GB68k: Gameboy Emulator for 68k Calcs
Posted by Michael on 13 May 2005, 17:12 GMT
The idea has been floating around for years, but Ben Ingram is now the first person to implement a Nintendo Gameboy emulator that runs on the 89, 92+, and Voyage 200. GB68k is still under development, but so far features partial emulation of the Gameboy and its features, enough to get some games to work. I'm not very familiar with the innards of a Gameboy, but the readme lists specifically what is not yet emulated (things such as "Real time clock on MBC3" and "Sprite priority behind background layer"). This wonderful program reminds me of Tezxas, the ZX Spectrum emulator.
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Re: GB68k: Gameboy Emulator for 68k Calcs
(Web Page)
Sounds like a cool program.
I was just wondering...
Instead of emulating GB on a calc... Why not emulate a calc on a GB?
I realize the problems with not enough buttons, but wouldn't you say that most kids going into highschool (colledge?)nowadays have some sort of portable gaming device (or an old one they don't use), and instead of paying so much for a calulator, just buy a new gaming chip (but its a calculator emulator?)?
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14 May 2005, 00:33 GMT
Re: GB68k: Gameboy Emulator for 68k Calcs
Andy Janata
(Web Page)
Wow, this is PATHETIC. You're two and a half weeks late. See link above. ( cgi-bin/threaded.cgi?id=548)
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14 May 2005, 00:44 GMT
Re: GB68k: Gameboy Emulator for 68k Calcs
(Web Page)
I have a problem. I run a PC w/ Win XP Professional, and the .exe file that supposed to process and compress GB ROM's opens and then closes. I guess it's not compatible with this particular version of the OS, or maybe my system's corrupt.
Anywho, could someone help a brother out and send me some converted ROM's for the TI-89 to ? Thanks a lot! This looks like an awesome program, and I am sad that I'm missing out on it :(
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14 May 2005, 01:54 GMT
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