TI-82 and TI-83 in New Case
Posted by Nathan on 29 April 1999, 09:39 GMT
The images on Texas Intrument's TI-82 Product Information Page now shows the calculator in a new case similar to the TI-89's case with wider, rounder buttons, and the new high-contrast LCD screen. Texas Instruments gives the following reason for the new cases: The slightly different look of the popular TI-82 and TI-83 graphing calculators is in response to the very positive educator reaction to the design, display viewability and rugged construction of the new TI-73 middle grades graphing calculator. Appearance changes to the TI-83 are limited to rounder key shapes and a raised display. The TI-82 change is more dramatic, as the product looks much rounder than the original boxy style. The key shapes for the TI-82 are also rounded. Source: Texas Instruments
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-82 in New Case
what about the ti-85 though?
28 April 1999, 09:50 GMT
Re: TI-82 in New Case
Yes, but it's still only a TI-82.
28 April 1999, 12:13 GMT
Re: TI-82 in New Case
Bryan Rabeler
(Web Page)
Interesting - but why would TI fix up an old calculator? The TI-83(+) almost makes the 82 obsolete.
28 April 1999, 12:25 GMT

Re: Re: TI-82 in New Case
First off, it's cheaper, so those that want something decent for less can get something...second, you'd be surprised how sometimes putting old technology in a new, prettier box can work out...the Game Boy Pocket is an excellent example of this type of marketing. Besides, what does TI really have to lose? They practically have a monopoly on the calc market, so they probably have the extra time and $ to throw around in these little "experiments"...I'll bet that if the new case doesn't sell in a decent fashion, it'll disappear quicker than donuts left in a coffee room on a Monday. So, basically, I suppose my response, in summary, to why TI would do this...is, well, "why not?"
29 April 1999, 01:02 GMT
Re: TI-82 in New Case
Why TI? Why? The 82 is obsolete! The 83 is a lot better at about the same price, and you can get a TI83+ at about $10-$15 more than the 82. The redesign is pointless. They should simply discontinue making the 82, IMO.
28 April 1999, 13:37 GMT
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