Problems with
Posted by Magnus on 31 October 2002, 10:12 GMT
Due to a misconfiguration, mail to has been bouncing for several hours. Downtime started at approx 18:15 local time yesterday, and were fixed at around 09:45 the following morning. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.
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Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
Ooh...that sounds just like the time I (tried to)subscribed myself to the HTML newsletter.......
But I didn't do it!
31 October 2002, 23:28 GMT
Usually, it's not a good idea to put a 'shutdown -r now' in crond.hourly :)
1 November 2002, 01:01 GMT
Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
Well, I've made a rather interesting discovery.
In TIGCC, if you use the function push_parse_text, and pass as arguments any *executable* text (e.g. push_parse_text("1337->x"), where -> is the store symbol), it EXECUTES the code when you view the return variable, rather than just parsing functions. In other words, in the example I gave, the variable x would be CREATED when the return variable is typed on the home screen.
I'm using this in the next version of MLib. To clear things up:
mlib("execute","3|>bin") (|> is an approximation of the conversion symbol)
will create the variable 'ml', as usual. However, when you type 'ml'<enter> on the home screen, rather than get a list of the results, {0h11} will be stored in the list!!
if the code was
push_parse_text("Define haha(x)=Func:Return \"Hey Kerm, I Banged Your Mom!\":EndFunc")
then, when you type 'ml'<enter> on the home screen, you will get a "Non-algebraic variable in expression" error, but the function haha, taking a single argument, returning the string "Hey Kerm, I Banged Your Mom!" will be CREATED.
Two new functions have been added that do this:
1. mlib("execute",code_string) will execute the code in code_string
2. mlib("executeall", code_string_1, code_string_2, code_string_3, ..., code_string_n) will consider EVERY argument to be code, and execute them all.
Look for MLib version 2.05 soon! Other new features include reading a byte or bytes from files, finding the dimensions of a picture, placing a sprite anywhere on the screen, determining whether the calculator is hardware 1 or 2, and finding the battery level on a scale of 1 to 6.
2 November 2002, 08:45 GMT
Re: Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
What's all this about banging Kerm's mom? ;-)
That code is a bit too advanced for me, but speaking of programming, I spent some time on Kill Bin Laden today! Now I have the title screen, the first "mission", and I FINALLY got my graphics to work in grayscale.
Sprite32(x, y, height, my_sprite, GetPlane(0), SPRT_XOR);//YAY!
2 November 2002, 22:41 GMT
My program isn't in the "Recent Updates"
Gilles WEBER
I sent a program called "Chat 3.0", which is a TI-89 BASIC Misc. program on Monday, and it isn't the list yet!
Have you receive my progs ?
If not, mail-me please why it isn't in the List
(In french please, because my English is limited)
2 November 2002, 19:05 GMT
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