Joey Gannon Causes Car Wreck
Posted by Michael on 30 June 2004, 05:17 GMT
Yesterday a somber event struck the TI community, as one visitor has been critically injured in a tragic car accident.
Carey Gutmann was driving to a summer job interview and reading driving directions with Joey's Map2Go 68k utility (Map2Go converts Mapquest driving directions into 68k eBooks). Washington D.C. police say that at some point, Carey became distracted and lost control of his 1986 Yugo, skidding across four lanes before colliding with a potato chip truck. At last report, Carey was hospitalized and listed in critical condition. The driver of the truck was not injured.
Grant Wood, deputy sheriff, reported: "We believe at one point [Carey] pressed the wrong button and became enraptured with his TI-89 while attempting to view the directions."
Other drivers who witnessed the accident reported a series of loud sounds as hundreds of bags of individually packed, not-for-resale potato chips exploded in unison. "I thought terrorists were attacking us. I pulled off the road and put my head down under the steering wheel," exclaimed Joy Racine, a local businesswoman. When informed that the noise in question was actually the sound of a hydrogenated fast food staple, she said, "That's a shame. Potato chips are so American - they go with hamburgers and apple pie, you know? This Joey Gannon kid must be a terrorist for plotting this. America'll get him."
Attorney General John Ashcroft has not yet decided on whether the government will charge Joey on any of the charges under consideration, including aiding and abetting terrorist activities.
We wish the best of luck to Carey in his recovery. As for Joey, he should have included a disclaimer of liability with his software.
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Re: Joey Gannon Causes Car Wreck
Grant Wood, deputy sheriff, reported: "We believe at one point [Carey] pressed the wrong button and became enraptured with his TI-89 while attempting to view the directions."
lol as if a sheriff knew what a ti89 was yeah nice fake article for presenting a program
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30 June 2004, 07:43 GMT
Re: Joey Gannon Causes Car Wreck
Spencer Dubya
(Web Page)
I've been trying to submit a news article for weeks, and they'd rather put THIS on the front page?!
Anyway, I wish him the best of luck. If only he was using an 84 instead of an 89...
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30 June 2004, 08:04 GMT
Re: Joey Gannon Causes Car Wreck
(Web Page)
When I first read this headline, I thought they were going to try to tell me that Joey died again. ;)
(Those of you who frequent #tcpa ought to know what I'm referring to.)
<JMan_> jgannon died again?
<aardvarq> Yes. He was in Japan when it sank.
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30 June 2004, 14:17 GMT
Not something to joke about-pt1
This is not even funny. Distracted Driving has become a huge problem in the US. Mostly, Distracted Driving talking about cell phone use. But there are a few other things that are also considered distracted driving. Like putting on make-up, reading a map, shaving, eating, tuning your radio, lighting a cigarette, electronic navigation systems(TI-Map2Go), or anything else that takes your mind (or eyes) off the road. Even talking to a passenger can be considered distracted driving.
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30 June 2004, 14:32 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Not something to joke about-pt4
Approximately 42% of all accidents and 58% of fatal accidents occur at night or during other degraded visibility conditions, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration accident statistics. These 2.8 million annual police reported accidents, including 23,000 fatal crashes, represent accidents in which visibility may be a contributing factor. So please, especially at night, pay attention to the road and not that hamburger.
Never read while driving! If you don't know where you're going, please stop and look at the map(Once again-Map2Go). Know exactly where you are going before you leave. One minute stopped is better than ten minutes of driving around trying to find something. I've even heard of drivers using the bathroom while driving. If you really have to go, please stop for one minute. One minute isn't going to kill you, but trying to save one might.
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30 June 2004, 14:34 GMT
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