Problems with
Posted by Magnus on 31 October 2002, 10:12 GMT
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Hey! What the f*** happened to my files that i sent?
John Perman
I sent 2 files to on the 3rd, and today is the 8th and my files are not there. WHAT THE F*** IS THEIR PROBLEM?! And if they don't have them on next Monday, Screw this website. They even had an update today. This is so f***ed up.
8 November 2002, 20:48 GMT
Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
Kerm: Damn. If it took you 2 1/2 YEARS to make a 3.89 KB program, I really feel sorry for you.
DoorsXP has some serious bugs. For example, the 'program list with 16 entries' requires you to go in and edit the code yourself, in two separate programs, if you don't just want the 16 programs *you* specified.
Your password program is useless. Once again, people can just hit ON to break the program execution.
The 'SELF-INSTALLING' screen is phony. Here's the source:
Text(10,25,"A TI OS SHELL
Horizontal -10
Horizontal -2
It just increments a number randomly until it hits 40! IT DOES NOTHING!!! surprise!
The same with the LOADING RESOURCES screen! Just a 'for' loop using 'line'!
"Restart". What?? Go to the label at the beginning of the program? DAMMIT! That's NOTHING!!!
Wonderful spelling.
After running the 'shell' on VTI, I came to this conclusion: it's NOT A SHELL. It's a shortcut menu for 16 programs that have to be entered in by hand. and a buggy one at that.
So how about it, Kerm? Your response? ass.
8 November 2002, 21:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
The point isn't that I'm angry at Kerm because I dislike him. The point is that he LIES about what his programs are. He said that this is a shell. ALL it does it launch 16 pre-defined programs from a popup menu! Nothing else! The rest of his code is just a bunch of deceptive graphics stuff.
If someone in junior high/high school/whatever he's in doesn't have the free time to code UNDER 4 BYTES of BASIC code PER DAY (which is what 2.5 years for 3.89 KB means), then how is he EVER going to release an assembly version?
I don't dislike Kerm. I dislike the fact that he LIES about things like this:
1. It didn't take you 2 1/2 years to make. Nobody codes at <5 bytes per day. Even if you were to take a semi-random sampling of what a person wrote by hand in a day, more than 5 bytes of it will compile/run in SOME language. My TI-89 shell (which IS a shell, since it can attempt run ANY file on the calculator of ANY type, with however many arguments are needed) is 7.15 KB. It took me less than TWO WEEKS to write. even if you were to say that you were one-tenth as good a coder as I am, you could have written THIS version of DoorsXP nearly five times over in 2 1/2 years.
2. You shouldn't lie about what your programs really are. Doors XP BASIC isn't a shell, Kerm; it's just a prog launcher. If you were to cut out all the unnecessary code, it would be <1KB. probably <=400 bytes.
3. You need to stop trying to get peoples' hopes up. You tell us that you're working on some wonderful, beautiful program that can do amazing things; and yet, the only sign you give us that you've seriously considered working on it at all is 1) a bit of ASM code that doesn't compile, or 2) a bunch of empty reassurances.
If Kerm would stop trying to convince everyone that Doors XP is so wonderful - when it doesn't even exist yet - I would stop razzing on him. until then, I will continue to say things like this. Because they're true.
9 November 2002, 06:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Problems with
i've been around here for a while. and frankly, free or not, what you do is unacceptable.
These are role models. Stop talking about your upcoming programs, and start learning some assembly. Assembly is very hard to learn. Bullshit is not.
I suggest you apologize if indeed you have fake installation screens in your program. Look at it this way: if you can't improve what is currently on the market (aka if you cannot improve upon the work of Michael Vincent, Joe W., and others like them), then there is no point in releasing a crappy program nobody will want to use. I don't see good programmers like Patrick, Michael, Greg, and Tom bragging about their upcoming programs. Their programs are usually received so well BECAUSE they kept the release low key, but then produced a very HIGH QUALITY product.
STOP PROGRAMMING IN BASIC. IT IS WORTHLESS. Basic is meant to program math functions. NOT shells, graphics, games, etc. These can be infinitely better implemented via assembly.
10 November 2002, 08:28 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
OK, before the flame wars start again, I want to clarify some things on behalf of Kerm. First, it's nice to have role models and the such, but it is not necessary to improve on the works of others to be good. If that was all we did, we wouldn't have too many of the conveniences of modern life that we now take for granted (i.e., computers, electricity, etc.) Second, Kerm IS learning assembly (actually, I think he might already know it). If you had taken the time to read half of the posts on the first page, you would have realized that the PS/2 mouse driver is in assembly. And if you did indeed read those posts, I would have to say that you wouldn't know assembly code if it came up to you and ground you into your constituent atoms. Third, I wouldn't make an extreme comment like BASIC is worthless. That can raise a lot of hell from BASIC advocates, which doesn't contribute much to the community. Finally, what you're doing is only discouraging Kerm from doing what he likes - programming. So what if he writes programs that nobody likes (not saying that's true, just an example) at least he's doing SOMETHING. Instead of joining a street gang or participating in crime, Kerm is doing something constructive - programming. And you know what? He might just program something that will allow him to join the ranks of Michael Vincent, Patrick Davidson, Thomas N. and the others. So do everybody a favor and don't flame Kerm.
And I probably seem like Kerm's lawyer. I haven't been asked by him to represent him, but heck, I'll do it anyway.
10 November 2002, 09:49 GMT
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