The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TIGCC v0.93 Released
(Web Page)
A few months ago, I posed an interesting ethical question: Is it all right to write a virus, if it's only for educational purposes?
Most of you seemed to agree with me that it was. Now, I have another question:
If a virus is annoying and potentially harmful, but cannot be spread, then what's the point?
13 February 2002, 00:41 GMT
Re: Re: Re: TIGCC v0.93 Released
No, you are wrong. For a program to be a "virus," all it needs to do is replicate itself. It does not need to spread to other computers, and the original virii were written by some college students as a contest. They would put them on a hard drive, let them loose, and see whose won.
As for the news item, I think it would be cool if someone made a version of this that could write code for the 86, 85, 83, etc.
On a totaly unrelated item, I recently got an HP-49 (~45% rebate, so it cost ~$90), and I find it easier to learn and more versital than the 89. It is a bit slower, though. Anyone who wants to argue with me, flame me, etc., please use E-Mail and do not send me juvenile trash (eg. "HP sux!! TI rulez!!")
2^8th post! w00t!
19 February 2002, 17:07 GMT
Re: TIGCC v0.93 Released
(Web Page)
Wow Nathan, you deleted the posts, but you forgot to resed the page numbers, now theres 3 empty pages of posts, and the total number is still in the 200's...LOL Anyhoo fzara warned me that you were going to clear them on friday, giving me amptle time to make a backup of the page, close to 900kb...Agh memories....AWwWwWwWwWwW()O()O ()O()OooOOoOOoOoOoo ;=)
14 February 2002, 14:18 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TIGCC v0.93 Released
I ain't never punched a tourist, even if he deserved it
an Amish with a 'tude, you know that's undheard of
I never wear buttons, but I got a cool hat,
and my hommies agree, I really look good in black, fool!
If you come to visit, you'd be bored to tears,
we haven't even payed the phonebill in 300 years
but we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare,
we're just technogically impaired
There's no phone, no light, no motorcar,
not a single luxury.
Like Robinson Carusoe, It's as primitive as can be...
17 February 2002, 18:01 GMT
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