... Either you get a crappy program that does one thing good,
a program that does many things well but is buggy, or if your lucky, you get a truly great
program. Sadly, the latter is very rare. It's been proven, teamwork accomplishes more and
better results faster than if the results were from just one person. My point is simple. If
the best programmers for the TI-8X (and TI-92) teamed up in a sort of Alliance, then imagine
the amount and frequency of high-quality programs that would be made. Below are a few ideas
about what this could do to the TI programming community. These are ONLY a few and are not
meant to cover all aspects of creating such an organization. I intend for many responses
with more ideas to be posted and I hope you expand on my ideas in future articles!
Bug free programs If everyone developed together, everyone would know
what everyone else's programs do and conflicts could be eliminated. One way to accomplish
this is to have a web site listing all resources used by all programs and which ones have
been specifically requested by a developer to be for use only with their program since it
might contain volatile information or program specific data. Shared
variables It would be nice when if you enter a game, be it Mario, Vertigo,
Penguins, whatever, you would be greeted by a splash screen with the game title, and your
name. Also, what about other personal information, like registration, if programs got good
enough for shareware. This would also allow for system wide preferences like contrast, text
size, preferred grayscale bit depth, and other things. The Ultimate
OS The 85 is a good example of where this feature is sorely needed. Usgard,
ZShell. They have different programs that will only run on a certain shell. If the alliance
were to make a universal OS that would run all programs, then we would have no need for
porting. Imagine a multitasking OS that would let you run one program while suspending one.
You wouldn't actually have that program open, but it would save the last place or action
that the program was performing. Once you were done, you would open the program again and,
voila! Plug In Architecture This would make programs more
effective. Instead of having a lot of programs, you would only need one called a "Dock" or
plug in dock. One for math, science, and utility plugins. In the long run, you would have
many more programs but the total space taken up by all the programs would be considerably
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Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
here it is!! coment number 1.... it is a sound idea, but a believer in even the most warped forms of logic...I know it'll most likely never happen, and even if it does, who's to say higher quality? all anyone will likely do is bicker amongst themselves.."no this variable" or "no that one!"... you'd need to have far more reliable leadership and what's to stop members from making other games? you'd end up with "renegade" programmers, and everyone will promote them to that status of "cult coolness" well, at least if it exists in the calculating world. And everyone's style of programming is different, and some people have already formed organizations which produce games, to limit to just one would be far too constricting. Would the decisions of the alliance be made democratically? Wiould the members have freedom to do what they please? and if so, how is that any different from what's already happeneing...I think that "Ticalc.Org" needs to step up to this line, create some IRC based chat rooms and try to connect with the calc-users more, they're doing a great job, but we need more involvement... i'd be happy to contribute a few more ideas if anyone is interested, anyway, this is getting long so i'd better go- e-mail me and we might be able to put a few ideas together- everyone- this is how alliances begin.
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24 September 1998, 00:43 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Bryan Thomas
I'm sure that you pat wilson are the best programmer in the world and you have never made a single mistake in your code! The truth is is that not all programs can be made perfect every time. A lot of time goes into every program people make. If you don't like how a program works then write your own. Then at least it would be perfect since you wouldn't have any bugs ever. An Alliance would be a bad idea because it would just slow development down. You have to get everyone to agree on what to program and if someone doesn't like the part that they have to program they won't do the best job they can. Having many seperate parties that make programs is the best way to create the best programs. Call it survival of the fittest.
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24 September 1998, 01:19 GMT
Re: Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
(Web Page)
He's saying that!!! Programs AREN"T totally bugfree because this alliance doesn't exist! I'm not a socialist, but I am pleased with this guy's philosophy. An alliance would indeed be better, and, not only could this put out better assembly programs, but POSSIBLY better BASIC programs as well! Granted, it's slow, and quite huge, but I think that even BASIC could benefit from this.
And, yes, it would be survival of the fittest. but doesn't microsoft have a GREAT BIG company? They pipe programs out a dime a dozen (ok, $80 each, but) and they succeed. Granted, small clubs like id Software made it big, but shan't there be room for both? I say go for it, and if it doesn't work, survival of the fittest may prevail.
The worst that could happen is that more crappy programs make it on the web. What's the big hoot?
