Problems with
Posted by Magnus on 31 October 2002, 10:12 GMT
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Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
w00t! 4th Post!
C00l, i was wondering what was wrong with the server...
Also, it was about time there was some new news!
31 October 2002, 14:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
My comment from archives/news/ articles/7/74/74074.html?p=3
Still, some things aren't right:
; Funny code starts
ld a,d
cp 16d
jp m,MOUSE_LEFT ; what the f...?
ld a,d
cp ; Yeah........
ld a,(mse_x)
dec a
; Rest of code
And I haven't even started searching...
It looks cute though. Aren't these...
; More code
ld a,11d
ld a,b
call _IO_EXEC
ld a,22d
call _IO_EXEC
; End of more code
...the internal linking routines provided by Ti? Hardly usefull for sending a byte from one calc to another, so how and why should a PS/2 mouse understand the Ti protocol?
Anyway, who am I to criticize? I havent actually tested it...
7 November 2002, 15:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
Playing WAV files is quite simple:
I use a program called wav2db. This converts the sound to a string of .db statements, like:
.db FFh,0Ch,81h,...
Imagime a wav file with a bit like this:
This would be turned to binary like:
or something.
All you need to do is output it through the link port.
ld hl,(SoundPos)
ld a,(hl)
bit 7,a
cp 0
call z,PortLow
call nz,PortHigh
bit 6,a
cp 0....
So every bit sets the port high/low. Cunning, eh? Well, look at my demo to see it in action.
6 November 2002, 12:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
Yes! I have got it to play wav files whilst other stuff is processing! Neat... uh... maybe not...
You see, I designed a demo of this to be a media-player thingy with a play, stop and pause button. When playing, a piece of guitar music loops in the background. Using a mouse pointer (and cursor keys, NOT A REAL MOUSE) you then click on the buttons to stop, pause and play the sound. Great. However, two problems:
1) The processor-intensive mouse code means that as the mouse pointer is being moved the sound gets completely trashed. It sounds like a sort of feeble clicking.
2) As a key is held down, the battery power is drained slightly. This reduction in power means that the RC circuit used to time the execution of instructions in the z80 is slowed down- so the sound drops about a quarter to half a tone.
However, for a simple 'getcsc' instruction or two, the 'background sound' routine should suffice.
I will not release a demo yet though as I would like to see if I could get the sound timing a little better (and not completely mashed).
11 November 2002, 09:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Problems with
(Web Page)
Ok, hold on......gotta find my it is!
* Survivor music plays *
Ahem....well, _no_one_2000_`, it seems that you have been voted off by the majority of the people on TI-Calc.
First of all, Identiy Theft is a major crime. Not only does it give you the credit of coming up with the idea of being a _no_one_, but now _no_one_ is PO'd at you! I'd be running, if I were you! I mean come on, even PolarDPres is on my side! (If I remember correctly (which I probably don't), he was after me in the last news article.)
Anyway, either get off TI-Calc or stop posting ridiculous messages.
Accoring to my Rules of Engagement, if you disagree, I will be first send messages to your IP that suggest you comply. If you do not I will be forced to board.
By the way, having the Message Board Cop on your IP trail is not good.
Let's have NO MORE Identity Theft, please.
MBC over and out!
3 November 2002, 04:09 GMT
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