Virtual TI breaks quarter mil
Posted by Magnus on 15 September 2002, 10:25 GMT
Virtual TI, our top downloaded program of all time, has broken through a quarter of a million downloads! At the statistics count last night, it ended up at 250,009 downloads. A big congratulations to the author Rusty Wagner - keep up the good work! Footnote: The second placed program, W32Tran8x, has yet to reach 100,000. For full statistics, check our download statistics.
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Re: Virtual TI breaks quarter mil
Rusty did an EXCELLENT job with VTI... too bad he's no longer working on it, because VTI does need a little extra work. I can't even use the debugger's address logging feature or whatever it's called because VTI either crashes or freezes every time I try to do so. Not to mention the other crashes I've encountered with it, like sometimes when switching skins or calculators.
Still, it beats having to send your program to the actual calc every time, especially since my main computer (laptop) doesn't even have serial ports! (Can't believe Toshiba would be that dumb...)
15 September 2002, 19:23 GMT
Calc Boys
Speaking of popular downloads, I noticed that the recently released Super Smash Brothers Melee for the TI-83 Plus is the most popular download this week. Of course I decided to download it immediately, but I was disappointed to find that there was no readme enclosed. I cannot figure out how to make it run. It was posted as a TI-83 Plus asm game, but it does not show up in mirage and will not work if I try to run any of the enclosed progs from the homescreen with Asm(prgmPRGNAME. Please help.
Also, I heard a rumor from a math teacher that TI was going to stop production of the TI-83. Anyone know anythng about this?
15 September 2002, 20:39 GMT

Re: Re: Questions
(Web Page)
or we could just burn the program, it sucks, not that u can really burn software, i was just figuratively speaking.
Kudos to the designer of the Radical Software Website, it looks really nice.
Why have they taken good post off of the last news article, but other stupid post haven't ever been removed, like the mac vs. PC argument, that was good, but one of my own stupid post, noobs sounds like boobs, is still there?
17 September 2002, 21:22 GMT
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