Astrosmash v0.90 Released
Posted by Michael on 2 May 2005, 05:33 GMT
Dave Randall, author of International Karate, has created a remake of a classic videogame. Astrosmash was originally created in 1981 for the Intellivision console. This version for the 89 features the same play as the original: Defend your laser battery from attacking aliens, meteors, and missiles. The original game was extremely addictive, and this calculator version should be no different.
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Re: Astrosmash v0.90 Released
Looks great, only... well, I have the same gripe I had with Int. Karate- it's not ppg compressed, which would probably allow it to take up like half as much space on the calculator... if that could be implemented, then these two games would be even better than before! (Maybe Int. Karate could even fit in one file)
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2 May 2005, 06:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Astrosmash v0.90 Released
Lionel Debroux
(Web Page)
When optimizing for size, GCC 4.0.0 usually does indeed better than previous versions. When optimizing for speed (-O2 and -O3), GCC 4.0.0 is somewhat an extremist, to the point that I've been forced to lower the -Ox settings on TI-Chess.
I'm going to make two different versions, one being optimized for size and the other one for speed, to let users see if the small version is too slow, or the fast version is not faster enough compared to the small version...
Still, the code is often far from optimal, and worse, it is hack-ish and hard, even often usuccessful, to force it to generate the code you want instead of the crap it thinks good ! Even Kevin doesn't manage to do that.
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9 May 2005, 10:11 GMT
Re: Astrosmash v0.90 Released
I love the remakes of old games for TI calculators. This was an excellent game to remake. Nice going!
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2 May 2005, 10:45 GMT
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