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Astrosmash v0.92


Ranked as 5324 on our all-time top downloads list with 6902 downloads.
Ranked as 18221 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 347 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.07.

Filename astrosmash.zip (Download)
Title Astrosmash v0.92
Description The sky IS falling! Chicken Little was right! You're the laser battery Commander and HERE THEY COME!...an attack of multicolored meteors with an occasional spinning bomb that will blow up one of your guns if you let it land, AND — to really make life interesting, some guided missiles and an Attack UFO! As your score goes higher, so does the excitement! New in this version: load game, save game, about game screen, hyperspace no longer repeats, bug fix when getting new base.
Author David Randall (drandall99@charter.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Shooters)
File Size 741,993 bytes
File Date and Time Mon May 9 22:33:19 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  TI Freakware
Reviewed on 2008-06-18
Originality - 8/10

Functionability - 14/15

Graphics - 5/5

Titlescreen/intro - 4/5

Readme - 13/15

Replayability - 9/10

Bonus - 3/0

TOTAL - 56/60

TiCalc - 9/10

Well, this is an interesting remake of the original Astromash, made back in the day. You are the mobile cannon on Earth defending against such enemies as falling asteroids, bigger falling asteroids, homing missiles trained on you, bombs, and even UFOs. The only problem I have is with this flashy title screen. Granted, it looks cool, but gives me a headache after lookin at it for a while.

The gameplay is very smooth and runs very well. The more points you rack up, the harder and faster the game gets. As a matter of fact, one session can last a pretty long time, if you're good. It really should be ported to V200 and Ti-92+, it's worth it ;-)

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
asmash_animated.gif   173061
asmash_game.gif   919
asmash_title.gif   1087
readme.txt   6274
UltimaV_Preview.gif   591154
original_asmashGame.png   1406
original_asmashTitle.png   1620
asmash.89z   15063

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