Virtual TI breaks quarter mil
Posted by Magnus on 15 September 2002, 10:25 GMT
Virtual TI, our top downloaded program of all time, has broken through a quarter of a million downloads! At the statistics count last night, it ended up at 250,009 downloads. A big congratulations to the author Rusty Wagner - keep up the good work! Footnote: The second placed program, W32Tran8x, has yet to reach 100,000. For full statistics, check our download statistics.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Virtual TI breaks quarter mil
(Web Page)
I hate to be off-topic (again), but does anyone have any clue why the TI-89's 'Text' command accepts up to four arguments when all it does is display a string in a dialog box??
20 September 2002, 21:43 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Virtual TI breaks quarter mil
(Web Page)
Maybe it's me, but this isn't working. At all.
I typed:
(in program moo())
Title "!"
Request "",x
DropDown "",{"1","2","3"},y
Text "Hello","World!","","Foo:Bar"
and again I get "ERROR: Invalid in Dialog..EndDlog block"
What's up with that?
25 September 2002, 18:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Virtual TI breaks quarter mil
He previously said that it doesn't work in a dialogbox construct. Try it alone, with the EXACT same code that he used.
Never mind, I got it also, with his exact code, on my HW2 TI-89 with AMS 2.08. (program named 'foo', main folder, with dialogbox construct.) With no dialogbox construct, displays only a blank textbox with text "Hello,". Having three args (last two numeric: 0,5) does not change anything.
6 October 2002, 02:02 GMT
Re: Virtual TI breaks quarter mil
(Web Page)
Everyone, w00t! is dead, alomg with PARADE!, PYRAMID!, and SKREEEEEEEEEEEEE!. So stop using them. Time to move on.
22 September 2002, 00:51 GMT
Funny convo. I'm bored.
(Web Page)
*** Auto-response from monkeyforx: Girlfriend on the phone. No talky-talky.
RCTParRoThEaD: tell her i said thanks
monkeyforx: I will fucking kill you if you ever say that again
RCTParRoThEaD: lol
22 September 2002, 06:36 GMT
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