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24 September 1998, 19:40 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Jim Smith
For programming Alliance we have Icarius Productions which are Jimmy Mardell, Andrea Ess, Sam Davies, and Matthew Shepcar. They do great work together and port each others games
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24 September 1998, 01:22 GMT
Big Brother
(Web Page)
Quit whining people! a shell with internal routines would just make unused functions and then in result unused memory. And about programs other than games, what is the point? You can do word processing and stuff on your computer. And as for math functions, most are already on your calculator. like the quadratic formula, the POLY command on 86s and 85s does the exact same thing.
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24 September 1998, 02:30 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Chris Spencer
about the ti-85 problem(zshell or usgard) get a freakin' ti-86 and use rascall.
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24 September 1998, 02:35 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Miles Raymond
(Web Page)
There are many problems with creating a TI-Programming Alliance (TPA). As mentioned before, there will be renegade programmers, who will go against the wishes of the TPA, and make their own OS and programs for it. They might be better, and they might not be, but the point is that there will always be competition. And competition is good. Competition is what breeds quality. The programmer always wants his program to be better/faster/whatever than the other programmers' programs.
I also somewhat support the idea. If developers got together and they all aggreed as to how to develop the game, or what to put in it, then an excellent game might be the result. If the programmers in the TPA made compromises in the beginning for whatever reason, then halfway through the project, one programmer might change his mind on his opinion, and try to add something that the other programmers didn't want in there. If a web site such as existed, then the developers and artists could post their qualifications to others. There would be a "team" atmosphere, instead of an "organization" or "company" atmosphere. This is also the problem that contributes to selling software, or making shareware, for the TI-calcs. With the aspect of money, people get greedy, and that's a fact. As long as programs remain freeware, and teams are allowed to assemble to create programs, then your TPA will work just fine.
Everything else you mention is just a part of an OS, which was discussed as being WindowsTI earlier on In fact, the multi-tasking idea is the only thing that wasn't meantioned earlier.
-Miles Raymond
(my (more than) 2¢ worth of opinion)
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24 September 1998, 02:42 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
Initiating a programming alliance, with the guidelines set out in the article could easily be unworkable. For a start people would be dropping in and out as they tired of programming their calcs and moved on to other things. Bug free programs would not necessarily result from an alliance, because even with many programmers working on code, bugs still occur and are more likely to occur because many people make more mistakes, and will not know each other's code as well as their own. (Just look at some of the buggy commercial software out there!)
The ultimate OS, portable and platform independent would be impossible! To run a natie TI-86 App on say a TI-83 due to screen size. Creating a GDI for the calcs would not help either because fast access depends upon being able to _directly_ access the display controler and a GDI would slow things down too much for any fast paced TI Calc game.
Ok that's my half a nibble worth. Programming gurus, and everyone else, let me know what you think... :)
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24 September 1998, 02:59 GMT
Re: Article: "The TI Programming Alliance"
(Web Page)
Well first i would like to say that it outstandingly funny when people get impatient and press the post button twice or more. Anyways, forming an alliance is great idea. It can actually speed up the production if done properly. Programs could be done like a chain story letter. One programmer starts with some idea that ti-calc fans want and just pass it on and let the next evaluate and "proofread" the program and make any necessary changes. This way one programmer won't be stuck with that program forever with a long deadline. Well that's my 50 cents. what's yours?
by the way check out the url above
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24 September 1998, 03:21 GMT
What about when an author releases a program and someone edits it fixing things then sends it to the author and has them look it over then post it as a new version?
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24 September 1998, 03:23 GMT
Good Idea!
(Web Page)
TPA could be to TI-Calcs like Good Housekeeping is to Appliances, with rules and regulations for endorsement such as:
1) No big bugs, If it pulls an ERR6 after ten minutes of play, its a no go
2) Some sort of gore and sexual enuendo limit, probably PG-13
3) Minimum ratings for fun, originality, and speed, No one wants to play Bug Killers V47.2
4) A code reveiw by TPA for repetitive code, to save space
A small seal could be given to the endorsee to put as a screen in the start up or better yet a small logo to put in a corner of their title screen(s). TPA could even be mentioned in the program description here. The TPA site would have to list endorsed programs and alliances cause I know my local programming community would build a faux version quickly to put on their own progs
I know 85,83,82 BASIC HTML and some JavaScript go to web site (no programs distibuted) to see my master peice of Web Art
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