TI-84 Plus OS v2.40 Released
Posted by Michael on 28 January 2006, 21:58 GMT
TI has released v2.40 of its operating system for the TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus Silver Edition. They have again neglected to provide any description of new features or bug fixes in this version. However, it has been discovered that pressing Left+Right+On while the 84+ is off enters into a restricted mode designed for teachers to restrict calculators during tests.
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TI-84 Plus OS v2.40 w/ Omnicalc
Well guys, i'm sad to report that even with the Virtual Calculator feature enabled on Omnicalc, the OS still blocks it from being used.
Maybe..... we'll get an Omnicalc upgrade that allows us to beat the OS.
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1 March 2006, 22:38 GMT
Re: TI-84 Plus OS v2.40 Released
Yeah, I just updated to 2.40 and the lockout feature sucks. If anyone knows it's there they can lock you out until you find a friend to send you a file. Also, I heard it was on 2.30 also, but I remeber trying it out and it did not work. If anyone still has 2.30 could you confirm this? Also, for 2.30 users I remember if you pressed prgm twice you would get a secret menu or something. On 2.40 this is not there.
One last question: Is there a place they still give out v. 2.30?
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9 March 2006, 17:52 GMT
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