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Re: Re: Re: Re: TIGCC v0.93 Released
David Phillips
(Web Page)
Is it not subclassed from TCustomMemo? TSyntaxMemo is, and as such, uses TStrings for everything. That might be something to look into. Or just realize that you wrote a lot of code, learned some important stuff, had fun, and switch to TSyntaxMemo, and possibly help contribute to it's development :) That control does everything you could possibly want, including syntax highlighting, spell checking, completion (intellisense), etc. It's quite cool. There's nothing wrong with abandoning something you've written, when you find a better way of doing it, or find something that better suites your needs. And I really wish one of my coworkers could understand that fact... Not Invented Here (NIH) syndrome is a very bad thing.
19 February 2002, 06:21 GMT
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